Vista的DWM桌面赋予程序开发员无限的想象力,Virtual Desktop Manager正是其中的一例,该软件可以实现虚拟桌面,并生成缩略图预览,这样您就可以将Vista改装成类似于Linux的桌面环境.
      这一版本同时支持Windows XP,但这样就没有DWM带来的各种效果了,本次更新带来了一些新功能和性能提升。安装文件可以从这里下载:Vista_XP Virtual Desktop Manager.msi 
      Features 如下:
      1. Full screen desktop/window manager/preview with full drag and drop managing
      2. Desktop switch indicator
      3. An infinite number of desktops
      4. Watch the windows move in real time as you drag them around in the window manager
      5. Multiple monitor support
      6. Window menus
      7. Tray icons for each desktop
      8. Per-desktop backgrounds
      9. Configurable colors, fade speeds, hotkeys, etc.
      10. Uses Vista's live thumbnails
      11. XP support

      Windows Key + Z - 全频切换
      Windows Key + W - Pop up the window menu for the active window
      Windows Key + Numpad 1...9 - Switch to the corresponding desktop, if it exists
      Windows Key + Arrow Keys - Move to the corresponding desktop
      Windows Key + Control + Numpad 1...9 - Send the foreground window to the corresponding desktop
      Windows Key + Control + Arrow Keys - Send the foreground window to the corresponding desktop

posted on 2008-09-02 22:49  freehand  阅读(606)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报