1 procedure solve; 2 var k,i,ff,x:longint; 3 begin 4 readln(k); 5 for i:=1 to k do 6 begin 7 read(h[i]);bo[h[i]]:=true; 8 end; 9 qsort(1,k); 10 top:=1;st[top]:=1;ttt:=0; 11 for i:=1 to k do 12 begin 13 x:=h[i]; 14 if x=st[top] then continue; 15 ff:=lca(x,st[top]); 16 while (dep[ff]<dep[st[top-1]])and(top>1) do 17 begin 18 add2(st[top-1],st[top]); 19 dec(top); 20 end; 21 if ff<>st[top] then add2(ff,st[top]); 22 if st[top-1]<>ff then st[top]:=ff else dec(top); 23 inc(top);st[top]:=x; 24 end; 25 while top>1 do 26 begin 27 add2(st[top-1],st[top]); 28 dec(top); 29 end; 30 for i:=1 to k do bo[h[i]]:=false; 31 end;