710. Random Pick with Blacklist - LeetCode


710. Random Pick with Blacklist



  1. 在[0,N)范围
  2. 不在blacklist内
  3. 要随机

思路:构造一个集合M,该M是 [0,N) - blacklist 的一个集合,调用pick时,返回[0,M)的一个随机数并根据这个随机数从集合M中取数即可。


class Solution {
    int M;
    Map<Integer, Integer> map;
    Random r;
    public Solution(int N, int[] blacklist) {
        M = N - blacklist.length;
        map = new HashMap<>();
        r = new Random();
        for (int tmp : blacklist) {
            map.put(tmp, -1);
        for (int tmp : blacklist) {
            if (tmp < M) {
                while (map.containsKey(N-1)) {
                map.put(tmp, --N);

    public int pick() {
        // random in [0,N) not in blacklist
        int p = r.nextInt(M);
        if (map.containsKey(p)) return map.get(p);
        return p;

 * Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Solution obj = new Solution(N, blacklist);
 * int param_1 = obj.pick();
posted @ 2018-07-13 16:30  okokabcd  阅读(253)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报