
[1] C. Nebut. Requirements by Contracts allow Automated System Testing. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE’03) 1071-9458/03 $ 17.00 © 2003 IEEE

1.            关注于如何合并多个用例。

2.            Requirement-based testing

3.            流程图。 (1)部分采用作者定义的契约语言来描述用例之间的pre/post condition关系.Interpreter读入描述用例关系的文件产生UCTS(Use Case Transition System)模型.  


4.            (2)采用有限状态机进行表示。

几种标准(待研究)All Edges criterionAll Vertices criterionAll Instantiated Use Cases criterionAll Vertices And All Instantiated Use cases criterionAll Precondition Terms criterion, Robustness criterion



[2] Falk Fraikin, Thomas Leonhardt. SeDiTeC - Testing Based on Sequence Diagrams. Proceedings of the 17 th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’02) 1527-1366/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE

1.            关注于如何采用顺序图来表示测试流程。

2.            该文描述了如何生成适合测试的顺序图,以及采用SeDiTeC作为Togetcher的插件导入顺序图并生成test stub进行测试。

3.            作为可以进行测试的顺序图,需要具有几个条件(2.1 Testable sequence diagrams)。最终的可测试的顺序图要经过精化,采用最终设计模型里面的classmethod来表示。最后还有一个需要考虑的问题是对象的初始状态。由于顺序图具有的半形式化的特性,设计人员可以选择不同的抽象程度(i.e. 设计人员可以决定哪些类型可以出现在图中)来对顺序图建模。

4.            While a test is executed, SeDiTeC internally stores all objects that are part of the executed test case in a table. This includes all objects of all diagrams that make up the combined SD plus all objects that are passed between objects as parameters or return values

5.            SeDiTeC的主要作用是读入顺序图,然后生成指定classtest stub程序。

6.            JUnit相比,SeDiTeC更加关注的是对象之间的交互,而且对于顺序图表示的关系,使用JUnit的效率相对来说比较低。



[3] A. Salah et al.. Formal Composition of Distributed Scenarios. D. de Frutos-Escrig and M. Núñez (Eds.): FORTE 2004, LNCS 3235, pp. 213-228, 2004. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2004

1.            关注于在分布式环境下单个用例的流程。

2.            该文描述一种在分布式环境下,用形式化综合用例场景的方法。

3.            本文采用了MSC(Message sequence chart)来描述分布式对象之间的交互信息,所以对MSC进行了形式化的定义, MSC as a structure (I, SE, RE, r, L, p, <D , <m)。具体在Section 2

4.            Use Case采用树的方式来进行形式化定义。A use case Γ is a tree Γ=<Id,M,Mstart,Parent>.

5.            Use Case进行形式化定义之后,需要给UC加上状态的修饰。for each message three declarative attributes: a partial pre-condition, a partial post-condition, and an extension point

6.            最后,从decorated use case进行综合。分为3个步骤。1) transforming use cases into a canonical form 2) synthesizing a global finite state machine (GFSM) from the canonical form of all use cases, 3) deriving from the GFSM a communicating FSM for each object in the system.


7.            本文采用了STRIPS方法。we adopt the STRIPS strategy to deal with the frame problem and assume all that is not explicitly changed by an action remains unchanged


R. Fikes and N. J. Nilsson, "STRIPS: A New Approach to the Application of Theorem Proving to roblem Solving," Artif. Intell., vol. 2, pp. 189-208, 1971.



[4] Sebastian Elbaum et al.. ImprovingWeb Application Testing with User Session Data. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’03) 0270-5257/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE

1.            针对web应用程序使用变换快和web应用程序经历的维护率比一般的软件要高的特点,本文提出了使用User Session数据来提高测试精度的方法。

2.            传统的web应用的测试方法包括对协议一致性,负载,坏链接等,但是没有直接关于功能性需求的测试。最近,关于功能性需求的测试是采用白盒测试的方法,深入到代码里面进行测试用例的编写。

3.           本文所描述的几种web测试方法。





Simplest Ricca and Tonella implementation

White box


WB-1 with boundary values

White box


Replay captured user sessions



Combine interactions from different user sessions



Insert user session values into WB-1




C. Liu, D. Kung, P. Hsia, and C. Hsu. Structural testing of web applications. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 84–96, Oct. 2000.

F. Ricca and P. Tonella. Analysis and testing of web applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 25–34, May 2001.


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