11 2007 档案
摘要:3DXI是3DMax提供给游戏开发者的一套数据读取接口,之前它被称作为IGame。 最近一直在搞Ogre的插件 相关的文档都很少 我相信搞这个的人很多,但是有时间整理拿出来共享的资料实在是太少 Ogre自带的maxExplorer只是xml格式,二进制数据的导出竟然未完成,汗一个 Lexi的搞得很复杂,还绑上了Ogre本身,通过Ogre的mesh接口导出,阅读和使用上很麻烦 我的方法很土 用o...
摘要:After many announcements, Microsoft has finally released Visual Studio 2008 with over 250 new features and improvements. It includes Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++ and Visual Web Developer. Furth...
摘要:NVIDIA PerfHUD is a powerful real-time performance analysis tool for Direct3D applications. PerfHUD is widely used by the world's best game developers (see screenshots and testimonials). PerfHUD 5....