It's been almost 3 months since the last maintenance release of the Azathoth branch, so here we are again with a bugfixing release for those on the stable version. You can, as always, download everyth... 阅读全文
http://complement.sourceforge.net/compare.pdf This article present comparison of strings (and some iostreams features) implementation in STLport (v. 5.0.1) and libstd++. This tests also can help to a... 阅读全文
据外电报道,日本任天堂公司总裁日前对媒体表示,新一代的Revolution视频游戏机有望在今年感恩节前在美国上市,此外,一款样机将参加5月份在洛杉矶举行的E3电子展会。 任天堂总裁Satoru Iwata在接受日本《产经新闻》采访时否认了有关Revolution游戏机可能无法在年内上市的传言。他表示Revolution将在圣诞季到来之前推出。 Satoru Iwata说:... 阅读全文
Xbox360已与12月10日在日本首发,日前,根据日本调查公司的统计,Xbox360的首周销量仅为41817台。充分显示了Xbox360在日本疲软的销售态势,在被公布的数据中还有自1998年DC开始至今的所有主流游戏平台的首周销售额,微软的Xbox360名列榜尾。 下面就有我们来为大家列出各大主机的首周销量。 1.SEGA的Dreamcast,1998年11月27日(周五)发售,首周共3... 阅读全文
A report published by Merrill Lynch, late last week, says that the PS3 may be delayed until as late as 2007.The report concludes that Sony's decision to use cell architecture and the high costs to mak... 阅读全文