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jqgrid - icons not displaying - version issue?

Posted on 2012-09-03 13:57  oilsun  阅读(323)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

1 down vote accepted

There are some small problems which follow to the problem.

The first problem. You should move the lines where you call navGrid and gridResize inside of success handler. So the navigator and the resizing element of the grid will be created after ther grid will be created.

You uses recordpos: 'left' which place the text like "View 1-2 of 4" which are typically of the right part of the pager on the left part. Then you called navGrid with any additional option. So the position: 'left' will be used per default. If the case the navigator bar will be placed under the text like "View 1-2 of 4" and one will don't see the navigator icons.

You can fix the problem in two ways. Either you can use position: 'right' option


In the case one will receive the demo:

enter image description here

or you can remove fix height of the pager with the code


see another demo:

enter image description here

One more option is just remove recordpos: 'left' option and receive the standard navigator and pager layout (see here):

enter image description here

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