Function CountByYellow(rng As Range) As Long Dim rngCell As Range Dim lngCnt As Long Application.Volatile lngCnt = 0 If Not rng Is Nothing Then For Each rngCell In rng With rngCell If .Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then lngCnt = lngCnt + .Value End If End With Next End If CountByYellow = lngCnt End Function
Function SumByColor(rng As Range, Color As Long) As Long Dim rngCell As Range Dim lngCnt As Long Application.Volatile lngCnt = 0 If Not rng Is Nothing Then For Each rngCell In rng With rngCell If .Interior.ColorIndex = Color Then lngCnt = lngCnt + .Value End If End With Next End If SumByColor = lngCnt End Function
Function ConcatText(arr) Dim MyStr As String Dim MyCell As Range MyStr = "" For Each MyCell In arr MyStr = MyStr & MyCell Next ConcatText = MyStr End Function
模拟TextJoin函数(无是否忽略空单元格的功能 )
Function ConcatText(delimiter As String, arr) Dim MyStr As String Dim MyCell As Range MyStr = "" For Each MyCell In arr MyStr = MyStr & delimiter & MyCell Next ConcatText = Mid(MyStr, Len(delimiter) + 1, 99) End Function
Function GetNumber(pStr As String) Dim i As Long Dim MyStr As String For i = 1 To Len(pStr) MyStr = Mid(pStr, i, 1) If MyStr Like "[0-9]" Then GetNumber = GetNumber & MyStr End If Next End Function
Function GetLetter(pStr As String) Dim i As Long Dim MyStr As String For i = 1 To Len(pStr) MyStr = Mid(pStr, i, 1) If MyStr Like "[a-z,A-Z]" Then GetLetter = GetLetter & MyStr End If Next End Function
Function GetCharacter(pStr As String) Dim i As Long Dim MyStr As String For i = 1 To Len(pStr) MyStr = Mid(pStr, i, 1) If MyStr Like "[一-龥]" Then GetCharacter = GetCharacter & MyStr End If Next End Function
Function GetCharacter(pStr As String, pType As Variant) Dim i As Long Dim MyStr As String, MyType As String If pType = "number" Or pType = 1 Then MyType = "[0-9]" ElseIf pType = "letter" Or pType = 2 Then MyType = "[a-z,A-Z]" ElseIf pType = "character" Or pType = 3 Then MyType = "[一-龥]" End If For i = 1 To Len(pStr) MyStr = Mid(pStr, i, 1) If MyStr Like MyType Then GetCharacter = GetCharacter & MyStr End If Next End Function
Function SplitbyN(fText As String, fNumber As Long) Dim i As Long Dim MyArr ReDim MyArr(1 To Application.RoundUp(Len(fText) / fNumber, 0)) For i = 1 To Len(fText) Step fNumber MyArr(Int((i + fNumber - 1) / fNumber)) = Mid(fText, i, fNumber) Next SplitbyN = MyArr End Function
Function SplitByC(fText As String, fDelimiter As String) SplitByC = Split(fText, fDelimiter) End Function
Function pRound(Number, Digits) pRound = Round(CDec(Number), Digits) End Function