1.What is Apache OFBiz?
Note: Release branches are created once per year, so far always in April. We use the following release numbering scheme: 9.4 means released in 2009.April
4.下载当前版本:Apache OFBiz 10.04 (apache-ofbiz-10.04.zip 96M, 解压后, 160M)
Make sure you have a Java 1.6 (minimum) SDK installed.
In order to run OFBiz you will need a 1.6 (version 6) JDK (not just the JRE, the full JDK).
6.指导: E:\apache-ofbiz-10.04\README
7.在根目录下,竟然丢了ofbiz.jar!一个启动引导程序. shock!
其实在执行: ant run-install, 之后,会自动生成一个ofbiz.jar.
8.默认: Note that running with the default configuration uses an embedded Java database (Apache Derby), and embedded application server components such as Tomcat, Geronimo (transaction manager), etc.
Once OFBiz starts, you can look at the demo storefront at:
and the administration interface at:
You can log in with the user "admin" and password "ofbiz".
12.安装库表和demo数据: windows: ant run-install (先执行这个,然后再startup)
从13:43:13到14:07:11, 总共需时:24分钟.
使整个ofbiz工程从最初解压后的160M, 变成253M, 增加93M
其中, 生成derby数据库70M: ---(其它文件为: 93-70= 23M )
执行完ant run-install后,总有360个jar, 比以前的305个jar, 增加了: 55个新的jar. 计8.4M(23-8.4= 14.6M其它文件)
1. ofbiz-accounting-test.jar
2. ofbiz-accounting.jar
3. ofbiz-appsvrs.jar
4. ofbiz-assetmaint.jar
5. ofbiz-base-test.jar
6. ofbiz-base.jar
7. ofbiz-bi.jar
8. ofbiz-birt.jar
9. ofbiz-catalina.jar
10. ofbiz-common.jar
11. ofbiz-content.jar
12. ofbiz-crowd.jar
13. ofbiz-datafile.jar
14. ofbiz-ebay.jar
15. ofbiz-ebaystore.jar
16. ofbiz-ecommerce.jar
17. ofbiz-entity-test.jar
18. ofbiz-entity.jar
19. ofbiz-entityext.jar
20. ofbiz-example.jar
21. ofbiz-geronimo.jar
22. ofbiz-googlebase.jar
23. ofbiz-googlecheckout.jar
24. ofbiz-guiapp.jar
25. ofbiz-hhfacility.jar
26. ofbiz-humanres.jar
27. ofbiz-jetty.jar
28. ofbiz-ldap.jar
29. ofbiz-manufacturing.jar
30. ofbiz-marketing.jar
31. ofbiz-minilang.jar
32. ofbiz-oagis.jar
33. ofbiz-order-test.jar
34. ofbiz-order.jar
35. ofbiz-party.jar
36. ofbiz-pos.jar
37. ofbiz-product-test.jar
38. ofbiz-product.jar
39. ofbiz-projectmgr.jar
40. ofbiz-security.jar
41. ofbiz-securityext-test.jar
42. ofbiz-securityext.jar
43. ofbiz-service-test.jar
44. ofbiz-service.jar
45. ofbiz-sql-test.jar
46. ofbiz-sql.jar
47. ofbiz-testtools.jar
48. ofbiz-webapp-test.jar
49. ofbiz-webapp.jar
50. ofbiz-webpos.jar
51. ofbiz-webslinger.jar
52. ofbiz-webtools.jar
53. ofbiz-widget.jar
54. ofbiz-workeffort.jar
55. ofbiz.jar
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { File fileL = new File("E:/Libyli"); File fileR = new File("E:/Libwyang"); String[] listL = fileL.list(); String[] listR = fileR.list(); List<String> asListL = Arrays.asList(listL); List<String> asListR = Arrays.asList(listR); int count = 1; for (String string : asListR) { if(!asListL.contains(string)){ System.out.println(count++ + ". " + string); copy(string); } } } private static void copy(String fileName){ File fileR = new File("E:/Libwyang", fileName); File dest = new File("E:/tmp", fileName); fileR.renameTo(dest); } }