使用 Elm 语言识别英文数字验证码

  1. 环境准备
    确保你的 Elm 环境已设置好。虽然 Elm 本身不直接支持 HTTP 请求和图像处理,但我们可以使用外部 API 来完成这些功能。

首先,安装 Elm:


npm install -g elm
接着创建一个新的 Elm 项目:


elm init
并在 elm.json 中添加依赖:


"dependencies": {
"elm/http": "2.0.0",
"elm/json": "1.1.0"
运行 elm install 安装依赖。

  1. 下载验证码图片
    使用 Elm 的 HTTP 库下载验证码图片并保存到本地:


module Main exposing (..)

import Browser
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (src)
import Http exposing (Http.Error)

type Msg
= DownloadCaptcha
| CaptchaDownloaded (Result Http.Error String)

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
DownloadCaptcha ->
(model, Http.get { url = "https://captcha7.scrape.center/captcha.png", expect = Http.expectString CaptchaDownloaded})

    CaptchaDownloaded result ->
        case result of
            Ok body ->
                (model, Cmd.none)

            Err error ->
                (model, Cmd.none)

main =
Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view }
3. 图像处理与 OCR 识别
由于 Elm 主要是前端语言,可以调用外部的 OCR API 来识别验证码。这通常需要通过 HTTP 请求与后端服务交互。


recognizeCaptcha : String -> Cmd Msg
recognizeCaptcha imageUrl =
{ url = "https://your-ocr-api.com/recognize"
, body = Http.jsonBody (Decode.object [("imageUrl", Decode.string imageUrl)])
, expect = Http.expectJson CaptchaRecognized responseDecoder
4. 自动化登录
同样地,使用 HTTP 库发送 POST 请求来模拟登录:


login : String -> String -> String -> Cmd Msg
login username password captcha =
{ url = "https://captcha7.scrape.center/login"
, body = Http.jsonBody (Decode.object
[ ("username", Decode.string username)
, ("password", Decode.string password)
, ("captcha", Decode.string captcha)
, expect = Http.expectJson LoginResponse responseDecoder
5. 主程序


type alias Model =

init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init _ =
( {}, Cmd.none )

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick DownloadCaptcha ] [ text "下载验证码" ]
, -- 这里可以添加显示验证码的逻辑

main =
Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view }

posted @ 2024-10-23 10:14  啊飒飒大苏打  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报