vscode 插件
- Settings Sync
- Atom One Dark Theme
- Bracket Pair Colorizer
- Code Runner
- Dracular Official
- Easy Sass
- EsLint
- Import Cost
- LeetCode
- Live Server
- Markdown All in One
- Markdown Image
- Mardown Preview Enhanced
- Material Icon Theme
- Matlab Extension Pack
- Nginx Configuration
- nginx-formatter
- Prettier
- Project Manager
- Python Extension Pack
- Quokka.js
- Sass
- Simple React Snippets
- TSLint
- Vetur
- vscode-icons
- vscode-reveal
- vue 2 snippest
- writeCnblog
- xml Tools
JB 插件(IDEA,Webstorm)
由于 JB 公司的软件开箱即用,所需插件并不多
- VSCode Keymap
- Visual Studio Code Dark Plus Theme
- Atom Material Icons
- Atom Onedark Theme
- Path hide
- Rainbow Brackets
- Grep Console
- Translation
- Statistic
- RegexpTester
- RoboPOJOGenerator
- Nyan Progress Bar
java 专用
- Alibaba Cloud Tookit
- Free MyBatis plugin
- Jpa support
- Lombok
- .ignore
- BashSupport
- Import Cost
- InteliVue
- React snippest
chrome 插件
- Astar(安装其他插件的基础)
- Adblock Plus(再 Adblock 的基础上,可以通过 CSS 规则禁用页面元素)
- Atom File Icon web(美化 Github 的文件图标,就像在编辑器中一样)
- Octotree(美化 Github 的资源管理器)
- EditThisCookie
- FeHelper
- HTTPStatus
- Infinity
- Selenium IDE(web 自动化,爬虫用)
- Volume Magnifier
- Tampermonkey
- AC 重定向
- Vue
- Set Character Encoding
- WhatRuns
VScode 设置
首先修改 vscode 的用户区设置文件。
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.tabSize": 2
"prettier.tabWidth": 2,
"vetur.format.options.tabSize": 2
- abc的提示有时会在snippet的前面,此时需要修改
- 虽然我们可以自定义代码片段,但是vscode也有内置的代码片段,但是这些内置的代码片段有时不符合我们的要求。为了重用这些代码片段,我们需要修改vscode安装目录
~\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\javascript\snippets
"define module": {
"prefix": "define",
"body": ["define([", "\t'require',", "\t'${1:dependency}'", "], function(require, ${2:factory}) {", "\t'use strict';", "\t$0", "});"],
"description": "define module"
"For Loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for (let ${1:index} = 0; ${1:index} < ${2:array}.length; ${1:index}++) {",
"\tconst ${3:element} = ${2:array}[${1:index}];",
"description": "For Loop"
"For-Each Loop": { "prefix": "foreach", "body": ["${1:array}.forEach(${2:element} => {", "\t$0", "});"], "description": "For-Each Loop" },
"For-In Loop": {
"prefix": "forin",
"body": [
"for (const ${1:key} in ${2:object}) {",
"\tif (${2:object}.hasOwnProperty(${1:key})) {",
"\t\tconst ${3:element} = ${2:object}[${1:key}];",
"description": "For-In Loop"
"For-Of Loop": { "prefix": "forof", "body": ["for (const ${1:iterator} of ${2:object}) {", "\t$0", "}"], "description": "For-Of Loop" },
"Function Statement": { "prefix": "function", "body": ["function ${1:name}(${2:params}) {", "\t$0", "}"], "description": "Function Statement" },
"If Statement": { "prefix": "if", "body": ["if (${1:condition}) {", "\t$0", "}"], "description": "If Statement" },
"If-Else Statement": { "prefix": "ifelse", "body": ["if (${1:condition}) {", "\t$0", "} else {", "\t", "}"], "description": "If-Else Statement" },
"New Statement": { "prefix": "new", "body": ["const ${1:name} = new ${2:type}(${3:arguments});$0"], "description": "New Statement" },
"Switch Statement": {
"prefix": "switch",
"body": ["switch (${1:key}) {", "\tcase ${2:value}:", "\t\t$0", "\t\tbreak;", "", "\tdefault:", "\t\tbreak;", "}"],
"description": "Switch Statement"
"While Statement": { "prefix": "while", "body": ["while (${1:condition}) {", "\t$0", "}"], "description": "While Statement" },
"Do-While Statement": { "prefix": "dowhile", "body": ["do {", "\t$0", "} while (${1:condition});"], "description": "Do-While Statement" },
"Try-Catch Statement": {
"prefix": "trycatch",
"body": ["try {", "\t$0", "} catch (${1:error}) {", "\t", "}"],
"description": "Try-Catch Statement"
"Set Timeout Function": {
"prefix": "settimeout",
"body": ["setTimeout(() => {", "\t$0", "}, ${1:timeout});"],
"description": "Set Timeout Function"
"Set Interval Function": {
"prefix": "setinterval",
"body": ["setInterval(() => {", "\t$0", "}, ${1:interval});"],
"description": "Set Interval Function"
"Import external module.": {
"prefix": "import statement",
"body": ["import { $0 } from \"${1:module}\";"],
"description": "Import external module."
"Region Start": { "prefix": "#region", "body": ["//#region $0"], "description": "Folding Region Start" },
"Region End": { "prefix": "#endregion", "body": ["//#endregion"], "description": "Folding Region End" },
"Log to the console": { "prefix": "log", "body": ["console.log($1);"], "description": "Log to the console" },
"Log warning to console": { "prefix": "warn", "body": ["console.warn($1);"], "description": "Log warning to the console" },
"Log error to console": { "prefix": "error", "body": ["console.error($1);"], "description": "Log error to the console" }
webstorm 设置
webstorm 的功能过于强大,默认开启了很多功能,对低性能电脑不是很友好,可关闭部分功能
- Typo 关闭拼写提示