MiniCPM-V 2.6 面壁“小钢炮”,多图、视频理解多模态模型,部署和推理实战教程
MiniCPM-V 2.6是清华和面壁智能最新发布的多模态模型,亦称面壁“小钢炮”,它是 MiniCPM-V 系列中最新、性能最佳的模型。该模型基于 SigLip-400M 和 Qwen2-7B 构建,仅 8B 参数,但却取得 20B 以下单图、多图、视频理解 3 SOTA 成绩,一举将端侧 AI 多模态能力拉升至全面对标 GPT-4V 水平。
MiniCPM-V 2.6 的主要特点包括:
- 仅 8B 参数,单图、多图、视频理解全面超越 GPT-4V !
- 小钢炮一口气将实时视频理解、多图联合理解、多图 ICL 等能力首次搬上端侧多模态模型。
- 端侧友好:量化后端侧内存仅占 6 GB,个人笔记本电脑可部署和推理。
更多性能和功能介绍,参见 GitHub 官网:
- 准备环境、下载源代码和模型权重文件
- 模型部署,进行图片理解推理、WebUI 可视化部署和推理
环境准备分为 3 部分:Miniconda配置、下载 GitHub 源代码、下载MiniCPM-V 2.6模型权重文件。
Miniconda 配置
工欲善其事,必先利其器,大模型研发环境先准备好,为后面部署和推理做好准备。详细教程,大家可以参考之前的文章:大模型应用研发基础环境配置(Miniconda、Python、Jupyter Lab、Ollama 等)
conda create --name MiniCPM-V python=3.10 -y
我们创建 Python 虚拟环境:MiniCPM-V,同时 Python 的主版本:3.10
完成之后,我们激活虚拟环境:conda activate MiniCPM-V
GitHub 源代码下载
GitHub 源代码地址:
git clone MiniCPM-V
源代码下载完成之后,我们就可以安装 Python 依赖包了,包依赖列表文件:MiniCPM-V/requirements.txt
packaging==23.2 addict==2.4.0 editdistance==0.6.2 einops==0.7.0 fairscale==0.4.0 jsonlines==4.0.0 markdown2==2.4.10 matplotlib==3.7.4 more_itertools==10.1.0 nltk==3.8.1 numpy==1.24.4 opencv_python_headless== openpyxl==3.1.2 Pillow==10.1.0 sacrebleu==2.3.2 seaborn==0.13.0 shortuuid==1.0.11 timm==0.9.10 torch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 tqdm==4.66.1 protobuf==4.25.0 transformers==4.40.0 typing_extensions==4.8.0 uvicorn==0.24.0.post1 sentencepiece==0.1.99 accelerate==0.30.1 socksio==1.0.0 gradio==4.41.0 gradio_client eva-decord
特别注意:最后一个依赖包decord通过pip install decord
(MiniCPM-V) $ pip install decord ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement decord (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for decord
模型权重文件比较大,我们需要通过 Git 大文件系统下载:
git lfs install git clone MiniCPM-V2.6
cd MiniCPM-V2.6 git lfs pull
由于模型推理过程,需要用到权重模型中的 Python 模块,因此我们把推理的 Python 代码放到模型权重文件目录中:MiniCPM-V2.6/
# import torch from PIL import Image from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer # 模型权重文件目录 model_dir = '.' # 加载模型:local_files_only 加载本地模型,trust_remote_code 执行远程代码(必须) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained( model_dir, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True, ) # 设置推理模式,如果有卡:model = model.eval().cuda() model = model.eval() # 加载分词器 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_dir, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True, ) # 测试的汽车尾部图片,可以指定其它目录 image ='Car-01.jpeg').convert('RGB') # 图片理解:自然语言理解 + 图片理解 question = '请问这是一张什么图片?' msgs = [{'role': 'user', 'content': [image, question]}] res = image=None, msgs=msgs, tokenizer=tokenizer, sampling=True, stream=True ) # 理解结果 generated_text = "" for new_text in res: generated_text += new_text print(new_text, flush=True, end='')
可以看出,MiniCPM-V 2.6对图片的理解非常详尽:汽车、奥迪、A6L、尾部、黑色、中国、牌照区域、牌照内容等。
如果要给图片理解推理的结果打分的话,老牛同学打99 分,另外1 分的不足是给老牛同学自己的:推理速度实在太慢了,只能怪老牛同学的笔记本电脑配置太低了!
WebUI 可视化,推理自由
我们本地完成图片理解推理之后,在来看看 WebUI 可视化推理界面,体验会更好。同样的,我们把 WebUI 代码放到模型权重文件目录中:MiniCPM-V2.6/
# #!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import torch import argparse from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer import gradio as gr from PIL import Image from decord import VideoReader, cpu import io import os import copy import requests import base64 import json import traceback import re import modelscope_studio as mgr # 解析参数 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='demo') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda', help='cuda or mps') parser.add_argument('--multi-gpus', action='store_true', default=False, help='use multi-gpus') args = parser.parse_args() device = args.device assert device in ['cuda', 'mps'] # 模型权重文件目录 model_path = '.' # 加载模型和分词器 if 'int4' in model_path: if device == 'mps': print('Error: running int4 model with bitsandbytes on Mac is not supported right now.') exit() model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True) else: if args.multi_gpus: from accelerate import load_checkpoint_and_dispatch, init_empty_weights, infer_auto_device_map with init_empty_weights(): model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True, attn_implementation='sdpa', torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) device_map = infer_auto_device_map(model, max_memory={0: "10GB", 1: "10GB"}, no_split_module_classes=['SiglipVisionTransformer', 'Qwen2DecoderLayer']) device_id = device_map["llm.model.embed_tokens"] device_map["llm.lm_head"] = device_id # firtt and last layer should be in same device device_map["vpm"] = device_id device_map["resampler"] = device_id device_id2 = device_map["llm.model.layers.26"] device_map["llm.model.layers.8"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.9"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.10"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.11"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.12"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.13"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.14"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.15"] = device_id2 device_map["llm.model.layers.16"] = device_id2 #print(device_map) model = load_checkpoint_and_dispatch(model, model_path, local_files_only=True, dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map=device_map) else: model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True) model = tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True) # 设置推理模式 model.eval() ERROR_MSG = "Error, please retry" model_name = 'MiniCPM-V 2.6' MAX_NUM_FRAMES = 64 IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = {'.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.tiff', '.webp'} VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = {'.mp4', '.mkv', '.mov', '.avi', '.flv', '.wmv', '.webm', '.m4v'} def get_file_extension(filename): return os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() def is_image(filename): return get_file_extension(filename) in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS def is_video(filename): return get_file_extension(filename) in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS form_radio = { 'choices': ['Beam Search', 'Sampling'], #'value': 'Beam Search', 'value': 'Sampling', 'interactive': True, 'label': 'Decode Type' } def create_component(params, comp='Slider'): if comp == 'Slider': return gr.Slider( minimum=params['minimum'], maximum=params['maximum'], value=params['value'], step=params['step'], interactive=params['interactive'], label=params['label'] ) elif comp == 'Radio': return gr.Radio( choices=params['choices'], value=params['value'], interactive=params['interactive'], label=params['label'] ) elif comp == 'Button': return gr.Button( value=params['value'], interactive=True ) def create_multimodal_input(upload_image_disabled=False, upload_video_disabled=False): return mgr.MultimodalInput(upload_image_button_props={'label': 'Upload Image', 'disabled': upload_image_disabled, 'file_count': 'multiple'}, upload_video_button_props={'label': 'Upload Video', 'disabled': upload_video_disabled, 'file_count': 'single'}, submit_button_props={'label': 'Submit'}) def chat(img, msgs, ctx, params=None, vision_hidden_states=None): try: print('msgs:', msgs) answer = image=None, msgs=msgs, tokenizer=tokenizer, **params ) res = re.sub(r'(<box>.*</box>)', '', answer) res = res.replace('<ref>', '') res = res.replace('</ref>', '') res = res.replace('<box>', '') answer = res.replace('</box>', '') print('answer:', answer) return 0, answer, None, None except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() return -1, ERROR_MSG, None, None def encode_image(image): if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): if hasattr(image, 'path'): image ="RGB") else: image ="RGB") # resize to max_size max_size = 448*16 if max(image.size) > max_size: w,h = image.size if w > h: new_w = max_size new_h = int(h * max_size / w) else: new_h = max_size new_w = int(w * max_size / h) image = image.resize((new_w, new_h), resample=Image.BICUBIC) return image ## save by BytesIO and convert to base64 #buffered = io.BytesIO(), format="png") #im_b64 = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode() #return {"type": "image", "pairs": im_b64} def encode_video(video): def uniform_sample(l, n): gap = len(l) / n idxs = [int(i * gap + gap / 2) for i in range(n)] return [l[i] for i in idxs] if hasattr(video, 'path'): vr = VideoReader(video.path, ctx=cpu(0)) else: vr = VideoReader(video.file.path, ctx=cpu(0)) sample_fps = round(vr.get_avg_fps() / 1) # FPS frame_idx = [i for i in range(0, len(vr), sample_fps)] if len(frame_idx)>MAX_NUM_FRAMES: frame_idx = uniform_sample(frame_idx, MAX_NUM_FRAMES) video = vr.get_batch(frame_idx).asnumpy() video = [Image.fromarray(v.astype('uint8')) for v in video] video = [encode_image(v) for v in video] print('video frames:', len(video)) return video def check_mm_type(mm_file): if hasattr(mm_file, 'path'): path = mm_file.path else: path = mm_file.file.path if is_image(path): return "image" if is_video(path): return "video" return None def encode_mm_file(mm_file): if check_mm_type(mm_file) == 'image': return [encode_image(mm_file)] if check_mm_type(mm_file) == 'video': return encode_video(mm_file) return None def make_text(text): #return {"type": "text", "pairs": text} # # For remote call return text def encode_message(_question): files = _question.files question = _question.text pattern = r"\[mm_media\]\d+\[/mm_media\]" matches = re.split(pattern, question) message = [] if len(matches) != len(files) + 1: gr.Warning("Number of Images not match the placeholder in text, please refresh the page to restart!") assert len(matches) == len(files) + 1 text = matches[0].strip() if text: message.append(make_text(text)) for i in range(len(files)): message += encode_mm_file(files[i]) text = matches[i + 1].strip() if text: message.append(make_text(text)) return message def check_has_videos(_question): images_cnt = 0 videos_cnt = 0 for file in _question.files: if check_mm_type(file) == "image": images_cnt += 1 else: videos_cnt += 1 return images_cnt, videos_cnt def count_video_frames(_context): num_frames = 0 for message in _context: for item in message["content"]: #if item["type"] == "image": # For remote call if isinstance(item, Image.Image): num_frames += 1 return num_frames def respond(_question, _chat_bot, _app_cfg, params_form): _context = _app_cfg['ctx'].copy() _context.append({'role': 'user', 'content': encode_message(_question)}) images_cnt = _app_cfg['images_cnt'] videos_cnt = _app_cfg['videos_cnt'] files_cnts = check_has_videos(_question) if files_cnts[1] + videos_cnt > 1 or (files_cnts[1] + videos_cnt == 1 and files_cnts[0] + images_cnt > 0): gr.Warning("Only supports single video file input right now!") return _question, _chat_bot, _app_cfg if params_form == 'Beam Search': params = { 'sampling': False, 'num_beams': 3, 'repetition_penalty': 1.2, "max_new_tokens": 2048 } else: params = { 'sampling': True, 'top_p': 0.8, 'top_k': 100, 'temperature': 0.7, 'repetition_penalty': 1.05, "max_new_tokens": 2048 } if files_cnts[1] + videos_cnt > 0: params["max_inp_length"] = 4352 # 4096+256 params["use_image_id"] = False params["max_slice_nums"] = 1 if count_video_frames(_context) > 16 else 2 code, _answer, _, sts = chat("", _context, None, params) images_cnt += files_cnts[0] videos_cnt += files_cnts[1] _context.append({"role": "assistant", "content": [make_text(_answer)]}) _chat_bot.append((_question, _answer)) if code == 0: _app_cfg['ctx']=_context _app_cfg['sts']=sts _app_cfg['images_cnt'] = images_cnt _app_cfg['videos_cnt'] = videos_cnt upload_image_disabled = videos_cnt > 0 upload_video_disabled = videos_cnt > 0 or images_cnt > 0 return create_multimodal_input(upload_image_disabled, upload_video_disabled), _chat_bot, _app_cfg def fewshot_add_demonstration(_image, _user_message, _assistant_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg): ctx = _app_cfg["ctx"] message_item = [] if _image is not None: image ="RGB") ctx.append({"role": "user", "content": [encode_image(image), make_text(_user_message)]}) message_item.append({"text": "[mm_media]1[/mm_media]" + _user_message, "files": [_image]}) else: if _user_message: ctx.append({"role": "user", "content": [make_text(_user_message)]}) message_item.append({"text": _user_message, "files": []}) else: message_item.append(None) if _assistant_message: ctx.append({"role": "assistant", "content": [make_text(_assistant_message)]}) message_item.append({"text": _assistant_message, "files": []}) else: message_item.append(None) _chat_bot.append(message_item) return None, "", "", _chat_bot, _app_cfg def fewshot_respond(_image, _user_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg, params_form): user_message_contents = [] _context = _app_cfg["ctx"].copy() if _image: image ="RGB") user_message_contents += [encode_image(image)] if _user_message: user_message_contents += [make_text(_user_message)] if user_message_contents: _context.append({"role": "user", "content": user_message_contents}) if params_form == 'Beam Search': params = { 'sampling': False, 'num_beams': 3, 'repetition_penalty': 1.2, "max_new_tokens": 2048 } else: params = { 'sampling': True, 'top_p': 0.8, 'top_k': 100, 'temperature': 0.7, 'repetition_penalty': 1.05, "max_new_tokens": 2048 } code, _answer, _, sts = chat("", _context, None, params) _context.append({"role": "assistant", "content": [make_text(_answer)]}) if _image: _chat_bot.append([ {"text": "[mm_media]1[/mm_media]" + _user_message, "files": [_image]}, {"text": _answer, "files": []} ]) else: _chat_bot.append([ {"text": _user_message, "files": [_image]}, {"text": _answer, "files": []} ]) if code == 0: _app_cfg['ctx']=_context _app_cfg['sts']=sts return None, '', '', _chat_bot, _app_cfg def regenerate_button_clicked(_question, _image, _user_message, _assistant_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg, params_form): if len(_chat_bot) <= 1 or not _chat_bot[-1][1]: gr.Warning('No question for regeneration.') return '', _image, _user_message, _assistant_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg if _app_cfg["chat_type"] == "Chat": images_cnt = _app_cfg['images_cnt'] videos_cnt = _app_cfg['videos_cnt'] _question = _chat_bot[-1][0] _chat_bot = _chat_bot[:-1] _app_cfg['ctx'] = _app_cfg['ctx'][:-2] files_cnts = check_has_videos(_question) images_cnt -= files_cnts[0] videos_cnt -= files_cnts[1] _app_cfg['images_cnt'] = images_cnt _app_cfg['videos_cnt'] = videos_cnt upload_image_disabled = videos_cnt > 0 upload_video_disabled = videos_cnt > 0 or images_cnt > 0 _question, _chat_bot, _app_cfg = respond(_question, _chat_bot, _app_cfg, params_form) return _question, _image, _user_message, _assistant_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg else: last_message = _chat_bot[-1][0] last_image = None last_user_message = '' if last_message.text: last_user_message = last_message.text if last_message.files: last_image = last_message.files[0].file.path _chat_bot = _chat_bot[:-1] _app_cfg['ctx'] = _app_cfg['ctx'][:-2] _image, _user_message, _assistant_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg = fewshot_respond(last_image, last_user_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg, params_form) return _question, _image, _user_message, _assistant_message, _chat_bot, _app_cfg def flushed(): return gr.update(interactive=True) def clear(txt_message, chat_bot, app_session): txt_message.files.clear() txt_message.text = '' chat_bot = copy.deepcopy(init_conversation) app_session['sts'] = None app_session['ctx'] = [] app_session['images_cnt'] = 0 app_session['videos_cnt'] = 0 return create_multimodal_input(), chat_bot, app_session, None, '', '' def select_chat_type(_tab, _app_cfg): _app_cfg["chat_type"] = _tab return _app_cfg init_conversation = [ [ None, { # The first message of bot closes the typewriter. "text": "You can talk to me now", "flushing": False } ], ] css = """ video { height: auto !important; } .example label { font-size: 16px;} """ introduction = """ ## Features: 1. Chat with single image 2. Chat with multiple images 3. Chat with video 4. In-context few-shot learning Click `How to use` tab to see examples. """ with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: with gr.Tab(model_name): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=300): gr.Markdown(value=introduction) params_form = create_component(form_radio, comp='Radio') regenerate = create_component({'value': 'Regenerate'}, comp='Button') clear_button = create_component({'value': 'Clear History'}, comp='Button') with gr.Column(scale=3, min_width=500): app_session = gr.State({'sts':None,'ctx':[], 'images_cnt': 0, 'videos_cnt': 0, 'chat_type': 'Chat'}) chat_bot = mgr.Chatbot(label=f"Chat with {model_name}", value=copy.deepcopy(init_conversation), height=600, flushing=False, bubble_full_width=False) with gr.Tab("Chat") as chat_tab: txt_message = create_multimodal_input() chat_tab_label = gr.Textbox(value="Chat", interactive=False, visible=False) txt_message.submit( respond, [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session, params_form], [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session] ) with gr.Tab("Few Shot") as fewshot_tab: fewshot_tab_label = gr.Textbox(value="Few Shot", interactive=False, visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): image_input = gr.Image(type="filepath", sources=["upload"]) with gr.Column(scale=3): user_message = gr.Textbox(label="User") assistant_message = gr.Textbox(label="Assistant") with gr.Row(): add_demonstration_button = gr.Button("Add Example") generate_button = gr.Button(value="Generate", variant="primary") fewshot_add_demonstration, [image_input, user_message, assistant_message, chat_bot, app_session], [image_input, user_message, assistant_message, chat_bot, app_session] ) fewshot_respond, [image_input, user_message, chat_bot, app_session, params_form], [image_input, user_message, assistant_message, chat_bot, app_session] ) select_chat_type, [chat_tab_label, app_session], [app_session] ) # do clear clear, [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session], [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session, image_input, user_message, assistant_message] ) select_chat_type, [fewshot_tab_label, app_session], [app_session] ) # do clear clear, [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session], [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session, image_input, user_message, assistant_message] ) chat_bot.flushed( flushed, outputs=[txt_message] ) regenerate_button_clicked, [txt_message, image_input, user_message, assistant_message, chat_bot, app_session, params_form], [txt_message, image_input, user_message, assistant_message, chat_bot, app_session] ) clear, [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session], [txt_message, chat_bot, app_session, image_input, user_message, assistant_message] ) with gr.Tab("How to use"): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): image_example = gr.Image(value="", label='1. Chat with single or multiple images', interactive=False, width=400, elem_classes="example") example2 = gr.Image(value="", label='2. Chat with video', interactive=False, width=400, elem_classes="example") example3 = gr.Image(value="", label='3. Few shot', interactive=False, width=400, elem_classes="example") # 启动WebUI: demo.launch(share=False, debug=True, show_api=False, server_port=8885, server_name="")
WebUI 支持 GPU 和苹果 CPU 推理,启动方式分别为:
- GPU:
python --device cuda
- 苹果 MPS:
浏览器打开地址: ,可以看到可视化界面:
WebUI 功能支持:自然语言对话、上传图片、上传视频等理解。
import torch from PIL import Image from modelscope import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer from decord import VideoReader, cpu # 模型权重文件目录 model_dir = '.' # 加载模型:local_files_only 加载本地模型,trust_remote_code 执行远程代码(必须) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained( model_dir, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True, ) # 设置推理模式,如果有卡:model = model.eval().cuda() model = model.eval() # 加载分词器 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_dir, local_files_only=True, trust_remote_code=True, ) MAX_NUM_FRAMES=64 def encode_video(video_path): def uniform_sample(l, n): gap = len(l) / n idxs = [int(i * gap + gap / 2) for i in range(n)] return [l[i] for i in idxs] vr = VideoReader(video_path, ctx=cpu(0)) sample_fps = round(vr.get_avg_fps() / 1) # FPS frame_idx = [i for i in range(0, len(vr), sample_fps)] if len(frame_idx) > MAX_NUM_FRAMES: frame_idx = uniform_sample(frame_idx, MAX_NUM_FRAMES) frames = vr.get_batch(frame_idx).asnumpy() frames = [Image.fromarray(v.astype('uint8')) for v in frames] print('num frames:', len(frames)) return frames # 视频文件路径 video_path="~/Car.mp4" frames = encode_video(video_path) question = "请问这是一个什么视频?" msgs = [ {'role': 'user', 'content': frames + [question]}, ] # Set decode params for video params={} params["use_image_id"] = False params["max_slice_nums"] = 2 # 如果cuda OOM且视频分辨率大于448*448 可设为1 answer = image=None, msgs=msgs, tokenizer=tokenizer, **params ) print(answer)
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