Sql server 使用 in()函数 传递字符串


 1 create  function  SplitIn(@c   varchar(2000),@split   varchar(2))   
 2 returns   @t   table(col   varchar(20))   
 3 as   
 4 begin    
 5   while(charindex(@split,@c)<>0)   
 6     begin   
 7       insert   @t(col)   values   (substring(@c,1,charindex(@split,@c)-1))   
 8       set   @c   =   stuff(@c,1,charindex(@split,@c),'')   
 9     end   
10   insert   @t(col)   values   (@c)   
11   return   
12 end


1 select @TeamRoomCount = COUNT(Work_GuestAccount.AccountID)  FROM  Work_GuestAccount INNER JOIN 
2                 Work_GuestEntryIndex ON Work_GuestAccount.EntryID = Work_GuestEntryIndex.EntryID 
3                 WHERE (Work_GuestEntryIndex.TeamID <> '') AND (Work_GuestEntryIndex.TeamID IS NOT NULL)
4                 AND (Work_GuestAccount.RoomID IN (select col from SplitIn(@TeamRoomNo,',')))


posted @ 2020-09-01 10:18  存在丶  阅读(1941)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报