Parameter Name Default Memory Used Config Value Run Value Unit Type
------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- -------------------- ----------
procedure cache size 3271 1116040 512000 512000 memory pages(2k) dynamic
There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure SQL Server with more procedure cache.
sp_configure "max memory",200000 (设置为共享内存的75%)
sp_configure "procedure cache size",90000
查看:sp_configure "max memory"、sp_configure "procedure cache size"
修改:sp_configure "max memory",200000、sp_configure "procedure cache size",90000
sybase 12.5 配置了大内存后数据库无法启动
针对2g内存(redflag中为free -m or top),多次测试后,最终参数为(数据库可以起来,不报错)
max memory procedure cache size default data cache
262144 0.5g 50m 300m
sp_configure 'max memory',1048576
sp_configure 'procedure cache size',102400
sp_cacheconfig 'default data cache','1200M'
sp_configure 'number of user connections',100
sp_configure 'number of locks',50000
sp_configure 'number of devices',100
sp_configure 'allocate max shared memory','1'
sp_configure 'max online engines',3
sp_configure 'number of engines at startup',3
posted on 2013-12-06 18:37 lovebeauty 阅读(1976) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报