
Python Tutorial: Basic Data Wrangling and Manipulation

2017-12-12 14:34  nuswgg  阅读(184)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

import numpy as np

  • Create a new variable in a data set as a function of existing variables in the data set.

# Notice here how you can create the BMI column in the data set
# just by naming it
student["BMI"] = student["Weight"] / student["Height"]**2 * 703

  • Create a new variable in a data set using if/else logic of existing variables in the data set.

# Notice the use of the np.where() function for a single condition
student["BMI Class"] = np.where(student["BMI"] < 19.0, "Underweight", "Healthy")

  • Create a new variable in a data set using if/else logic of existing variables in the data set.

# Notice the use of the np.where() function for a single condition
student["BMI Class"] = np.where(student["BMI"] < 19.0, "Underweight", "Healthy")

  • Create new variables in a data set using mathematical functions applied to existing variables in the data set.

Using the np.log()np.exp()np.sqrt()np.where(), and np.abs() functions.

student["LogWeight"] = np.log(student["Weight"])
student["ExpAge"] = np.exp(student["Age"])
student["SqrtHeight"] = np.sqrt(student["Height"])
student["BMI Neg"] = np.where(student["BMI"] < 19.0, -student["BMI"], 
student["BMI Pos"] = np.abs(student["BMI Neg"])
# Create a Boolean variable
student["BMI Check"] = (student["BMI Pos"] == student["BMI"])
  • Drop variables from a data set.
# axis = 1 indicates to drop columns instead of rows
student = student.drop(["LogWeight", "ExpAge", "SqrtHeight", "BMI Neg", 
                        "BMI Pos", "BMI Check"], axis = 1)
  • Sort a data set by a variable.
# Notice kind="mergesort" which indicates to use a stable sorting 
# algorithm 
student = student.sort_values(by="Age", kind="mergesort")

Sort data set by a categorical variable.

student = student.sort_values(by="Sex", kind="mergesort")
# Notice that the data is now sorted first by Sex and then within Sex by Age 
  • Compute descriptive statistics of continuous variables, grouped by a categorical variable.
  • Add a new row to the bottom of a data set.
student = student.append({'Name':'Jane', 'Sex':'F', 'Age':14, 'Height':56.3, 
                          'Weight':77.0, 'BMI':17.077695, 
                          'BMI Class': 'Underweight'}, 
  • Create a user-defined function and apply it to a variable in the data set to create a new variable in the data set.
def toKG(lb):
    return (0.45359237 * lb)
student["Weight KG"] = student["Weight"].apply(toKG)