




1 [root@robot-sv8-pod6 ~]# date
3 Thu Jan  4 21:37:53 EST 2018


输入tzselect,选2) Americas>49) United States>21) Pacific>1) Yes

 1 [root@robot-sv8-pod6 ~]# teselect
 2 -bash: teselect: command not found
 3 [root@robot-sv8-pod6 ~]# tzselect
 4 Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
 5 Please select a continent or ocean.
 6  1) Africa
 7  2) Americas
 8  3) Antarctica
 9  4) Arctic Ocean
10  5) Asia
11  6) Atlantic Ocean
12  7) Australia
13  8) Europe
14  9) Indian Ocean
15 10) Pacific Ocean
16 11) none - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
17 #? 2
18 Please select a country.
19  1) Anguilla              19) Dominican Republic    37) Peru
20  2) Antigua & Barbuda     20) Ecuador               38) Puerto Rico
21  3) Argentina             21) El Salvador           39) St Barthelemy
22  4) Aruba                 22) French Guiana         40) St Kitts & Nevis
23  5) Bahamas               23) Greenland             41) St Lucia
24  6) Barbados              24) Grenada               42) St Maarten (Dutch)
25  7) Belize                25) Guadeloupe            43) St Martin (French)
26  8) Bolivia               26) Guatemala             44) St Pierre & Miquelon
27  9) Brazil                27) Guyana                45) St Vincent
28 10) Canada                28) Haiti                 46) Suriname
29 11) Caribbean NL          29) Honduras              47) Trinidad & Tobago
30 12) Cayman Islands        30) Jamaica               48) Turks & Caicos Is
31 13) Chile                 31) Martinique            49) United States
32 14) Colombia              32) Mexico                50) Uruguay
33 15) Costa Rica            33) Montserrat            51) Venezuela
34 16) Cuba                  34) Nicaragua             52) Virgin Islands (UK)
35 17) Curacao               35) Panama                53) Virgin Islands (US)
36 18) Dominica              36) Paraguay
37 #? 49
38 Please select one of the following time zone regions.
39  1) Eastern (most areas)              16) Central - ND (Morton rural)
40  2) Eastern - MI (most areas)         17) Central - ND (Mercer)
41  3) Eastern - KY (Louisville area)    18) Mountain (most areas)
42  4) Eastern - KY (Wayne)              19) Mountain - ID (south); OR (east)
43  5) Eastern - IN (most areas)         20) MST - Arizona (except Navajo)
44  6) Eastern - IN (Da, Du, K, Mn)      21) Pacific
45  7) Eastern - IN (Pulaski)            22) Alaska (most areas)
46  8) Eastern - IN (Crawford)           23) Alaska - Juneau area
47  9) Eastern - IN (Pike)               24) Alaska - Sitka area
48 10) Eastern - IN (Switzerland)        25) Alaska - Annette Island
49 11) Central (most areas)              26) Alaska - Yakutat
50 12) Central - IN (Perry)              27) Alaska (west)
51 13) Central - IN (Starke)             28) Aleutian Islands
52 14) Central - MI (Wisconsin border)   29) Hawaii
53 15) Central - ND (Oliver)
54 #? 21
56 The following information has been given:
58         United States
59         Pacific
61 Therefore TZ='America/Los_Angeles' will be used.
62 Local time is now:      Thu Jan  4 18:40:32 PST 2018.
63 Universal Time is now:  Fri Jan  5 02:40:32 UTC 2018.
64 Is the above information OK?
65 1) Yes
66 2) No
67 #? 1
69 You can make this change permanent for yourself by appending the line
70         TZ='America/Los_Angeles'; export TZ
71 to the file '.profile' in your home directory; then log out and log in again.
73 Here is that TZ value again, this time on standard output so that you
74 can use the /usr/bin/tzselect command in shell scripts:
75 America/Los_Angeles
View Code

然后需要更改系统时区,即删除原来的local time,将新的时区链接到localtime。

[root@robot-sv8-pod6 ~]# rm -f /etc/localtime
[root@robot-sv8-pod6 ~]# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime
[root@robot-sv8-pod6 ~]# date
Thu Jan  4 18:55:23 PST 2018


posted on 2018-01-05 10:56  yangyanzhao  阅读(977)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报