[Tempest Doc] Sample Configuration File

Sample Configuration File

The following is a sample Tempest configuration for adaptation and use. It is auto-generated from Tempest when this documentation is built, so if you are having issues with an option, please compare your version of Tempest with the version of this documentation.
以下是适应和使用的Tempest配置示例。 在构建本文档时,它是从Tempest自动生成的,因此如果您遇到选项问题,请将您的Tempest版本与本文档的版本进行比较。
# From oslo.log
# If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default INFO level. (boolean value)
# 如果设置为true,则日志记录级别将设置为DEBUG而不是默认的INFO级别。(参数类型:布尔)
# Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
# 注意:可以在不重新启动的情况下更改此选项。
#debug = false
# The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration files, see the Python logging module documentation.
Note that when logging configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for example, log-date-format). (string value)
# 日志配置文件的名称。此文件将附加到任何现有的日志记录配置文件。有关记录配置文件的详细信息,请参阅Python日志记录模块文档。请注意,使用日志记录配置文件时,将在配置文件中设置所有日志记录配置,并忽略其他日志记录配置选项(例如,log-date-format)。
# Note: This option can be changed without restarting. Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
# 注意:可以在不重新启动的情况下更改此选项。 不推荐使用group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
#log_config_append = <None>
# Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default: %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value)
# 在日志记录中定义%%(asctime)s, 用来格式化字符串。 默认值:%(default)s。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# (Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value)
# (可选)要将日志记录输出发送到的日志文件的名称。 如果未设置默认值,则日志记录将按照use_stderr的定义转到stderr。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
# 不推荐使用 group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
#log_file = <None>
# (Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file  paths. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value)
# (可选)用于相对log_file路径的基本目录。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
# 不推荐使用 group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
#log_dir = <None>
# Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
# 使用专门用于监视文件系统的日志处理程序。 移动或删除日志文件时,此处理程序将立即打开具有指定路径的新日志文件。 只有在指定了log_file选项并使用Linux平台时才有意义。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#watch_log_file = false
# Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
# 使用syslog进行日志记录。 现有的syslog格式是DEPRECATED,稍后将更改以符合RFC5424。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#use_syslog = false
# Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish to enable journal support. Doing so will use the journal native protocol which includes structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
# 启用日志记录。 如果在系统环境中运行,您可能希望启用日记支持。 这样做将使用日志原生协议,其中包括除日志消息之外的结构化元数据。如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#use_journal = false
# Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value)
# 用于接收日志行的Syslog工具。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
# Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
# 使用JSON格式进行日志记录。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#use_json = false
# Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
# 将输出记录到标准错误。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#use_stderr = false
# Log output to Windows Event Log. (boolean value)
# 将输出记录到Windows事件日志。
#use_eventlog = false
# The amount of time before the log files are rotated. This option is ignored unless log_rotation_type is setto "interval". (integer value)
# 日志文件旋转之前将有大量时间。 除非将log_rotation_type设置为“interval”,否则将忽略此选项。
#log_rotate_interval = 1
# Rotation interval type. The time of the last file change (or the time when the service was started) is used when scheduling the next rotation. (string value)
# 旋转间隔类型。 在安排下一轮旋转时使用上次文件更改的时间。(或服务开始的时间)
# Possible values:
# Seconds - <No description provided>
# Minutes - <No description provided>
# Hours - <No description provided>
# Days - <No description provided>
# Weekday - <No description provided>
# Midnight - <No description provided>
#log_rotate_interval_type = days
# Maximum number of rotated log files. (integer value)
# 最大旋转日志文件数。
#max_logfile_count = 30
# Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if "log_rotation_type" is not set to "size". (integer value)
# 日志文件最大大小(MB)。 如果“log_rotation_type”未设置为“size”,则忽略此选项。
#max_logfile_size_mb = 200
# Log rotation type. (string value) 日志旋转类型
# Possible values: 可能值
# interval - Rotate logs at predefined time intervals. 以预定义的时间间隔来旋转日志。
# size - Rotate logs once they reach a predefined size. 一旦达到预定义的大小,就旋转日志。
# none - Do not rotate log files. 不旋转日志文件
#log_rotation_type = none
# Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by oslo_log.formatters. ContextFormatter (string value)
# 格式化字符串以用于具有上下文的日志消息。 由oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter使用。
#logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s
# Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
# 未定义上下文时用于日志消息的格式字符串。 由oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter使用
#logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s
# Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message is DEBUG. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
# 在记录消息级别时附加到日志消息的附加数据是DEBUG。 由oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter使用(字符串值)
#logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
# Prefix each line of exception output with this format. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
# 使用此格式为每行异常输出添加前缀。 由oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter使用
#logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s
# Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in logging_context_format_string. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
# 定义logging_context_format_string中使用的%(user_identity)的格式字符串。 由oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter使用
#logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s
# List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (list value)
# logger = LEVEL对中的包日志记录级别列表。 如果设置了log_config_append,则忽略此选项。
#default_log_levels = amqp=WARN,amqplib=WARN,boto=WARN,qpid=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,suds=INFO,oslo.messaging=INFO,oslo_messaging=INFO,iso8601=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,websocket=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN,urllib3.util.retry=WARN,keystonemiddleware=WARN,routes.middleware=WARN,stevedore=WARN,taskflow=WARN,keystoneauth=WARN,oslo.cache=INFO,oslo_policy=INFO,dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO
# Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean value)
# 启用或禁用错误事件的发布。
#publish_errors = false
# The format for an instance that is passed with the log message. (string value)
# 与日志消息一起传递的实例的格式。
#instance_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
# The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message. (string value)
# 与日志消息一起传递的实例UUID的格式。
#instance_uuid_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
# Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting. (integer value)
# 日志速率限制的间隔,秒数。
#rate_limit_interval = 0
# Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval. (integer value)
# 每个rate_limit_interval的最大记录消息数。
#rate_limit_burst = 0
# Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG or empty string. Logs with level greater or equal to rate_limit_except_level are not filtered. An empty string means that all levels are filtered. (string value)
# 速率限制使用的日志级别名称:CRITICAL,ERROR,INFO,WARNING,DEBUG或空字符串。 级别大于或等于rate_limit_except_level的日志不会被过滤。 空字符串表示过滤所有级别。
#rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL
# Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean value)
# 启用或禁用fatal_deprecations状态。
#fatal_deprecations = false
# From tempest.config
# Whether to pause a test in global teardown. 是否在全局清理资源的过程中暂停测试。
# The best use case is investigating used resources of one test. 最好的用例是调查一个测试使用的资源。
# A test can be run as follows: 一个测试可按如下运行
#  $ ostestr --pdb TEST_ID
# or
#  $ python -m testtools.run TEST_ID (boolean value)
#pause_teardown = false
# From tempest.config
# Path to the yaml file that contains the list of credentials to use for running tests. If used when running in parallel you have to make sure sufficient credentials are provided in the accounts file. For example if no tests with roles are being run it requires at least `2 * CONC` distinct accounts configured in  the `test_accounts_file`, with CONC == the number of concurrent test processes. (string value)
# yaml文件的路径,其中包含用于运行测试的凭据列表。如果在并行运行时使用,则必须确保在帐户文件中提供了足够的凭据。例如,如果没有运行带角色的测试,则至少需要在`test_accounts_file`中配置“2 * CONC”不同的帐户,CONC ==并发测试进程的数量。(言简意赅的说,就是指accounts里存放不同的账户,可用来并发执行任务)
#test_accounts_file = <None>
# Allows test cases to create/destroy projects and users. This option requires that OpenStack Identity API admin credentials are known. If false, isolated test cases and parallel execution, can still be achieved configuring a list of test accounts (boolean value)
# 允许测试用例创建/销毁项目和用户。 此选项要求已知OpenStack Identity API管理凭据。 如果错误,隔离测试用例和并行执行,仍然可以实现配置测试帐户列表。
#use_dynamic_credentials = true
# Roles to assign to all users created by tempest (list value) 给由tempest创建的所有用户分配角色
#tempest_roles =
# Default domain used when getting v3 credentials. This is the name keystone uses for v2 compatibility. (string value)
# 获取v3凭据时使用的默认域。 对v2使用的keystone具有兼容性。
#default_credentials_domain_name = Default
# If use_dynamic_credentials is set to True and Neutron is enabled. Tempest will try to create a usable network, subnet, and router when needed for each project it creates. However in some neutron configurations, like with VLAN provider networks, this doesn't work. So if set to False the isolated networks will not be created (boolean value)
# 如果use_dynamic_credentials设置为True且启用了Neutron。 Tempest将尝试在其创建的每个项目需要时创建可用的网络,子网和路由器。 但是在某些neutron的配置中,如VLAN提供商网络,这不起作用。 因此,如果设置为False,则不会创建隔离的网络
#create_isolated_networks = true
# Username for an administrative user. This is needed for authenticating requests made by project isolation to create users and projects (string value)
# 管理用户的用户名。 这是验证项目隔离创建用户和项目的请求所必需的
#admin_username = <None>
# Project name to use for an administrative user. This is needed for authenticating requests made by project isolation to create users and projects (string value)
# 用于管理用户的项目名称。 这是验证项目隔离创建用户和项目的请求所必需的
#admin_project_name = <None>
# Password to use for an administrative user. This is needed for authenticating requests made by project isolation to create users and projects (string value)
# 用于管理用户的密码。 这是验证项目隔离创建用户和项目的请求所必需的
#admin_password = <None>
# Admin domain name for authentication (Keystone V3). The same domain applies to user and project (string value)
# 用于身份验证的管理域名(Keystone V3)。 同一个域适用于用户和项目
#admin_domain_name = Default
# From tempest.config
# Valid primary image reference to be used in tests. This is a required option (string value)
# 在测试中使用的第一个(主)有效镜像的引用。 这是必需的选项
#image_ref = <None>
# Valid secondary image reference to be used in tests. This is a required option, but if only one image is available duplicate the value of image_ref above (string value)
# 在测试中使用的第二个(可供选择的)有效镜像的引用。 这是必需选项,但如果只有一个镜像可用,则复制上面的image_ref值
#image_ref_alt = <None>
# Valid image reference to be used in image certificate validation tests when enabled. This image must also have the required img_signature_* properties set. Additional details available within the following Nova documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/certificate-validation.html (string value)
# 启用时,在镜像验证测试中使用的有效镜像引用。 此镜像还必须具有所需的img_signature_ *属性集。 以下Nova文档中提供了其他详细信息:
#certified_image_ref = <None>
# A list of trusted certificates to be used when the image certificate validation compute feature is enabled. (list value)
# 一系列 trusted certificates将被使用,当compute feature 的镜像的enable_ certificate validation属性设置为true.
#certified_image_trusted_certs = <None>
# Valid primary flavor to use in tests. (string value) 在测试中使用的第一个(主)有效flavor。
#flavor_ref = 1
# Valid secondary flavor to be used in tests. (string value) 在测试中使用的第二个(可供选择的)有效flavor。
#flavor_ref_alt = 2
# Time in seconds between build status checks. (integer value) 检测状态的时间间隔,单位秒。
#build_interval = 1
# Timeout in seconds to wait for an instance to build. Other services that do not define build_timeout will inherit this value. (integer value)
# 等待实例构建的超时时间(以秒为单位)。 其他未定义build_timeout的服务将继承此值。
#build_timeout = 300
# Additional wait time for clean state, when there is no OS-EXT-STS extension available (integer value)
# 当没有可用的OS-EXT-STS扩展时,清理状态的额外等待时间
#ready_wait = 0
# Name of the fixed network that is visible to all test projects. If multiple networks are available for a project, this is the network which will be used for creating servers if tempest does not create a network or a network is not specified elsewhere. It may be used for ssh validation only if floating IPs are disabled. (string value)
# 所有测试项目都可见的固定网络的名称。 如果项目有多个网络可用,则如果tempest未创建网络或未在其他地方指定网络,则此网络将用于创建服务器。 当获取不到浮动IP时,它可用于ssh验证。
#fixed_network_name = <None>
# Catalog type of the Compute service. (string value) Compute服务器的目录类型
#catalog_type = compute
# The compute region name to use. If empty, the value of identity.region is used instead. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first found one is used. (string value)
# 要使用的计算区域名称。 如果为空,则使用identity.region的值。 如果在服务目录中找不到这样的区域,则使用第一个找到的区域。
#region =
# The endpoint type to use for the compute service. (string value)
# 用于计算服务的端点类型。
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = publicURL
# Expected device name when a volume is attached to an instance. Not all hypervisors guarantee that they will respect the user defined device name, tests may fail if inappropriate device name is set.(string value)
# 将卷附加到实例时的预期设备名称。 并非所有虚拟机管理程序都保证他们会尊重用户定义的设备名称,如果设置了不适当的设备名称,测试可能会失败。
#volume_device_name = vdb
# Time in seconds before a shelved instance is eligible for removing from a host.  -1 never offload, 0 offload when shelved. This configuration value should be same as nova.conf: DEFAULT.shelved_offload_time, and some tests will run for as long as the time. (integer value)
# 搁置卸载时间,搁置多久将被卸载。搁置的实例有资格从主机中删除。-1代表永远不卸载,0代表搁置时卸载。这个参数的值应该和nova.conf里的DEFAULT.shelved_offload_time值相同,同时这些测试将持续此一段时间。
#shelved_offload_time = 0
# The minimum number of compute nodes expected. This will be utilized by some multinode specific tests to ensure that requests match the expected size of the cluster you are testing with. (integer value)
# 预期的最小计算节点数。 某些多节点特定测试将使用此方法来确保请求与您正在测试的群集的预期大小相匹配。
#min_compute_nodes = 1
# Hypervisor type of the test target on heterogeneous compute environment. The value can be 'QEMU', 'xen' or something. (string value)
# 为了测试多种多样的计算环境,设置Hypervisor type。 值可以是'QEMU','xen'等。
#hypervisor_type = <None>
# Lower version of the test target microversion range. The format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values. Tempest selects tests based on the range between min_microversion and max_microversion. If both values are not specified, Tempest avoids tests which require a microversion. Valid values are string with format 'X.Y' or string 'latest' (string value)
# 较低版本的测试目标微变化范围。格式为'X.Y',其中'X'和'Y'为int值。Tempest根据min_microversion和max_microversion之间的范围选择测试。如果未指定这两个值,Tempest将避免需要微转换的测试。
#min_microversion = <None>
# Upper version of the test target microversion range. The format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values. Tempest selects tests based on the range between min_microversion and max_microversion. If both values are not specified, Tempest avoids tests which require a microversion. Valid values are string with format 'X.Y' or string 'latest' (string value)
# 测试目标微变化范围的上限版本。 格式为'X.Y',其中'X'和'Y'为int值。 Tempest根据min_microversion和max_microversion之间的范围选择测试。 如果未指定这两个值,Tempest将避免需要微转换的测试。 有效值为格式为“X.Y”的字符串或“latest”的字符串。
#max_microversion = <None>
# AZ to be used for Cinder and Nova. Set this parameter when the cloud has nova.conf: cinder.cross_az_attach set to false. Which means volumes attached to an instance must be in the same availability zone in Cinder as the instance availability zone in Nova. Set the common availability zone in this config which will be used to boot an instance as well as creating a volume. NOTE: If that AZ is not in Cinder (or allow_availability_zone_fallback=False in cinder.conf), the volume create request will fail and the instance will fail the build request. (string value)
# AZ用于Cinder和Nova。 当云具有nova.conf时,设置此参数:cinder.cross_az_attach设置为false。 这意味着附加到虚拟机中的多个卷必须位于Cinder的同一可用区中,与此同时此虚拟机在Nova中有可用域。在此配置中设置公共可用区域,该区域将用于启动一台虚拟机和创建一个卷(volume卷,云硬盘; instance云主机,虚拟机)
#compute_volume_common_az = <None>
# From tempest.config
# If false, skip disk config tests (boolean value) 如果为false,则跳过磁盘配置测试。
#disk_config = true
# DEPRECATED: A list of enabled compute extensions with a special entry all which indicates every extension is enabled. Each extension should be specified with alias name. Empty list indicates all extensions are disabled (list value)
# DEPRECATED:已启用的计算扩展的列表,其中包含一个特殊条目,表示每个扩展都已启用。 应使用别名指定每个扩展名。 空列表表示禁用所有扩展
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: The Nova extensions API and mechanism is deprecated. This option will be removed when all releases supported by tempest no longer contain the Nova extensions API and mechanism.
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:不推荐使用Nova扩展API和机制。 当tempest支持的所有版本不再包含Nova扩展API和机制时,将删除此选项。
#api_extensions = all
# Does the test environment support changing the admin password? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持更改管理员密码?
#change_password = false
# Does the test environment support obtaining instance serial console output? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持获取云主机串行的控制台输出?
#console_output = true
# Does the test environment support resizing? When you enable this feature, 'flavor_ref_alt' should be set and it should refer to a larger flavor than 'flavor_ref' one. (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持调整大小? 启用此功能时,应设置’flavor_ref_alt’的值大于’flavor_ref’的值。
#resize = false
# Does the test environment support pausing? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持暂停?
#pause = true
# Does the test environment support shelving/unshelving? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持搁置/搁置?
#shelve = true
# Does the test environment support suspend/resume? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持暂停/恢复?
#suspend = true
# Does the test environment support cold migration? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持冷迁移?
#cold_migration = true
# Does the test environment support live migration? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持热迁移?
#live_migration = true
# Does the test environment support live migrating VM back and forth between different versions of nova-compute? (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持在不同版本的nova-compute之间来回的虚拟机热迁移?
#live_migrate_back_and_forth = false
# Does the test environment support metadata service? Ignored unless validation.run_validation=true. (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持元数据服务? 除非validation.run_validation = true,否则忽略。
#metadata_service = true
# Does the test environment use block devices for live migration (boolean value) 测试环境是否使用块设备进行热迁移
#block_migration_for_live_migration = false
# Does the test environment support block migration with Cinder iSCSI volumes. Note: libvirt >= 1.2.17 is required to support this if using the libvirt compute driver. (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持使用Cinder iSCSI卷进行块迁移。 注意:如果使用libvirt计算驱动程序,则需要libvirt> = 1.2.17来支持此操作。
#block_migrate_cinder_iscsi = false
# Enable VNC console. This configuration value should be same as nova.conf: vnc.enabled (boolean value)
# 启用VNC控制台。 此配置值应与nova.conf:vnc.enabled相同
#vnc_console = false
# Expected VNC server name (WebSockify, nginx, etc) in response header. (string value)
# 响应头中,预期的VNC服务器名称(WebSockify,nginx等)。
#vnc_server_header = WebSockify
# Enable Spice console. This configuration value should be same as nova.conf: spice.enabled (boolean value)
# 启用Spice控制台。 此配置值应与nova.conf:spice.enabled相同
#spice_console = false
# Enable RDP console. This configuration value should be same as nova.conf: rdp.enabled (boolean value)
# 启用RDP控制台。 此配置值应与nova.conf:rdp.enabled相同
#rdp_console = false
# Enable serial console. This configuration value should be the same as nova.conf: serial_console.enabled (boolean value)
# 启用串行控制台。 此配置值应与nova.conf:serial_console.enabled相同
#serial_console = false
# Does the test environment support instance rescue mode? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持云主机 rescue 模式?
#rescue = true
# Enables returning of the instance password by the relevant server API calls such as create, rebuild or rescue. This configuration value should be same as nova.conf: DEFAULT.enable_instance_password
(boolean value)
# 允许通过相关服务器API调用返回云主机密码,例如,创建,rebuild ,rescue。此配置值应与nova.conf:DEFAULT.enable_instance_password相同
#enable_instance_password = true
# Does the test environment support dynamic network interface attachment? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持动态网络接口附件?
#interface_attach = true
# Does the test environment support creating snapshot images of running instances? (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持正在运行的云主机创建快照?
#snapshot = true
# DEPRECATED: Does the test environment have the nova cert running?(boolean value) 测试环境是否运行nova验证?
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: On Nova side, the nova-cert service is deprecated and the service will be removed as early as Ocata.
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:在Nova方面,nova-cert服务已弃用,服务将在Ocata之前删除。
#nova_cert = false
# Does the test environment support server personality (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持服务器特性
#personality = false
# Does the test environment support attaching an encrypted volume to a running server instance? This may depend on the combination of compute_driver in nova and the volume_driver(s) in cinder. (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持将加密卷附加到正在运行的云主机服务器? 这可能取决于nova中的compute_driver和cinder中的volume_driver的组合。
#attach_encrypted_volume = true
# Enable special configuration drive with metadata. (boolean value) 使用元数据启用特殊配置驱动器
#config_drive = true
# A list of enabled filters that Nova will accept as hints to the scheduler when creating a server. If the default value is overridden in nova.conf by the test environment (which means that a different set of filters is enabled than what is included in Nova by default), then this option must be configured to contain the same filters that Nova uses in the test environment. A special entry 'all' indicates all filters that are included with Nova are enabled. If using 'all', be sure to enable all filters in nova.conf, as tests can fail in unpredictable ways if Nova's and Tempest's enabled filters don't match. Empty list indicates all filters are disabled. The full list of enabled filters is in nova.conf: filter_scheduler.enabled_filters. (list value) Deprecated group/name - [compute-feature-enabled]/scheduler_available_filters
# Nova在创建服务器时将接受的启用过滤器列表作为调度程序的提示。 如果测试环境在nova.conf中覆盖了默认值(这意味着启用了一组不同于Nova中包含的过滤器),则必须将此选项配置为包含Nova在其中使用的相同过滤器 测试环境。 特殊条目“all”表示Nova中包含的所有过滤器均已启用。 如果使用'all',请确保在nova.conf中启用所有过滤器,因为如果Nova和Tempest的启用过滤器不匹配,测试可能会以不可预测的方式失败。 空列表表示禁用所有过滤器。 启用过滤器的完整列表位于nova.conf:filter_scheduler.enabled_filters。
#scheduler_enabled_filters = AvailabilityZoneFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter,ServerGroupAffinityFilter
# Does the test environment support in-place swapping of volumes attached to a server instance? (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持云硬盘交换的连接到云主机服务器?
#swap_volume = false
# Does the test environment support volume-backed live migration? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持以卷(云硬盘)备份的热迁移?
#volume_backed_live_migration = false
# Does the test environment support attaching a volume to more than one instance? This depends on hypervisor and volume backend/type and compute API version 2.60. (boolean value)
# 测试环境是否支持将一个卷(云硬盘)同时附加到多个云主机? 这取决于hypervisor和云硬盘备份/类型和计算API版本2.60。
#volume_multiattach = false
# From tempest.config
# A regex to determine which requests should be traced. 用于确定应跟踪哪些请求的正则表达式。
# This is a regex to match the caller for rest client requests to be able to selectively trace calls out of specific classes and methods. It largely exists for test development, and is not expected to be used in a real deploy of tempest. This will be matched against the discovered ClassName:method in the test environment.
# 这是一个正则表达式,用于匹配休眠客户端请求的调用者,以便能够有选择地跟踪特定类和方法之外的调用。 它主要用于测试开发,并且预计不会用于Tempest的实际部署。 这将与在测试环境中发现的ClassName:method相匹配。
# Expected values for this field are: 该字段的预期值为:
#  * ClassName:test_method_name - traces one test_method 跟踪一个测试方法
#  * ClassName:setUp(Class) - traces specific setup functions 跟踪特殊的setup方法
#  * ClassName:tearDown(Class) - traces specific teardown functions 跟踪特殊的 teardown 方法
#  * ClassName:_run_cleanups - traces the cleanup functions 跟踪 cleanup 方法
# If nothing is specified, this feature is not enabled. To trace everything specify .* as the regex.  (string value)
# 如果未指定任何内容,则不启用此功能。 要跟踪所有指定.*作为正则表达式。
#trace_requests =
用户(无论是Dashboard, API Client)都需要访问Keystone获取服务列表,以及每个服务的地址(Openstack中称为Endpoint).访问服务的地址. Endpoint可以理解为访问服务url。
# From tempest.config
# Catalog type of the Identity service. (string value) 身份服务的目录类型。
#catalog_type = identity
# Set to True if using self-signed SSL certificates. (boolean value) 如果使用自签名SSL证书,则设置为True。
#disable_ssl_certificate_validation = false
# Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. (string value) 指定用于验证TLS(https)服务器证书的CA捆绑包文件。
#ca_certificates_file = <None>
# Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API (Keystone), v2 (string value)
# OpenStack 验证的 API(Keystone)的 URI。(V2版)
#uri = <None>
# Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API (Keystone), v3 (string value)
# OpenStack 验证的 API(Keystone)的 URI。(V3版)
#uri_v3 = <None>
# Identity API version to be used for authentication for API tests. (string value)
# Identity API版本,用于API测试的身份验证。
#auth_version = v3
# The identity region name to use. Also used as the other services' region name unless they are set explicitly. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first found one is used. (string value)
# 要使用的标识区域名称。 除非明确设置,否则还用作其他服务的区域名称。 如果在服务目录中找不到这样的区域,则使用第一个找到的区域。
#region = RegionOne
# The admin endpoint type to use for OpenStack Identity (Keystone) API v2 (string value) 用于OpenStack认证的(Keystone) API(V2版本, admin endpoint type)
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#v2_admin_endpoint_type = adminURL
# The public endpoint type to use for OpenStack Identity (Keystone) API v2 (string value) 用于OpenStack认证的(Keystone) API(V2版本, public endpoint type)
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#v2_public_endpoint_type = publicURL
# The endpoint type to use for OpenStack Identity (Keystone) API v3. The default value adminURL is deprecated and will be modified to publicURL in the next release. (string value)
# 用于OpenStack认证的(Keystone) API(V3版本,endpoint type)。不推荐使用默认值adminURL,并在下一版本中将其修改为publicURL。
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#v3_endpoint_type = adminURL
# Role required to administrate keystone. (string value) 管理keystone所需的角色。
#admin_role = admin
# ID of the default domain (string value) 默认域的ID
#default_domain_id = default
# Whether keystone identity v3 policy required a domain scoped token to use admin APIs (boolean value)
# keystone identity v3策略是否需要域范围标记才能使用管理API
#admin_domain_scope = false
# The number of unsuccessful login attempts the user is allowed before having the account locked. This only takes effect when identity-feature-enabled.security_compliance is set to 'True'. For more details, refer to keystone config options keystone.conf:security_compliance.lockout_failure_attempts. This feature is disabled by default in keystone. (integer value)
# 在锁定帐户之前允许用户登录尝试失败的次数。 这仅在identity-feature-enabled.security_compliance设置为“True”时生效。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅keystone配置选项keystone.conf:security_compliance.lockout_failure_attempts。 默认情况下,此功能在keystone中处于禁用状态。
#user_lockout_failure_attempts = 2
# The number of seconds a user account will remain locked. This only takes effect when identity-feature-enabled.security_compliance is set to 'True'. For more details, refer to keystone config options keystone.conf:security_compliance.lockout_duration. Setting this option will have no effect unless you also set identity.user_lockout_failure_attempts. (integer value)
# 用户帐户保持锁定的秒数。 这仅在identity-feature-enabled.security_compliance设置为“True”时生效。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅keystone配置选项keystone.conf:security_compliance.lockout_duration。 除非您还设置了identity.user_lockout_failure_attempts,否则设置此选项将不起作用。
#user_lockout_duration = 5
# The number of passwords for a user that must be unique before an old password can be reused. This only takes effect when identity-feature-enabled.security_compliance is set to 'True'. This config option corresponds to keystone.conf: security_compliance.unique_last_password_count, whose default value is 0 meaning disabling this feature. NOTE: This config option value must be same as keystone.conf: security_compliance.unique_last_password_count otherwise test might fail (integer value)
# 在重复使用旧密码之前用户的密码数必须是唯一的。 这仅在identity-feature-enabled.security_compliance设置为“True”时生效。 
此配置选项对应于keystone.conf:security_compliance.unique_last_password_count,其默认值为0表示禁用此功能。 注意:此配置选项值必须与keystone.conf:security_compliance.unique_last_password_count相同,否则测试可能会失败
#user_unique_last_password_count = 2
# From tempest.config
# Does the identity service have delegation and impersonation enabled (boolean value) 身份服务是否启用了委派和模拟
#trust = true
# DEPRECATED: Is the v2 identity API enabled (boolean value) 弃用:V2版本的 API 是否允许
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: The identity v2.0 API was removed in the Queens release. Tests that exercise the v2.0 API will be removed from tempest in the v22.0.0 release. They are kept only to test stable branches.
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:Queens版本中删除了身份v2.0 API。 在v22.0.0版本中,将从tempest中删除运行v2.0 API的测试。 它们仅用于测试稳定的分支。
#api_v2 = false
# Is the v2 identity admin API available? This setting only applies if api_v2 is set to True. (boolean value) v2版 admin API是否可用? 此设置仅在api_v2设置为True时适用。
#api_v2_admin = true
# Is the v3 identity API enabled (boolean value) V3 版的 API 认证是否可用
#api_v3 = true
# A list of enabled identity extensions with a special entry all which indicates every extension is enabled. Empty list indicates all extensions are disabled. To get the list of extensions run: 'openstack extension list --identity' (list value)
# 已启用的标识扩展列表,其中包含指示每个扩展名的特殊条目。 空列表表示禁用所有扩展。 要获取扩展名列表:'openstack extension list --identity'
#api_extensions = all
# Are domain specific drivers enabled? This configuration value should be same as [identity]->domain_specific_drivers_enabled in keystone.conf. (boolean value)
# 是否启用了特定于域的驱动 此配置值应与keystone.conf中的[identity]  - > domain_specific_drivers_enabled相同。
#domain_specific_drivers = false
# Does the environment have the security compliance settings enabled? (boolean value) 环境是否已启用安全合规性设置?
#security_compliance = false
# Is the project tags identity v3 API available? (boolean value) project_tags是否可以使用 v3版 API 验证?
#project_tags = false
# Does the environment have application credentials enabled? (boolean value) 环境是否启用了应用程序凭据?
#application_credentials = false
# Set to True if the environment has a read-only user source. This will skip all tests that attempt to create, delete, or modify users. This should not be set to True if using dynamic credentials (boolean value)
# 如果环境具有只读用户来源,则设置为True。 这将跳过尝试创建,删除或修改用户的所有测试。 如果使用动态凭据,则不应将其设置为True
#immutable_user_source = false
# From tempest.config
# Catalog type of the Image service. (string value) 镜像服务的catalog_type
#catalog_type = image
# The image region name to use. If empty, the value of identity.region is used instead. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first found one is used. (string value)
# 要使用的镜像区域名称。 如果为空,则使用identity.region的值。 如果在服务目录中找不到这样的区域,则使用第一个找到的区域。
#region =
# The endpoint type to use for the image service. (string value) 镜像服务中使用的 endpoint 类型
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = publicURL
# http accessible image (string value) 可获得的镜像路径
# Timeout in seconds to wait for an image to become available. (integer value) 等待镜像状态变为 available 的时间,单位为秒。
#build_timeout = 300
# Time in seconds between image operation status checks. (integer value) 检测镜像状态的时间间隔,单位为秒
#build_interval = 1
# A list of image's container formats users can specify. (list value) 用户可以指定的镜像容器格式列表。
#container_formats = ami,ari,aki,bare,ovf,ova
# A list of image's disk formats users can specify. (list value) 用户可以指定的镜像磁盘格式列表。
#disk_formats = ami,ari,aki,vhd,vmdk,raw,qcow2,vdi,iso,vhdx
# From tempest.config
# DEPRECATED: Is the v2 image API enabled (boolean value) 禁用:V2版本的镜像api 是否可获得
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: Glance v1 APIs are deprecated and v2 APIs are current one. In future, Tempest will test v2 APIs only so this config option will be removed.
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:不推荐使用Glance API,v2 API是当前API。 将来,Tempest将仅测试v2 API,因此将删除此配置选项。
#api_v2 = true
# DEPRECATED: Is the v1 image API enabled (boolean value) 禁用:V1版本的镜像api 是否可获得
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: Glance v1 APIs are deprecated and v2 APIs are current one. In future, Tempest will test v2 APIs only so this config option will be removed.
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:不推荐使用Glance API,v2 API是当前API。 将来,Tempest将仅测试v2 API,因此将删除此配置选项。
#api_v1 = false
# From tempest.config
# Catalog type of the Neutron service. (string value) 网络服务的catalog_type
#catalog_type = network
# The network region name to use. If empty, the value of identity.region is used instead. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first found one is used. (string value)
# 要使用的网络区域名称。 如果为空,则使用identity.region的值。 如果在服务目录中找不到这样的区域,则使用第一个找到的区域。
#region =
# The endpoint type to use for the network service. (string value) 网络服务中使用的 endpoint 类型
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = publicURL
# The cidr block to allocate project ipv4 subnets from (string value) 用于分配项目ipv4子网的cidr块
#project_network_cidr =
# The mask bits for project ipv4 subnets (integer value) 项目ipv4子网的掩码位
#project_network_mask_bits = 28
# The cidr block to allocate project ipv6 subnets from (string value) 用于分配项目ipv6子网的cidr块
#project_network_v6_cidr = 2003::/48
# The mask bits for project ipv6 subnets (integer value) 项目ipv6子网的掩码位
#project_network_v6_mask_bits = 64
# Whether project networks can be reached directly from the test client. This must be set to True when the 'fixed' connect_method is selected. (boolean value)
# 是否可以直接从测试客户端访问项目网络。 选择“固定”connect_method时,必须将其设置为True。
#project_networks_reachable = false
# Id of the public network that provides external connectivity (string value) 提供外部连接的公共网络的ID
#public_network_id =
# Default floating network name. Used to allocate floating IPs when neutron is enabled. (string value)
# 默认浮动网络名称。当网络可用时, 用于分配浮动IP。
#floating_network_name = <None>
# Id of the public router that provides external connectivity. This should only be used when Neutron's 'allow_overlapping_ips' is set to 'False' in neutron.conf. usually not needed past 'Grizzly’ releas (string value)
# 提供外部连接的公共路由器的ID。 这只应在Neutron的'allow_overlapping_ips'在neutron.conf中设置为'False'时使用。 通常过去'Grizzly’版本是不需要
#public_router_id =
# Timeout in seconds to wait for network operation to complete. (integer value) 等待网络操作完成的时间,单位为秒
#build_timeout = 300
# Time in seconds between network operation status checks. (integer value) 网络运行状态检查之间的时间,单位为秒。
#build_interval = 1
# DEPRECATED: List of dns servers which should be used for subnet creation (list value) 弃用:应该用于创建子网的DNS服务器列表。
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: This config option is no longer used anywhere, so it can be removed.
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:此配置选项将不再在任何地方使用,因此可以将其删除。
#dns_servers =,
# vnic_type to use when launching instances with pre-configured ports. 启动具有预配置端口的云主机时使用的vnic_type。
# Supported ports are: ['normal','direct','macvtap'] (string value) 支持的端口为
# Possible values:
# <None> - <No description provided>
# normal - <No description provided>
# direct - <No description provided>
# macvtap - <No description provided>
#port_vnic_type = <None>
# port profile to use when launching instances with pre-configured ports. (dict value) 启动具有预配置端口的云主机时要使用的端口配置文件。
#port_profile =
# List of ip pools for subnetpools creation (list value) ip池列表子网池的创建
#default_network =,
# The environment does not support network separation between tenants. (boolean value) 环境不支持租户之间的网络分离。
#shared_physical_network = false
# From tempest.config
# Allow the execution of IPv6 tests (boolean value) 允许执行IPv6测试
#ipv6 = true
# A list of enabled network extensions with a special entry all which indicates every extension is enabled. Empty list indicates all extensions are disabled. To get the list of extensions run: 'neutron ext-list' (list value)
# 已启用的网络扩展列表,其中包含一个特殊条目,表示每个扩展都已启用。 空列表表示禁用所有扩展。 要获取扩展名列表:'neutron ext-list'
#api_extensions = all
# Allow the execution of IPv6 subnet tests that use the extended IPv6 attributes ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode (boolean value)
# 允许执行使用扩展IPv6属性ipv6_ra_mode和ipv6_address_mode的IPv6子网测试
#ipv6_subnet_attributes = false
# Does the test environment support changing port admin state (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持更改端口管理状态
#port_admin_state_change = true
# Does the test environment support port security? (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持端口安全性?
#port_security = false
# Does the test environment support floating_ips (boolean value) 测试环境是否支持floating_ips
#floating_ips = true
# Name of the physnet for placement based minimum bandwidth allocation. (string value) 基于最小带宽分配的放置的physnet的名称。
#qos_placement_physnet = <None>
# Base segmentation ID to create provider networks. This value will be increased in case of conflict. (string value)
# 用于创建提供商网络的基本分段ID。 如果发生冲突,该值将增加。
#provider_net_base_segmentation_id = 3000
# From tempest.config
# Catalog type of the Object-Storage service. (string value) 对象存储服务的catalog_type
#catalog_type = object-store
# The object-storage region name to use. If empty, the value of identity.region is used instead. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first found one is used. (string value)
# 要使用的对象存储区域名称。 如果为空,则使用identity.region的值。 如果在服务目录中找不到这样的区域,则使用第一个找到的区域。
#region =
# The endpoint type to use for the object-store service. (string value) 对象存储服务使用的 endpoint type
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = publicURL
# Number of seconds to time on waiting for a container to container synchronization complete. (integer value) 等待容器到容器同步完成的秒数。
#container_sync_timeout = 600
# Number of seconds to wait while looping to check the status of a container to container synchronization (integer value)
# 循环检查容器状态到容器同步时等待的秒数
#container_sync_interval = 5
# Role to add to users created for swift tests to enable creating containers (string value)
# 添加到为快速测试创建的用户的角色,以便能够创建容器
#operator_role = Member
# User role that has reseller admin (string value) 具有代理商管理员的用户角色
#reseller_admin_role = ResellerAdmin
# Name of sync realm. A sync realm is a set of clusters that have agreed to allow container syncing with each other. Set the same realm name as Swift's container-sync-realms.conf (string value)
# 同步领域的名称。 同步领域是一组已同意允许容器彼此同步的集群。 设置与Swift的container-sync-realms.conf文件中相同的域名
#realm_name = realm1
# One name of cluster which is set in the realm whose name is set in 'realm_name' item in this file. Set the same cluster name as Swift's container-sync-realms.conf (string value)
# 在域中设置的一个集群名称,其名称在此文件的“realm_name”项中设置。 设置与Swift的container-sync-realms.conf相同的集群名称
#cluster_name = name1
# From tempest.config
# A list of the enabled optional discoverable apis. A single entry, all, indicates that all of these features are expected to be enabled (list value)
# 已启用的可选发现api的列表。 单个条目all表示预计将启用所有这些功能。
#discoverable_apis = all
# Execute (old style) container-sync tests (boolean value) 执行(旧式)容器同步测试
#container_sync = true
# Execute object-versioning tests (boolean value) 执行对象版本测试
#object_versioning = true
# Execute discoverability tests (boolean value) 执行可发现性测试
#discoverability = true
# From oslo.concurrency
# Enables or disables inter-process locks. (boolean value) 启用或禁用进程间锁定。
#disable_process_locking = false
# Directory to use for lock files.  For security, the specified directory should only be writable by the user running the processes that need locking. Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. If external locks are used, a lock path must be set. (string value)
# 用于锁定文件的目录。 为了安全起见,指定的目录只能由运行需要锁定的进程的用户写入。 默认为环境变量OSLO_LOCK_PATH。 如果使用外部锁,则必须设置锁定路径。
#lock_path = <None>
# From tempest.config
# The endpoint type to use for the placement service. (string value) 放置服务的endpoint_type
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = public
# Catalog type of the Placement service. (string value) 放置服务的 catalog_type
#catalog_type = placement
# The placement region name to use. If empty, the value of [identity]/region is used instead. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first region found is used. (string value)
# 要使用的放置区域名称。 如果为空,则使用[identity] / region的值。 如果在服务目录中找不到此类区域,则使用找到的第一个区域。
#region = RegionOne
# Lower version of the test target microversion range. The format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values. Tempest selects tests based on the range between min_microversion and max_microversion. If both values are not specified, Tempest avoids tests which require a microversion. Valid values are string with format 'X.Y' or string 'latest' (string value)
# 较低版本的测试目标微变化范围。格式为'X.Y',其中'X'和'Y'为int值。Tempest根据min_microversion和max_microversion之间的范围选择测试。如果未指定这两个值,Tempest将避免需要微转换的测试。
#min_microversion = <None>
# Upper version of the test target microversion range. The format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values. Tempest selects tests based on the range between min_microversion and max_microversion. If both values are not specified, Tempest avoids tests which require a microversion. Valid values are string with format 'X.Y' or string 'latest' (string value)
# 测试目标微变化范围的上限版本。 格式为'X.Y',其中'X'和'Y'为int值。 Tempest根据min_microversion和max_microversion之间的范围选择测试。 如果未指定这两个值,Tempest将避免需要微转换的测试。 有效值为格式为“X.Y”的字符串或“latest”的字符串。
#max_microversion = <None>
# From tempest.config
# The secret key to enable OpenStack Profiler. The value should match the one configured in OpenStack services under `[profiler]/hmac_keys` property. The default empty value keeps profiling disabled (string value)
# 启用OpenStack Profiler的密钥。 该值应与`[profiler] / hmac_keys`属性下的OpenStack服务中配置的值匹配。 禁止使用保留默认的空值
#key = <None>
# From tempest.config
# DEPRECATED: Directory containing image files (string value) 禁用:包含镜像文件的目录
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。
#img_dir = /opt/stack/new/devstack/files/images/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
# Image file name (string value) 镜像文件名称
# Deprecated group/name - [scenario]/qcow2_img_file 禁用 group/name - [scenario]/qcow2_img_file
#img_file = cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img
# Image disk format (string value) 镜像磁盘格式
#img_disk_format = qcow2
# Image container format (string value) 镜像容器格式
#img_container_format = bare
# Glance image properties. Use for custom images which require them (dict value) 镜像属性。用于需要自定义的镜像
#img_properties = <None>
# DEPRECATED: AMI image file name (string value) 禁用:AMI 镜像文件名
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。
#ami_img_file = cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-blank.img
# DEPRECATED: ARI image file name (string value) 禁用:ARI 镜像文件名
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。
#ari_img_file = cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-initrd
# DEPRECATED: AKI image file name (string value) 禁用: AKI 镜像文件名
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。
#aki_img_file = cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-vmlinuz
# DHCP client used by images to renew DCHP lease. If left empty,
update operation will be skipped. Supported clients: "udhcpc",
"dhclient" (string value)
# 用于续订DHCP租约的DHCP客户端的镜像。 如果为空,将跳过更新操作。 支持的客户端:“udhcpc”,“dhclient”
# Possible values:
# udhcpc - <No description provided>
# dhclient - <No description provided>
# '' - <No description provided>
#dhcp_client = udhcpc
# The protocol used in security groups tests to check connectivity. (string value) 安全组中使用的协议测试以检查连接性。
# Possible values:
# icmp - <No description provided>
# tcp - <No description provided>
# udp - <No description provided>
#protocol = icmp
# From tempest.config
# Timeout in seconds to wait for the http request to return (integer value) 等待http请求返回的超时时间(以秒为单位)
#http_timeout = 60
# Specify an http proxy to use. (string value) 指定要使用的http代理。
#proxy_url = <None>
# From tempest.config
# Whether or not cinder is expected to be available (boolean value) 是否可以提供 cinder
#cinder = true
# Whether or not neutron is expected to be available (boolean value) 是否可以提供 neutron
#neutron = false
# Whether or not glance is expected to be available (boolean value)
是否可以提供 glance
#glance = true
# Whether or not swift is expected to be available (boolean value)
是否可以提供 swift
#swift = true
# Whether or not nova is expected to be available (boolean value)
是否可以提供 nova
#nova = true
# From tempest.config
# Enable ssh on created servers and creation of additional validation
resources to enable remote access. In case the guest does not support ssh set it to false (boolean value)
# 在已创建的云主机上启用ssh并创建其他验证资源以启用远程访问。 如果guest虚拟机不支持ssh,则将其设置为false
#run_validation = true
# Enable/disable security groups. (boolean value) 允许/不允许 安全组
#security_group = true
# Enable/disable security group rules. (boolean value) 允许/不允许 安全组规则
#security_group_rules = true
# Default IP type used for validation: -fixed: uses the first IP belonging to the fixed network -floating: creates and uses a floating IP (string value)
# 用于验证的默认IP类型:-fixed:使用属于固定网络的第一个IP -floating:创建并使用浮动IP
# Possible values:
# fixed - <No description provided>
# floating - <No description provided>
#connect_method = floating
# Default authentication method to the instance. Only ssh via keypair
is supported for now. Additional methods will be handled in a separate spec. (string value)
# 实例的默认身份验证方法。 目前仅支持通过密钥进行远程登录。 其他方法将在单独的规范中处理。
# Possible values:
# keypair - <No description provided>
#auth_method = keypair
# Default IP version for ssh connections. (integer value) ssh连接的默认IP版本。
#ip_version_for_ssh = 4
# Timeout in seconds to wait for ping to succeed. (integer value) 等待ping成功的超时时间(以秒为单位)。
#ping_timeout = 120
# Timeout in seconds to wait for the TCP connection to be successful. (integer value) 等待TCP连接成功的超时时间(以秒为单位)。
#connect_timeout = 60
# Timeout in seconds to wait for the ssh banner. (integer value) 等待ssh banner 的超时时间 (以秒为单位)。
#ssh_timeout = 300
# User name used to authenticate to an instance. (string value) 用于对云主机进行身份验证的用户名。
#image_ssh_user = root
# Password used to authenticate to an instance. (string value) 用于对云主机进行身份验证的密码。
#image_ssh_password = password
# Shell fragments to use before executing a command when sshing to a guest. (string value)   在sshing到guest虚拟机时执行命令之前使用的壳片段。
#ssh_shell_prologue = set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$$PATH:/sbin;
# The packet size for ping packets originating from remote linux hosts (integer value) 来自远程linux主机的ping数据包的数据包大小
#ping_size = 56
# The number of ping packets originating from remote linux hosts (integer value) 源自远程linux主机的ping数据包的数量
#ping_count = 1
# Unallocated floating IP range, which will be used to test the floating IP bulk feature for CRUD operation. This block must not overlap an existing floating IP pool. (string value)
# 未分配的浮动IP范围,用于测试CRUD操作的浮动IP批量功能。 此块不得与现有浮动IP池重叠。
#floating_ip_range =
# Network used for SSH connections. Ignored if connect_method=floating. (string value) 用于SSH连接的网络。 如果connect_method =浮动 ip,则忽略。
#network_for_ssh = public
# From tempest.config
# Time in seconds between volume availability checks. (integer value) 卷(云硬盘)可用性检查之间的时间(秒)。
#build_interval = 1
# Timeout in seconds to wait for a volume to become available. (integer value) 等待卷可用的超时时间(以秒为单位)。
#build_timeout = 300
# Catalog type of the Volume Service (string value) 云硬盘服务的catalog_type
#catalog_type = volumev3
# The volume region name to use. If empty, the value of identity.region is used instead. If no such region is found in the service catalog, the first found one is used. (string value)
# 要使用的卷区域名称。 如果为空,则使用identity.region的值。 如果在服务目录中找不到这样的区域,则使用第一个找到的区域。
#region =
# The endpoint type to use for the volume service. (string value) 云硬盘服务的 endpoint_type
# Possible values:
# public - <No description provided>
# admin - <No description provided>
# internal - <No description provided>
# publicURL - <No description provided>
# adminURL - <No description provided>
# internalURL - <No description provided>
#endpoint_type = publicURL
# A list of backend names separated by comma. The backend name must be declared in cinder.conf (list value) 由逗号分隔的后端名称列表。 后端名称必须在cinder.conf中声明
#backend_names = BACKEND_1,BACKEND_2
# Backend protocol to target when creating volume types (string value) 创建云硬盘类型时要定位的后端协议
#storage_protocol = iSCSI
# Backend vendor to target when creating volume types (string value) 后端供应商在创建云硬盘类型时进行定位
#vendor_name = Open Source
# Disk format to use when copying a volume to image (string value) 将云硬盘复制到镜像时要使用的磁盘格式
#disk_format = raw
# Default size in GB for volumes created by volumes tests (integer value) 云硬盘测试创建的云硬盘的默认大小(以GB为单位)
#volume_size = 1
# A reference to existing volume for volume manage. It contains two elements, the first is ref type (like 'source-name', 'source-id’, etc), the second is volume name template used in storage backend (list value)
# 对云硬盘管理的现有卷的引用。 它包含两个元素,第一个是ref类型(如'source-name','source-id'等),第二个是存储后端使用的云硬盘名称模板
#manage_volume_ref = source-name,volume-%s
# A reference to existing snapshot for snapshot manage. It contains two elements, the first is ref type (like 'source-name', 'source-id', etc), the second is snapshot name template used in storage backend (list value)
# 对快照管理的现有快照的引用。 它包含两个元素,第一个是ref类型(如'source-name','source-id'等),第二个是存储后端使用的快照名称模板
#manage_snapshot_ref = source-name,_snapshot-%s
# Lower version of the test target microversion range. The format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values. Tempest selects tests based on the range between min_microversion and max_microversion. If both values are not specified, Tempest avoids tests which require a microversion. Valid values are string with format 'X.Y' or string 'latest' (string value)
# 较低版本的测试目标微变化范围。格式为'X.Y',其中'X'和'Y'为int值。Tempest根据min_microversion和max_microversion之间的范围选择测试。如果未指定这两个值,Tempest将避免需要微转换的测试。
#min_microversion = <None>
# Upper version of the test target microversion range. The format is 'X.Y', where 'X' and 'Y' are int values. Tempest selects tests based on the range between min_microversion and max_microversion. If both values are not specified, Tempest avoids tests which require a microversion. Valid values are string with format 'X.Y' or string 'latest' (string value)
# 测试目标微变化范围的上限版本。 格式为'X.Y',其中'X'和'Y'为int值。 Tempest根据min_microversion和max_microversion之间的范围选择测试。 如果未指定这两个值,Tempest将避免需要微转换的测试。 有效值为格式为“X.Y”的字符串或“latest”的字符串。
#max_microversion = <None>
# From tempest.config
# Runs Cinder multi-backend test (requires 2 backends) (boolean value) 运行Cinder多后端测试(需要2个后端)
#multi_backend = false
# Runs Cinder volumes backup test (boolean value) 运行Cinder卷备份测试
#backup = true
# Runs Cinder volume snapshot test (boolean value) 运行Cinder卷快照测试
#snapshot = true
# Runs Cinder volume clone test (boolean value) 运行Cinder卷克隆测试
#clone = true
# Runs Cinder manage snapshot tests (boolean value) 运行Cinder管理快照测试
#manage_snapshot = false
# Runs Cinder manage volume tests (boolean value) 运行Cinder管理批量测试
#manage_volume = false
# A list of enabled volume extensions with a special entry all which indicates every extension is enabled. Empty list indicates all extensions are disabled (list value)
# 已启用的云硬盘扩展列表,其中包含一个特殊条目,表示每个扩展都已启用。 空列表表示禁用所有扩展
#api_extensions = all
# DEPRECATED: Is the v2 volume API enabled (boolean value) 禁用:是否允许使用云硬盘的Api (v2版本)
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: The v2 volume API has been deprecated since Pike release.Now Tempest run all the volume tests against v2 or v3 API based on CONF.volume.catalog_type which makes this config option unusable. If catalog_type is volumev2, then all the volume tests will run against v2 API. Use ``CONF.volume.catalog_type`` to run the Tempest against volume v2 or v3 API
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:自 Pike 版发布以来,v2卷API已被弃用。现在,Tempest基于CONF.volume.catalog_type针对v2或v3 API运行所有云硬盘测试,这使得此配置选项无法使用。 如果catalog_type是volumev2,则所有云硬盘测试都将针对v2 API运行。 使用``CONF.volume.catalog_type``对卷v2或v3 API运行Tempest
#api_v2 = true
# DEPRECATED: Is the v3 volume API enabled (boolean value) 禁用:是否允许使用云硬盘的Api (v3版本)
# This option is deprecated for removal. Its value may be silently ignored in the future. Reason: Tempest run all the volume tests against v2 or v3 API based on CONF.volume.catalog_type which makes this config option unusable. If catalog_type is volumev3 which is default, then all the volume tests will run against v3 API. Use ``CONF.volume.catalog_type`` to run the Tempest against volume v2 or v3 API
# 不推荐使用此选项进行删除。 它的价值可能会在将来被忽视。 原因:Tempest基于CONF.volume.catalog_type针对v2或v3 API运行所有云硬盘测试,这使得此配置选项无法使用。 如果catalog_type是默认的volumev3,则所有云硬盘测试都将针对v3 API运行。 使用``CONF.volume.catalog_type``对卷v2或v3 API运行Tempest
#api_v3 = true
# Does the cloud support extending the size of a volume which is currently attached to a server instance? This depends on the 3.42
volume API microversion and the 2.51 compute API microversion. Also, not all volume or compute backends support this operation. (boolean value)
# 云是否支持扩展当前连接到云主机服务器的云硬盘大小? 这取决于3.42云硬盘API microversion 和2.51计算API microversion。 此外,并非所有云硬盘或计算后端都支持此操作。
#extend_attached_volume = false
posted @ 2019-08-08 18:07  一只有梦想的咸鱼  阅读(425)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报