
 1 select ycsp.v_dd_no,dd.v_pai_no,ycsp.v_czzl_no,ycsp.v_czzl_name,
 2        case when ycsp.i_goods_type=0 then '普通品项' 
 3             when ycsp.i_goods_type=1 then '套菜'
 4             when ycsp.i_goods_type=2 then '套菜子菜'
 5             when ycsp.i_goods_type=3 then '特价品项' 
 6        end as v_goods_type,
 7        ycsp.v_goods_no,ycsp.v_goods_name,
 8        ycsp.v_danwei_name,ycsp.v_specs,ycsp.v_zuofa,
 9        ycsp.i_copy*ycsp.f_amount as i_copy,
10        case when ycsp.f_cross_food_amount is null then 0 else ycsp.f_cross_food_amount end as f_cross_food_amount,
11        case when dd.i_type=0 then '普通' else '外卖' end as v_type,
12        case when ycsp.i_cross_food_flag=1 then '完成' else '正在加工' end as v_cross_food_flag,
13        ycsp.t_create_time,datediff(minute, ycsp.t_create_time, GETDATE()) as t_burning_time
15 from cy_yy_dd_ycsp as ycsp,cy_yy_dd as dd
16 where ycsp.v_dd_no=dd.v_no and ycsp.i_status!=1 and DateDiff(minute,ycsp.t_create_time,getdate())>100
17 order by ycsp.v_czzl_no asc


posted @ 2019-03-04 09:58  一纸年华  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报