C++ Primer 读书笔记 - 第十章
1. map和set中的key是唯一的,multimap和multiset中的key可以出现多次。
2. Whenever we use an associative container, its keys have not only a type, but also an associated comparsion function.
3. The value_type is a pair and that we can chagne the value but not the key member of that pair.
4. 用下标插入元素时,内部操作是这样的:
- 找key,找不到
- 把key-value pair 插入到map中,其中value是其默认初始化值
- 然后再取出key对应的元素,对value进行赋值
5. 用insert函数进行插入元素操作,如果key已存在,则对应的元素保持不变
pair<map<string, int>::iterator, bool> ret = word_count.insert(make_pair(word, 1)); if (!ret.second) ++ret.first->second;
6. 不要用下标操作来查找一个元素,一旦这个key不存在的话,它会创建一个key,对应的value为默认初始值。
7. map中的erase函数,当key存在时,就删除,返回1,不存在,不做任何事,返回0.
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <utility> using namespace std; class A { private: int age; public: A() : age(0) { } A (int a)
{ age = a; } int get_age() const { return age; } bool operator < (const A &a) const { return (age < a.age); } }; int main() { map<string, int> m; m.insert(make_pair("abc", 1)); m.insert(make_pair("abc", 4));//do nothing cout << m["abc"] << endl; cout << m.size() << endl; cout << m.count("abc") << endl; A a = A(5); cout << a.get_age() << endl; A a1(6); A a2(1); A a3(2); A a4(10); A a5(5); map<A, int> mapa; mapa.insert(make_pair(a1, 1)); mapa.insert(make_pair(a2, 2)); mapa.insert(make_pair(a3, 3)); mapa.insert(make_pair(a4, 4)); mapa.insert(make_pair(a5, 5)); for (map<A, int>::iterator it = mapa.begin(); it != mapa.end(); ++it) { cout << "A.age: " << (it->first).get_age() << "\t"; cout << "value: " << it->second << endl; } return 0; }
8. Just as we cannot change the key part of a map element, the keys in a set are also const.
9. set, multimap, multiset都没有下标操作
10. map.lower_bound(k)
m.equal_range(k) -> return a pair of iterators. first is equivalent to lower_bound(), second is equivalent to upper_bound()
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