a data based functional testing often needs to check the data orderation, I use the function listed below in my daily work, I hope it can help you rise up your efficiency.

Selenium.prototype.isColumnOrdered = function(locator,order){
    var locators = locator.split("|");
    var tableLocator = locators[0];
    var headNum = parseInt(locators[1]);
    var bottomNum = parseInt(locators[2]);
    var identifier = locators[3];
    var colNum = null;
    var elem = null;
    if(identifier.indexOf(":") >= 0){
        colNum = parseInt(identifier.substring(0,identifier.indexOf(":")));
        elem = identifier.substr(identifier.indexOf(":")+1);
        colNum = parseInt(identifier);
    var table = this.page().findElement(tableLocator);
    if(table != null){
        for(i=headNum; i<table.rows.length-bottomNum; i++){
                var fir = "";
                var sec = "";
                if(elem != null){
                    var path1 = tableLocator+"//tr["+ (i+1) +"]/td["+ (colNum+1) +"]//"+elem;
                    var path2 = tableLocator+"//tr["+ (i+2) +"]/td["+ (colNum+1) +"]//"+elem;
                    fir = this.getText(path1);
                    sec = this.getText(path2);
                    fir = getText(table.rows[i].cells[colNum]).trim();
                    sec = getText(table.rows[i+1].cells[colNum]).trim();
                if(order.toUpperCase() == "A"){
                    if(fir > sec){
                        return false;
                }else if(order.toUpperCase() == "D"){
                    if( fir < sec){
                        return false;
        return true;
        throw new SeleniumError("can't find the element"""+tableLocator+"""");

how to use:
call function: verifyColumnOrdered
param1 format: tablelocator|rowCountBeforeDataArea|rowCountAfterDataArea
    example: //table[2]|2|3
                  //table[2] - xPath of a table;
                  2 - there 2 rows before data area in this table;
                  3 - there are 3 rows after data area in this table
param2: order
            A: ascending
            D: descending
posted on 2008-04-10 22:41  nuelaleo  阅读(919)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报