


intrinsic     固有,内在                           ajar              

adjure恳请 I adjure you to tell me the truth.

obsolete    废止的obsolete machinery    dictate    

intimidate恐吓,威胁 intimidate the children      

inflict    使遭受 she is wrong to inflict her belifs on everyone else.


overt  明显的 an overt act of aggression.                   nevertheless

insolent   傲慢无礼 the insolent tone of his voice.       

pompous 炫耀,自负 a pamous ass who pretents he knows everything.

quaint   古色古香                      

implicit 含蓄的;绝对的               legitimate                   


precarious  不稳定的 a precarious ladder.      constitution      mania

catalyst 催化剂;  rational        exotic非本国的;Exotic birds;an exotic outfit;      aftermath

haphazard 无计划的;任意的  mandatory       

malnurtrition      consequence      deadlock

conceive构想;怀孕 affable 和蔼,亲和的an affable and agreeable companion    


absurdity荒谬 campaign           adverse impact

celebrity admiration

collectivism 集体主义      alienation     candidate           burden

stylish      vexing 使人烦恼的          stern           sole             unsociable        shabby            well-grounded

wholesome有益健康的 innovative革新的;创新的 immediate 立即的;目前的



Now we are entering a new era,full of new konwledge and innovative ideas.

The most immediate factor that has given rise to this phenomenon is the extensive use of farming machinery.

Both sides of the question are well supported by sound reasons.

An equally important factor that deserves our attention is the rapid development of public facilities.

But other people set forth a totally different argument about this case.

Another factor that shoult not be neglected in this regard is government policy in the designing and planning of cities.

This issue is so controversial that people can hardly reach an absolute consensus.

The phenomenon has aroused wide concern among the people.

This is a very controversial issue and people hold quite different opinions about it.

It is quite natural that people seldom reach a total agreement on such a long-running controversy.



posted @ 2010-04-25 10:19  nuddle  阅读(182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报