摘要:PART III: Advanced ASP.NET Scenarios Chapter 11: Shareing Data with windows communication foundation Creating and Consuming WCF Services Security and Privacy with WCF Transport Security Message Securi...
摘要:PART II: Securing Common ASP.NET Tasks Chapter 7: Adding usernames and passwords Authentication and Authorization Discovering Your Own Identity Adding Authentication in ASP.NET Using Forms Authenticat...
摘要:Chapter 1: Why web secrutiy matters PART I: THE ASP.NET SECURITY BASICS Chapter 2: How the web works Examing HTTP Request a Resource Responding to a Request Sniffing HTTP Requests and Responses Use Fi...
摘要:1 2011-2-9 ASP.NET Site Performance Secrets Simple and Proven techniques to quickly speed up your ASP.NET web site Matt Perdeck Packt 2 2011-2-21 Beginning ASP.NET Security Barry Dorrans Wrox 3 Ha...
摘要:问题:JavaScript加载阻塞页面渲染 JavaScript是静态文件,和图片和CSS文件一样。但是,与图片不同,当使用<script>标签加载或执行JavaScript文件,页面渲染会暂停。 页面可能包含<script>后的依赖于<script>脚本块。如果加载JavaScript文件不阻塞页面渲染,其它脚本...