
1、 Oracle的创始人


2、 Oracle版本含义


3、 Oracle安装:用户种类及初始密码



4、 Oracle数据库的启动

a) 启动两个服务***Listener/***Service

b) “开始-》运行”-》sqlplus或 sqlplusw

5、 用户连接、解锁、锁定

a) conn/connect scott/tiger; system/orcl; sys/orcl as sysdba;

b) 解锁/锁定:alter user 用户名 account unlock/lock;

6、 用户的查找

a) 显示当前的用户:show user;

b) 显示系统默认的用户:select * from all_users;

7、 创建表空间

/*分为四步 */


/*第1步:创建数据表空间  */

create tablespace user_data  

datafile 'D:\oracle\oradata\Oracle9i\user_data.dbf' 

size 50m  

autoextend on  

next 50m maxsize 20480m  

extent management local;  


/*第2步:创建临时表空间  */

create temporary tablespace user_temp  

tempfile 'D:\oracle\oradata\Oracle9i\user_temp.dbf' 

size 50m  

autoextend on  

next 50m maxsize 20480m  

extent management local;  



drop tablespace  user_data including contents and datafiles  



/*第3步:创建用户并指定表空间  */

create user username identified by password  

default tablespace user_data  

temporary tablespace user_temp;  



8、 创建新用户

a) 创建用户密码:SQL>CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY test123;

b) 更改密码:SQL>ALTER USER test IDENTIFIED BY test321;

c) 给用户授系统权限:

  1. 授予连接数据库权限:

a) SQL> grant create session to test;

  1. 授予创建数据库表权限:

a) SQL> grant create table to test;

d) 给用户授对象权限:

  1. 授予查询表的权限

a) SQL> grant select on dept to test;

b) SQL> grant all on scott.dept to test;

e) 给用户授角色:

  1. SQL>grant connect,resource to test;


f) 收回权限

  1. SQL> revoke select on dept from test;
  2. SQL> revoke all on dept from test;

g) 查看权限

  1. 查看当前用户的权限:select * from session_privs;
  2. 查看系统角色的权限:select * from dba_sys_privs where grant=’RESOURCE’;

h) 删除用户

  1. SQL> drop user test;
  2. SQL> drop user test cascade;

Cascade 作用是在删除用户的同时,删除其用有的所有对象。

9、 创建角色

a) 创建语法:create  role  role1;

b) 删除语法:drop role  role1;

c) 给角色分配权限和给用户分配一样:grant  create  table  to role1

d) 撤销权限也一样:revoke   create   table  from  role1

10、 表

a) 查询数据库中有哪些表:select * from tab;

b) 查询某张表的结构:desc 表名;



 1 create tablespace user_data
 2 datafile 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl\user_data.dbf'
 3 size 50m
 4 autoextend on next 50m
 5 maxsize 20480m
 6 extent management local;
 8 create temporary tablespace user_temp
 9 tempfile 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl\user_temp.dbf'
10 size 50m
11 autoextend on next 50m
12 maxsize 20480m
13 extent management local;
16 create temporary tablespace user_temp1
17 tempfile 'c:\oracle\oradata\orcl\user_temp1.dbf'
18 size 50m
19 autoextend on next 50m
20 maxsize 20480m
21 extent management local;
23 drop tablespace user_temp1;
25 --------------创建用户
26 drop user philis;
27 create  user philis identified by philis
28 default tablespace user_data
29 temporary tablespace user_temp;
31 create user u1 identified by u1;
33 ---修改密码
34 alter user philis identified by 123;
35 alter user philis identified by philis;
36 --- 锁定和解锁账户
37 alter user system account lock;
38 alter user system account unlock;
41 -------授权
42 grant create session to philis;
43 grant select on scott.emp to philis;
44 revoke create session from philis;
45 revoke select on scott.emp from philis;
47 -----授予角色
48 grant resource,connect to philis ;
49 ----传递权限
50 grant select on scott.emp to philis with grant option;
51 revoke select on scott.emp from philis;


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