

The second class-level annotation is @EnableAutoConfiguration. This annotation tells Spring Boot to “guess” how you 
will want to configure Spring, based on the jar dependencies that you have added. Since spring-boot-starter-web added Tomcat and Spring MVC,
the auto-configuration will assume that you are developing a web application and setup Spring accordingly.

Starters and Auto-Configuration Auto-configuration is designed to work well with “Starters”, but the two concepts are not directly tied.
You are free to pick-and-choose jar dependencies outside of the starters and Spring Boot will still do
its best to auto-configure your application.

  这个注释告诉SpringBoot“猜”你将如何想配置Spring,基于你已经添加jar依赖项。如果spring-boot-starter-web已经添加Tomcat和Spring MVC,这个注释自动将假设您正在开发一个web应用程序并添加相应的spring设置。



 +- example
     +- myproject
         +- Application.java
         +- domain
         |   +- Customer.java
         |   +- CustomerRepository.java
         +- service
         |   +- CustomerService.java
         +- web
             +- CustomerController.java



   使用@SpringbootApplication注解  可以解决根类或者配置类(我自己的说法,就是main所在类)头上注解过多的问题,一个@SpringbootApplication相当于@Configuration,@EnableAutoConfiguration和 @ComponentScan 并具有他们的默认属性值

package com.example.myproject;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class Application {    
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);




posted @ 2017-06-19 14:31  npe0  阅读(49735)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报