
winmine cheat

010036A7  MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1005334],EAX    ; <B>[0x1005334] = Width</B>
010036AC  MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1005338],ECX    ; <B>[0x1005338] = Height</B>
010036B2  CALL winmine.01002ED5  ; Generate empty block of memory and clears it
010036B7  MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[10056A4]
010036BC  MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1005160],EDI
010036C2  MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1005330],EAX    ; <B>[0x1005330] = number of mines</B>
                    ; loop over the number of mines
010036C7  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[1005334] ; push Max Width into the stack
010036CD  CALL winmine.01003940       ; Mine_Width  = randomize x position (0 .. max width-1)
010036D2  PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[1005338] ; push Max Height into the stack
010036D8  MOV ESI,EAX
010036DA  INC ESI                ; Mine_Width = Mine_Width + 1
010036DB  CALL winmine.01003940  ; Mine_Height = randomize y position
                                 ; (0 .. max height-1)
010036E0  INC EAX                ; Mine_Height = Mine_Height +1
010036E1  MOV ECX,EAX            ; calculate the address of the cell in the memory block
                                 ; (the map)
010036E3  SHL ECX,5              ; the calculation goes:
                                 ; <B>cell_memory_address = 0x1005340 + 32 * height + width</B>
010036E6  TEST BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+ESI+1005340],80 ; [cell_memory_address] == is already mine?
010036EE  JNZ SHORT winmine.010036C7   ; if already mine start over this iteration
010036F0  SHL EAX,5                    ; otherwise, set this cell as mine
010036F3  LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+ESI+1005340]
010036FA  OR BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],80
010036FD  DEC DWORD PTR DS:[1005330]       
01003703  JNZ SHORT winmine.010036C7   ; go to next iteration

  1. Reading the memory in address [0x1005334] gives me the Width of the map.
  2. Reading the memory in address [0x1005338] gives me the Height of the map.
  3. Reading the memory in address [0x1005330] gives me the number of mines in the map.
  4. Given x,y that represents a cell in the map, in column x, row y, the address [0x1005340 + 32 * y + x] gives me the cell value.

<PRE lang=cs>[DllImport("kernel32.dll")]

public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(

    UInt32 dwDesiredAccess,

    Int32 bInheritHandle,

    UInt32 dwProcessId




public static extern Int32 ReadProcessMemory(

    IntPtr hProcess,

    IntPtr lpBaseAddress,

    [In, Out] byte[] buffer,

    UInt32 size,

    out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead



[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern Int32 CloseHandle(

    IntPtr hObject


posted @ 2006-04-25 17:50  -==NoWay.==-  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报