When I was a young boy,My Father took me into the city,To see a marching band. He said "Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned." He said "will you defea... 阅读全文
God Save The Queen God save the queen her fascist regime it made you a moron a potential H bomb ! God save the queen she ain't no human being there is no future in England's dreaming Don't be told wh... 阅读全文
"他们也说话了,为什么就罚我?"记得上学的时候,晚自习在和同桌说的兴起时被老师抓出去罚站,心里总是会这么想.忿忿不平,非常的忿忿不平.同样,我在想,如果今天晚上的裁判可以执法上一场阿森纳同利物浦的比赛,那结果会是怎么样?又或许上一场的那个裁判来执法今天晚上利物浦同阿森纳的比赛,那结果又会是怎么样?怎么样怎么样,怎么样都好,反正,我们输了.在一分钟的瞬间里,我们输了我也是个普通的球迷,说的愤怒一些,... 阅读全文