tips of .net programming

After the interview of Ethos,I make a decision about the english study.From now on ,I will choose topics to  write articles in english. Maybe there are many mistakes in my articles, I will never give up.
If you have time to reply , please tell me the mistakes appeared at these articles,thank you my friend :)
About the interview :

Am I on the right way ?

1. the field "ArticleID" isn't belong to the table .
After using sql server 2005, we like to use the "Summary" View Card to copy the name of tables,fields, procedures ... ... and then ,the errors messages like "the field "ArticleID" isn't belong to the table ." often showed in the ie instead of the current page.
Maybe you have used a gridview's BoundField column like that :
<asp:BoundField DataField="ChannelID" HeaderText="channel id"  />
 There seems no mistake. But the error is there. you have checked all lines you wrote,no result. Here I'd like to remind you that maybe the mistake you have made  is a simple thing:you copy the field's name from the summary View Card  of the sql server 2005, not only the field's name,but also a blank! You'd better check the line again:
<asp:BoundField DataField="ChannelID " HeaderText="channel id" />
yes ,eyes cheated you.
So ,do remember ,there is a blank between the field's name and the field's description:
ChannelID (PK, int, not null)

2.keeping away from the bugs of Visual Studio 2005(Chinese Simple)
En... unfortunately, sofeares of Chinese Simple often have some troubles .If you are using the Visual Studio 2005(Chinese Simple), some bugs will let you go mad.Then you will want to have a "healthy" edition, at least  can be used.All right, let me tell you a "secret", open the "工具" menu,select the "选项" ,a dialog box will be opened. select the "区域设置" option, choose "English" as your favor.Restart the Visual Studio 2005,ok, now you have a Visual Studio 2005(English edition ), or you can call it "the healthy edition".

3.making the Power Designer more lovelier
Power Designer is a good tool to design the database, but there is a small case make it not as lovely as it looked like.When you open the dialog box of "Table properies" ,adding some columns to the table,"Name" and "Code" of a column always be changed together. It  often makes me fret because it's hard to click the small "=" button... ... Somethings must be changed!So I open the "Tools" menu,select the "General Options", the next is the "Dialog" option group. Remove the selection of "Name to Code mirroring".Finally, the world is peace . I enjoy the database designing from then on.

ok ,here is the end of my first article of the english study series. I hope you can understand what I have written
happy programming ,happy life :)

posted on 2007-03-27 16:53  Notus|南色的风  阅读(446)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报