1). 添加引用: System.Data.SQLite.DLL 。
2). 打开或创建数据库文件: SQLiteConnection.CreateFile(fileName);
3). 连接数据库: var connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString);
connectionString 中包含了数据库的一些配置信息,比如数据库文件路径,数据库密码等,可用 SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder 来创建 connectionString
1 string dbPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/test.db";/*指定数据库路径 */ 2 using(SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source =" + dbPath)) 3 { 4 conn.Open(); 5 DbCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand(); 6 comm.CommandText = "select * from customer"; 7 comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 8 using (IDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader()) 9 { 10 while (reader.Read()) 11 { 12 Response.Write(reader[0]); 13 } 14 } 15 }
在web.config或者是app.config中添加如下配置,connectionstring配置节的db就是 SQLite的数据库文件,将它放在Web应用的App_Data目录,|DataDirectory|就代表这个目录的位置,
后面的就是文件名,剩下的就是我们使用企业库访问SQL Server是一样的了。
<configuration> <configSections> <section name="dataConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.DatabaseSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null /> </configSections> <dataConfiguration defaultDatabase=" "> <providerMappings> <add databaseType="EntLibContrib.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDatabase, EntLibContrib.Data.SqLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" name="System.Data.SQLite" /> </providerMappings> </dataConfiguration> <connectionStrings> <add name="sqlite" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\db;Pooling=true;FailIfMissing=false" providerName="System.Data.SQLite" /> </connectionStrings> </configuration>
在代码中import下: "using System.Data.SQLite;"
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Text; 4 using System.Data.SQLite; 5 6 namespace TestSQLite 7 { 8 class MyCSharpSQLite 9 { 10 private static string connStr; 11 12 static void Main(string[] args) 13 { 14 15 connStr = SQLiteConnectionString.GetConnectionString(".\\Data\\EasyDataBase.db"); 16 Console.WriteLine("SQLite Connect String is : {0}", connStr); 17 18 //连接测试 19 //testConnect(connStr); 20 21 //执行查询 22 ExecQuery("select * from customers"); 23 24 Console.ReadKey(); 25 } 26 27 private static void testConnect(string connStr) 28 { 29 try 30 { 31 SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr); 32 33 conn.Open(); 34 Console.WriteLine("SQLite Connect OK."); 35 } 36 catch (Exception ex) 37 { 38 Console.WriteLine("SQLite Connect fail: {0} ", ex.Message); 39 } 40 } 41 42 private static void ExecQuery(string sqlStr) 43 { 44 Console.WriteLine(">> Start to query the database...."); 45 using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr)) 46 { 47 conn.Open(); 48 SQLiteCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand(); 49 comm.CommandText = sqlStr; 50 //comm.CommandType = comm.CommandText; 51 52 using (SQLiteDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader()) 53 { 54 while (reader.Read()) 55 { 56 Console.WriteLine(reader[1].ToString()); 57 } 58 } 59 } 60 } 61 62 63 } 64 65 /// <summary> 66 67 /// 生成SQLite连接字符串 68 69 /// </summary> 70 71 public static class SQLiteConnectionString 72 { 73 74 public static string GetConnectionString(string path) 75 { 76 return GetConnectionString(path, null); 77 } 78 79 public static string GetConnectionString(string path, string password) 80 { 81 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) 82 { 83 return "Data Source=" + path; 84 } 85 else 86 { 87 return "Data Source=" + path + ";Password=" + password; 88 } 89 } 90 91 } 92 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Reflection; 3 using System.IO; 4 using System.Collections.Generic; 5 using System.ComponentModel; 6 using System.Data; 7 using System.Drawing; 8 using System.Text; 9 using System.Windows.Forms; 10 using System.Data.SQLite; //需要安装sqlite for vs 11 namespace MobileTest 12 { 13 public partial class Form1 : Form 14 { 15 public Form1() 16 { 17 InitializeComponent(); 18 } 19 20 public DataSet GetData() 21 { 22 try 23 { 24 //得到数据库位置 25 string dbfile = string.Format("{0}\\SqlLiteTest", Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase)); 26 //连接字符串 27 string connStr = string.Format("Data Source={0};Password=123456", dbfile); 28 SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr); 29 string sql = "SELECT Id,Name,age FROM tbl_liteTest"; 30 SQLiteDataAdapter slda = new SQLiteDataAdapter(sql, conn); 31 DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 32 slda.Fill(ds); 33 return ds; 34 } 35 catch (Exception) 36 { 37 38 throw; 39 } 40 } 41 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 42 { 43 DataSet ds = GetData(); 44 foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows) 45 { 46 this.comboBox1.Items.Add(item["Name"].ToString()); 47 } 48 } 49 } 50 }
1 SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(); 2 cnn.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=c:sqlite-3_5_0mytest.db"; 3 cnn.Open(); 4 5 SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(); 6 cmd.Connection = cnn; 7 cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM mytable1"; 8 SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(); 9 da.SelectCommand = cmd; 10 DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 11 da.Fill(ds);
下载ADO.NET2.0 Provider for SQLite。下载binaries zip版就可以了。下载完后解压缩,可以在bin目录下找到System.Data.SQLite.DLL。在vs2008中用Add Reference功能把System.Data.SQLite.DLL加到工程里就可以了。
string datasource = "d:/sqllite/sqlite.net/bin/test.db3"; system.data.sqlite.sqliteconnection.createfile(datasource); //连接数据库 system.data.sqlite.sqliteconnection conn = new system.data.sqlite.sqliteconnection(); system.data.sqlite.sqliteconnectionstringbuilder connstr = new system.data.sqlite.sqliteconnectionstringbuilder(); connstr.datasource = datasource; connstr.password = "admin";//设置密码,sqlite ado.net实现了数据库密码保护 conn.connectionstring = connstr.tostring(); conn.open(); //创建表 system.data.sqlite.sqlitecommand cmd = new system.data.sqlite.sqlitecommand(); string sql = "create table test(username varchar(20),password varchar(20))"; cmd.commandtext = sql; cmd.connection = conn; cmd.executenonquery(); //插入数据 sql = "insert into test values('a','b')"; cmd.commandtext = sql; cmd.executenonquery(); //取出数据 sql = "select * from test"; cmd.commandtext = sql; system.data.sqlite.sqlitedatareader reader = cmd.executereader(); stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); while (reader.read()) { sb.append("username:").append(reader.getstring(0)).append("\n") .append("password:").append(reader.getstring(1)); } console.writeline(sb.tostring()); console.read();
/*这里新建了一个HyData目录存放数据库*/ string connStr = @"Data Source=" + System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\HyData\HyData.db3;Initial Catalog=sqlite;Integrated Security=True;Max Pool Size=10"; /*执行Sql语句 创建一个表: ExecuteSql("create table HyTest(TestID TEXT)"); 插入些数据: ExecuteSql("insert into HyTest(TestID) values('1001')"); */ private void ExecuteSql(string sqlStr) { using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr)) { conn.Open(); DbCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = sqlStr; comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } /*执行查询 ExecQuery("select * from HyTest"); */ private void ExecQuery(string sqlStr) { using (DbConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr)) { conn.Open(); DbCommand comm = conn.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = sqlStr; comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; using (IDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { MessageBox.Show(reader[0].ToString()); } } } } /* 执行查询返回DataSet */ private DataSet ExecDataSet(string sqlStr) { using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connStr)) { conn.Open(); SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = sqlStr; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); return ds; } }
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn =new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(@"Data Source=d:\maindb.db;Version=3"); string datasource = "d:\\maindb.db"; //连接数据库 System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn =new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(); System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder connstr = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder(); connstr.DataSource = datasource; conn.ConnectionString = connstr.ToString(); conn.Open(); System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd = new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand(); //取出数据 string sql = "SELECT * FROM Source"; cmd.CommandText = sql; System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (reader.Read()) { sb.Append("ID:").Append(reader.GetString(0)).Append("\n") .Append("NAME:").Append(reader.GetString(1)); } MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString());
3.对SQLLite DML操作类封装