Programming Language A 学习笔记(二)

1. 语法糖——元组的“名称引用”与“位置引用”:

(e1,...,en) <=> {1=e1,...,n=en}

类型:t1 * … * tn <=> {1:t1,...,n:tn}

2. 自定义数据类型绑定:

datatype mytype = TwoInts of int * int

                                  | Str of string

                                 | Pizza

3. 访问自定义数据类型的值:

fun f x = (* f has type mytype -> int *)

        case x of

                Pizza => 3

            | TwoInts(i1, i2) => i1 + i2

            | Strs=>String.sizes

4. 数据类型绑定与Case表达式简化描述:

datatype t = C1 of t1 | C2 of t2 | … | Cn of tn

case e of p1 => e1 | p2 => e2 | … | pn => en

5. 类型别名(Type Synonyms)

type foo = int

6. 自定义列表类型

datatype my_int_list = Empty

                                             | Cons of int * my_int_list

7. 多态类型(Polymorphic Datatypes)

datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a


datatype ('a, 'b) tree = Node of 'a * ('a, 'b) tree * ('a, 'b) tree

                                               | Leaf of 'b

8. Val-Binding的真相——模式匹配(Pattern-Matching for Each-Of Types)


fun sum_triple (triple : int * int * int) =

        case triple of

                (x, y, z) => z + y + x


fun full_name (r : {first : string, middle : string, last : string}) =

        case r of

               {first = x, middle = y, last = z} => x ^ "" ^ y ^ "" ^ z


fun full_name (r : {first : string, middle : string, last : string}) =

        let val {first = x, middle = y, last = z} = r


               x ^ "" ^ y ^ "" ^ z



fun sum_triple (triple : int * int * int) =

        let val (x, y, z) = triple


              x + y + z



fun full_name {first = x, middle = y, last = z} =

        x ^ "" ^ y ^ "" ^ z


fun sum_triple (x, y, z) =

        x + y + z

9. 题外话——类型推导(Type inference)

In ML,every variable and function has a type (or your program fails to type-check)—

type inference only means you do not need to write down the type.

10. 题外话——多态类型与等价类型

'a list * 'a list -> 'a list

可以替换为:string list * string list -> string list

不能替换为:string list *int list -> string list

'a 必须替换为同样的数据类型

11. 嵌套模式(Nested Patterns)

a::(b::(c::d))    包含至少3个元素的list

a::(b::(c::[])) 只包含3个元素的list


模式匹配的递归定义(the elegant recursive denition of pattern matching)


A variable pattern(x) matches any value v and introduces one binding (from x to v).


The pattern C matches the value C,if C is a constructor that carries no data.


The pattern C p where C is a constructor and p is a pattern matches a value of the form C v (notice the constructors are the same) if p matches v (i.e., the nested pattern matches the carried value). It introduces the bindings that p matching v introduces.


The pattern (p1,p2,...,pn) matches a tuple value (v1,v2,...,vn) if p1 matches v1 and p2 matches v2, ..., and pn matches vn. It introduces all the bindings that the recursive matches introduce.


(A similar case for record patterns of the form {f1=p1, … , fn=pn} ...)


fun len xs =

        case xs of

                [] => 0

             | x::xs' => 1 + len xs'


fun len xs =

        case xs of

                [] => 0

             | _::xs' => 1 + len xs'

通配符(wildcard) (_) 指代任意没有定义数据类型的值

12. 可用的嵌套模式范例:


exception BadTriple

fun zip3 list_triple =

        case list_triple of

                 ([], [], []) => []

             | (hd1::tl1, hd2::tl2, hd3::tl3) => (hd1, hd2, hd3)::zip3(tl1, tl2, tl3)

             | _ => raiseBadTriple

fun unzip3 lst =

        case lst of

                [] => ([], [], [])

             | (a, b, c)::tl => let val (l1, l2, l3) = unzip3 tl


                                                       (a::l1, b::l2, c::l3)



datatype sgn = P | N | Z

fun multsign (x1, x2) =

let fun sign x = if x = 0 then Z else if x > 0 then P else N


         case(sign x1,sign x2) of

                  (Z, _) => Z

              | (_, Z) => Z

              | (P, P) => P

              | (N, N) => P

              | _ => N (* many say bad style; I am okay with it *)


13. 多重选择的函数定义(Multiple Cases in a Function Binding)


datatype exp = Constant of int | Negate of exp | Add of exp * exp | Multiply of exp * exp

fun eval(Constant i) = i

     | eval(Negate e2) = ~(eval e2)

     | eval(Add(e1, e2)) = (eval e1) + (eval e2)

     | eval(Multiply(e1, e2))=(eval e1) * (eval e2)

fun append ([], ys) = ys

     | append (x::xs', ys) = x::append(xs', ys)


fun f p1 = e1

     | f p2 = e2


     | f pn = en


fun f x =

        case x of

                  p1 => e1

              | p2 => e2


              | pn => en

14. 异常(Exception)

输出异常(关键字) raise:raise List.Empty

定义异常(关键字)exception:exception MyUndesirableCondition

15. 尾递归和累加器

fun sum1 xs =

        case xs of

                [] => 0

              | i::xs' => I + sum1 xs'

16. 尾递归的定义

递归的调用出现在尾位置(saying a call is a tail call if it is in tail position.)



In fun f(x) = e, e is in tail position.


If an expression is not in tail position, then none of its sub expressions are in tail position.


If if e1 then e2 else e3 is in tail position, then e2 and e3 are in tail position (but not  e1).(Case-expressions are similar.)


If let b1 … bn in e end is in tail position,then e  is in tail position (but no expressions in the bindings are).


Function-call arguments are not in tail position.



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