Sharepoint BDC错误处理:"No finders available in the View Group associated with the SpecificFinder ……"

上篇,当在SharePoint Designer里面,用编写的.Net Assembly创建External List的时候,一直提示错误“No Finders available in the View Group associated with the SpecificFinder (Read Item) operation ‘ReadItem’ on Entity (External Content Type) with Namespace = ‘..’, Name = ‘..’.  The list cannot be created.” 提示信息不是很明确,多方查找原因,由于粗心,多次对照BCD Model都没发现有一个属性拼错了,最后修改那个属性名称后,终于创建成功了。大家在BCD Explorer里面修改BCD Model的时候一定要细心,仔细对照创建好每个属性。

posted @ 2011-01-20 15:48  Kevwan  阅读(487)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报