

1.In a singly linked list of N nodes, the time complexities for query and insertion are O(1) and O(N), respectively.

     T      F


2.If N numbers are stored in a singly linked list in increasing order, then the average time complexity for binary search is O(logN).

     T      F


3.If keys are pushed onto a stack in the order abcde, then it's impossible to obtain the output sequence cedab.

     T      F


4.An algorithm to check for balancing symbols in an expression uses a queue to store the partial expression.

     T      F

balancing symbols指的是一组匹配的符号,类似于圆括号,花括号,方括号。可见这道题的意思是求解逆波兰表达式,使用stack而非queue。

5.To sort N distinct records by bubble sort, the number of record swaps must reach its maximum when the original sequence is almost in sorted order.

     T      F

冒泡排序的record swaps取决于逆序对的数量,对于一个已经排序过的序列,逆序对的数量可以是0或者最大,逆序对的数量可能最大也可能最小。

6.To sort N records by simple selection sort, the numbers of comparisons and record movements are O(N2) and O(N), respectively.

     T      F



     T      F


8."Circular Queue" is defined to be a queue implemented by a circularly linked list or a circular array.

     T      F



     T      F


10.For a sequentially stored linear list of length N, the time complexities for query and insertion are O(1) and O(N), respectively.

     T      F


11.The Fibonacci number sequence {FN} is defined as: F0=0, F1=1, FN=FN-1+FN-2, N=2, 3, .... The space complexity of the function which calculates FN recursively is O(logN).

     T      F


12.斐波那契数列FN的定义为:F0=0, F1=1, FN=FN-1+FN-2, N=2, 3, …。用递归函数计算FN的空间复杂度是O(logN)。

     T      F


     T      F


14.If keys are pushed onto a stack in the order {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then it is impossible to obtain the output sequence {3, 4, 1, 2, 5}.

     T      F


15.If the most commonly used operations are to visit a random position and to insert and delete the last element in a linear list, then sequential storage works the fastest.

     T      F


16.For the following piece of code

if ( A > B ){     
  for ( i=0; i<N*2; i++ )         
    for ( j=N*N; j>i; j-- )             
      C += A; 
else {     
  for ( i=0; i<N*N/2; i++ )         
    for ( j=N; j>i; j-- ) 
      for ( k=0; k<N*100; k++)
        C += B; 

the lowest upper bound of the time complexity is O(N5)

     T      F


17.If keys are pushed onto a stack in the order abcde, then it's impossible to obtain the output sequence cdabe.

     T      F

18.If N numbers are stored in a doubly linked list in increasing order, then the average time complexity for binary search is O(logN).

     T      F

19.Given the input sequence onto a stack as {1, 2, 3, ..., N}. If the first output is i, then the j-th output must be j-i-1.

     T      F

20.用动态规划而非递归的方法去解决问题时,关键是将子问题的计算结果保存起来,使得每个不同的子问题只需要被计算一次。子问题 的解可以被保存在数组或哈希散列表中。

     T      F

21.Let S be the set of activities in Activity Selection Problem. The greedy rule of "collecting the activity that starts the latest" is correct for finding a maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of S.

     T      F


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     T      F


     T      F
假设二叉树的结点拥有0个,1个,2个孩子的结点分别为N0,N1,N2。首先,需要了解,二叉树中度为2的结点数量比叶节点少一,那么$N_{0}+N_{1}+N_{2}=2016 \Rightarrow N_{1}+2N_{2}+1=2016 \Rightarrow N_{1}+2N_{2}=2015$,看来N1必须是奇数。


     T      F

30.An algorithm to check for balancing symbols in an expression uses a stack to store the symbols.

     T      F


1.If a linear list is represented by a linked list, the addresses of the elements in the memory:

    A.must be consecutive
    B.may or may not be consecutive
    C.must be consecutive for part of the elements
    D.must be nonconsecutive

2.If the most commonly used operations are to insert a new element after the last element, and to delete the first element in a linear list, then which of the following data structures is the most efficient?

    A.singly linked list
    B.singly linked circular list with a tail pointer
    C.singly linked circular list with a head pointer
    D.doubly linked list

3.When is the linked list structure suitable for representing a linear list L?

    A.frequently insert into and delete from L
    B.frequently change the key values of the nodes in L
    C.L contains large amount of nodes
    D.the structure of the nodes in L is complicated

4.The best "worst-case time complexity" for any algorithm that sorts by comparisons only is:


5.To sort N distinct elements in descending order by bubble sort, under which condition of the elements that the method will make the most number of swaps?

    A.pre-sorted in ascending order
    B.pre-sorted in descending order
    D.almost sorted

6.To sort N elements by simple selection sort, the numbers of comparisons and movements are:

    A.O(N2), O(N)
    B.O(N), O(logN)
    C.O(logN), O(N2)
    D.O(NlogN), O(NlogN)

7.Use simple insertion sort to sort 10 numbers from non-decreasing to non-increasing, the possible numbers of comparisons and movements are:

    A.100, 100
    B.100, 54
    C.54, 63
    D.45, 44

8.Since the speed of a printer cannot match the speed of a computer, a buffer is designed to temperarily store the data from a computer so that later the printer can retrieve data in order. Then the proper structure of the buffer shall be a:


9.Represent a queue by a singly linked list. Given the current status of the linked list as 1->2->3 where x->y means y is linked after x. Now if 4 is enqueued and then a dequeue is done, the resulting status must be:

    D.the solution is not unique

10.Use binary search to find a number from 100 sorted numbers, the worst-case number of comparisons is:


11.Given the rucurrent equations for the time complexity of a program as: T(1)=1, and T(N)=2T(N/2)+N. Then the time complexity must be:



12.The recurrent equations for the time complexities of programs P1 and P2 are:

  • P1: T(1)=1, T(N)=T(N/2)+1;
  • P2: T(1)=1, T(N)=2T(N/2)+1;

Then the correct conclusion about their time complexities is:

    A.they are both O(logN)
    B.O(logN) for P1, and O(N) for P2
    C.they are both O(N)
    D.O(logN) for P1, and O(NlogN) for P2



13.For a sequentially stored linear list of length N, the time complexities for query and insertion are:

    A.O(1), O(1)
    B.O(1), O(N)
    C.O(N), O(1)
    D.O(N), O(N)

14.For a sequentially stored linear list of length N, which of the following operations has the time complexity O(1)?

    A.visit the i-th (1≤i≤N) node and find the immediate predecessor of the i-th (2≤i≤N) node
    B.insert a new node after the i-th (1≤i≤N) node
    C.delete the i-th (1≤i≤N) node
    D.sort the N nodes in increasing order

15.切原木问题:给定一根长度为N米的原木;另有一个分段价格表,给出长度L=1,2,...,M对应的价格PL。要求你找出适当切割原木分段出售所能获得的最大收益RN。例如,根据下面给出的价格表,若要出售一段8米长的原木,最优解是将其切割为2米 和6米的两段,这样可以获得最大收益R8=P2+P6=5+17=22。而若要出售一段3米长的原木,最优解是 根本不要切割,直接售出。

Length L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Price PL 1 5 8 9 10 17 17 20 23 28



16."二叉树为空"意味着二叉树() 。


17.栈和队列的共同点( )。






20.What is the major difference among lists, stacks, and queues?

    A.Lists use pointers, and stacks and queues use arrays
    B.Stacks and queues are lists with insertion/deletion constraints
    C.Lists and queues can be implemented using circularly linked lists, but stacks cannot
    D.Lists are linear structures while stacks and queues are not



22.Given a 12×12 symmetric matrix M. If the upper triangular entries mi,j (1≤i≤j≤12) of M are stored row by row in a 1-dimentional array N (in C programming language). What is the index of m6,6 in N?



typedef struct {
ElemType *list;
int size;
void fun1(SeqList&L) {
inti, j;
ElemType temp;
   for (i=0, j= L.sise-1; i<j; i++, j--) {

24.If the pushing sequence of a stack is {1, 2, 3, ..., N} and the first number being popped out is i, then the j-th number being popped must be:

    D.cannot be determined

25.In-order traversal of a binary tree can be done iteratively. Given the stack operation sequence as the following:

push(1), push(2), push(3), pop(), push(4), pop(), pop(), push(5), pop(), pop(), push(6), pop()

Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

    A.3 and 5 are siblings
    B.1 is the parent of 5
    C.6 is the root
    D.None of the above
这道题本质上讲的是中序遍历的非递归实现,根据给出的stack序列,能够构建出一个二叉树。 ![](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1694164/201910/1694164-20191029212412099-1674792758.png)

26.Given an empty stack S and an empty queue Q. Push elements {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} one by one onto S. If each element that is popped from S is enqueued onto Q immediately, and if the dequeue sequence is {3, 2, 6, 5, 7, 4, 1}, then the minimum size of S must be:


27.What is NOT a feature of a linked list?

    A.do insertion and deletion without having to move the elements
    B.easy for random query
    C.no pre-estimation of the size is necessary
    D.the space taken is proportional to the size of the list

28.Suppose that an array of size m is used to store a circular queue. If the front position is front and the current size is size, then the rear element must be at:


29.Suppose that enqueue is allowed to happen at both ends of a queue, but dequeue can only be done at one end. If elements are enqueued in the order {a, b, c, d, e}, the impossible dequeue sequence is:

    A.b a c d e
    B.d b a c e
    C.e c b a d
    D.d b c a e

30.依次在初始为空的队列中插入元素a,b,c,d以后,紧接着做了两次删除操作,此时的队头元素是( )。

posted @ 2019-10-24 23:49  nonlinearthink  阅读(12299)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报