二.sublime配置 sublimecondeintel 分号后不要提示



Thanks to @catgsmith ,I find a similar way to solve this problem in Windows:

第一步:在sublimecodelintel中,在user key bindings -user中,添加如下配置.
Select Package Settings > SublimeCodeIntel > Key Bindings - User, and add the following to the Default (Windows).sublime-keymap - User:

{ "keys": [";"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/User/unAutoSemiColon.sublime-macro"} }

(注意外面还要有一层[   ]包裹两个{})

And then Select Preferences -> Browser Packages -> Users,save file unAutoSemiColon.sublime-macro:

            "characters": ";"
        "command": "insert"


友情提醒:如果代码提示给出的关键字后面没有(keyword),那么还是无效. 因为上面只是在打完分号后执行脚本,直接智能打出分号,上面脚本不执行.




posted @ 2017-02-12 18:02  没有发条的橙  阅读(1030)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报