在android上使用 stand-alone toolchains移植 transmission

  • we need to port openssl, curl , libevent first then we can port transmission.
  • I install projects memtions above in my home directory : 


[dengwei@localhost ~]$ pwd
[dengwei@localhost ~]$ ls porting_*
bin  include  lib  share
bin  include  lib  share
bin  include  lib  ssl
install    transmission 

  • ./configure --host=arm-linux  --enable-cli --enable-daemon --prefix="/home/dengwei/porting_transmission/install" CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++ CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc  --enable-gtk=no    LIBEVENT_CFLAGS="-I /home/dengwei/porting_libevent/include/ -L/home/dengwei/porting_libevent/lib/"  LIBCURL_CFLAGS="-I /home/dengwei/porting_curl/include/ -L/home/dengwei/porting_curl/lib/" OPENSSL_CFLAGS="-I /home/dengwei/porting_openssl/include/ -L/home/dengwei/porting_openssl/lib/" LDFLAGS="-L/home/dengwei/porting_libevent/lib/ -levent"



make && make install 



  • error handling:
  • [dengwei@localhost bin]$ file transmissioncli
    transmissioncli: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
    [dengwei@localhost bin]$ file transmission-daemon
    transmission-daemon: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
    [dengwei@localhost bin]$ pwd

     dynamically linked, means we need .so file, so:

    ./adb push ~/porting_transmission/install /data/


  in adb shell,use su and cat to copy file to  /system/lib which store .so file

# cat /data/lib/libevent-1.4.so.2 > ./libevent-1.4.so.2
cannot create ./libevent-1.4.so.2read-only file system
# su
# adb remount

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5038 *
* daemon started successfully *

remount succeeded


./adb push ~/porting_libevent/lib/libevent-1.4.so.2 /data/lib/
./adb push ~/porting_curl/lib/libcurl.so.5 /data/lib/

 in adb shell

# pwd


# cat /data/lib/libevent-1.4.so.2 > ./libevent-1.4.so.2
# cat /data/lib/libcurl.so.5 > ./libcurl.so.5


  in adb shell


# cat /data/lib/libcurl.so.5 > ./libcurl.so.5
# /data/bin/transmission-daemon
# ps

USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
root      530   1     5424   984   ffffffff 40026c94 S /data/bin/transmission-daemon
# /data/bin/transmission-daemon --version
Transmission 2.04 (11151)


Finally, we still need to use a web visit way to confirm that transmission works all right.

first we need to set  TRANSMISSION_HOME (in order to find setting.json and locate torrent resume dir )
TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME (in order to find web files) environment variables, otherwise we will get a 404 error


export TRANSMISSION_HOME=/data/transmission
export TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/data/transmission/share/transmission/web



 root      556   1     4400   1000  ffffffff 40026c94 S /data/bin/transmission-daemon

root      5724789003480000000040010458 R ps
# kill -9 556
# /data/bin/transmission-daemon -u root -v toor -w /sdcard/BT

start a webbrowser: redirect


# /data/bin/transmission-remote --auth=root:toor -a /sdcard/Download/9203e0ebf3e5382dce42ca5add007a32bc0d9bcb.torrent
localhost:9091 responded: "success"

 Now , we can see a familar web interface of transmission web UI



in real arm board instead of emulator, what we need to do :


  1. mkdir /data/transmission/ 
  2. mkdir /data/lib/
  3. copy porting_transmission/install to board /data/transmission and make them executable by 
    running chmod 0777 ./* , in directory /data/transmission
  4. copy 2 .so file to /data/lib/ 
  5. su
  6. #mount -o remount,rw /
  7. #copy files in /data/lib/ to /system/lib/
  8. #edit /init.rc by adding :
    export TRANSMISSION_HOME=/data/transmission
    export TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/data/transmission/share/transmission/web
  9. also we run 2 export command above
  10. start transmission by /data/transmission/bin/transmission-daemon -u root -v toor -w /sdcard/BT
  11. /data/bin/transmission-remote --auth=root:toor -a /sdcard/Download/9203e0ebf3e5382dce42ca5add007a32bc0d9bcb.torrent
    localhost:9091 responded: "success"


Now , transmission begin to download the job task. 




posted @ 2012-10-08 16:17  邓维  阅读(1936)  评论(14编辑  收藏  举报