MongoDB Transaction 例子

MongoDB Transaction

init replset mongodb env

$mkdir db1 && mkdir db2 && mkdir db3
$mongod --port 27017 --dbpath ./db --replSet rstest1
$mongod --port 37017 --dbpath ./db2 --replSet rstest1
$mongod --port 47017 --dbpath ./db3 --replSet rstest1

$mongo --port 27017

rs.initiate( { _id : "rstest1", members: [ { _id: 0, host: "" }, { _id: 1, host: "" }, { _id: 1, host: "" }, ] })

  const mongoose = require('mongoose')
  const mongoUri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:37017,localhost:47017/test'
  const client = mongoose.createConnection(mongoUri, { replicaSet: 'rstest' })
  let Acc = client.model('Account', new mongoose.Schema({
      name: String,
      balance: Number
  async function initTest() {
      await Acc.create({ 'name': 'James', 'balance': 3000 })
      await Acc.create({ 'name': 'Wade', 'balance': 0 })
  async function afterWork() {
      await Acc.remove({ 'name': 'James' })
      await Acc.remove({ 'name': 'Wade' })
  async function transferTest(transfer) {
      let session = await Acc.startSession()
      try {
          const opts = { session, new: true }
          let a = await Acc.findOneAndUpdate({
              'name': 'James'
          }, {
              $inc: { 'balance': -transfer }
          }, opts)
          let b = await Acc.findOneAndUpdate({
              'name': 'Wade',
          }, {
              $inc: { 'balance': transfer }
          }, opts)
          await session.commitTransaction()
      } catch (err) {
      } finally {

  async function test() {
      await afterWork()
      await initTest()
      await transferTest(100)
          // await afterWork()

set a debug point or sleep point at


to stop the process
then run code to read them
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cb752de57e8791edf030e9d"), "name" : "James", "balance" : 3000, "__v" : 0 }

it works fine

then run :
rstest:PRIMARY> db.accounts.update({"name":"Wade"}, { $inc:{'balance':10}})
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })


this will return immediately, when the debug point continue, it ran into exception

null: MongoError: WriteConflict MongoError: Attempted illegal state transition from [TRANSACTION_ABORTED] to [TRANSACTION_ABORTED] ....

PAY attention

write concern & read concern

In MongoDB, clients can see the results of writes before the writes are durable:
clients using "local" by default can see the result of a write operation before the write operation is acknowledged to the issuing client.
read isolation

Thus , in the case of we need to read own writes we need to read concern set "majority", wirte concern "majority"

how to config this

further info read-concern


read concern : you can disable read concern by setting either:

  • -- enableMajorityReadConcern command line option to false.
  • replication.enableMajorityReadConcern configuration file setting to false

write concern : your code write-concern option, example :

  const schema = new Schema({ name: String }, {
    writeConcern: {
      w: 'majority',
      j: true

more ref

posted @ 2020-09-07 19:58  邓维  阅读(861)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报