移植 iconv

PURPOSE: iconv provides functions that can change codeset from one to another but the working board doesn't not have the functions that <iconv.h> includes, so we add the iconv.h
  1. download libiconv-1.14.tar.gz
  2. read the INSTALL.generic
  3. according to the INSTALL.generic we generate the following install code
    mkdir /tmp/iconv
    ./configure --host=mipsel-linux CC="mipsel-linux-gcc"  --prefix="/tmp/iconv" --with-configuredir="/tmp/iconv" 
    make install
  4. then we generate what we need in /tmp/iconv
  5. test code
    View Code
    #include "/tmp/iconv/include/iconv.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define OUTLEN 255

    int code_convert(char *from_charset,char *to_charset,char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen)
        iconv_t cd;
        int rc;
        char **pin = &inbuf;
        char **pout = &outbuf;

        cd = iconv_open(to_charset,from_charset);
        if (cd==0return -1;
        //if (iconv(cd,pin,&((size_t *)inlen),pout,&((size_t *)outlen) )==-1) return -1;
        if (iconv(cd,pin,((size_t *)(&inlen)),pout,((size_t *)(&outlen)) )==-1return -1;

        return 0;
    int u2g(char *inbuf,int inlen,char *outbuf,int outlen)
        return code_convert("utf-8","gbk",inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen);
    int g2u(char *inbuf,size_t inlen,char *outbuf,size_t outlen)
        return code_convert("gb2312","utf-8",inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen);

        char *in_utf8[6] =   {"01 26涓","02 瀹跺涵鎴愬憳""03 姘存灉","04 鏁板瓧1鍒","05 浜斿畼" , "06 中文"};

        char out[OUTLEN];
        int rec ;

        for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
            //rec = u2g(in_utf8[i],strlen(in_utf8[i]),out,OUTLEN);
            rec = u2g(in_utf8[i],255,out,OUTLEN);
            printf("unicode-->gb2312 out=%s\n",out);
  6. Makefile
        mipsel-linux-g++ -w -g conv.cpp -o conv -I/tmp/iconv/include/ -L/tmp/iconv/lib/ -liconv
  7. we can use use it now , after we do the following steps:
    copy the libs that generated in /tmp/iconv

cd /usr/local/bin/

    here is the end of this note

posted @ 2011-09-28 00:56  邓维  阅读(648)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报