Ada Hakka's Blog

May the force be with you.

exported function xxx should have comment or be unexported

0x00 问题

exported function xxx should have comment or be unexported。

0x01 解决 在这个页面中有提到

Comment SentencesSee Comments documenting declarations should be full sentences, even if that seems a little redundant. This approach makes them format well when extracted into godoc documentation. Comments should begin with the name of the thing being described and end in a period:

记录声明的注释应该是完整的句子,即使这看起来有点多余。这种方法使它们在提取到 godoc 文档时格式良好。注释应以所述物品的名称开始,并以句号结束:

// Request represents a request to run a command.
type Request struct { ...
// Encode writes the JSON encoding of req to w.
func Encode(w io.Writer, req *Request) { ...

正是如此,golint 才会抛出这条警告,声明你写的代码不符合规范。



posted on 2019-07-30 10:41  Adahakka  阅读(10161)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
