python excel的操作


 1 import xlrd
 2 from xlutils.copy import copy
 3 class test:
 4     def write_data_into_excel(self, file_path, data_list):
 5         wk = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
 6         workbook = copy(wk)   # a writable copy (I can't read values out of this, only write to it)
 7         s = workbook.get_sheet(0)
 8         s.write(0, 0, data_list[0])    # 写入第一行第一列
 9         s.write(0, 1, data_list[1])    # 写入第一行第二列
10    PS: save的file_path与open的可以一样。



 1 import xlrd
 2 from xlutils.copy import copy
 3 class test:
 4     def delete_excel_value(self, file_path):
 5         wk = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
 6         workbook = copy(wk)
 7         s = workbook.get_sheet(0)
 8         s.write(0, 0, '')
 9         s.write(0, 1, '')
11         print("Delete finished.")



 1 import xlrd
 2 class test:
 3     def get_excel_column(self, file_path):
 4         workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
 5         sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
 6         clo_num = sheet.ncols  # 获取列数
 7         row_num = sheet.nrows  # 获取行数
 8         data_list = []
 9         i = 0
10         if i in range(row_num):
11             data_list.append(sheet.row_values(i))
12         return data_list



1 wb = xlrd.open_workbook('excel.xlsx')
2 sheet = wb.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
3 v1 = sheet.cell_value(0, 0)   # 获取第1行第1列


posted @ 2018-12-17 10:18  nnniki  阅读(205)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报