
struct str_times
 int hours;
 int mins;
const int mins_per_hr=60;
str_times sum(str_times t1,str_times t2);
void show_time(str_times t);

int main()
 using namespace std;
 str_times day1={5,45};
 str_times day2={4,55};

 str_times trip=sum(day1,day2);
 cout<<"two-day total: ";

 str_times day3={4,32};
 cout<<"three-day total: ";
 return 0;

str_times sum(str_times t1,str_times t2)
 str_times total;


 return total;

void show_time(str_times t)
 using namespace std;
 cout<<t.hours<<" hours, "
  <<t.mins<<" minutes\n";

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
//structure  templates
struct polar
 double distance;
 double angle;
struct rect
 double x;
 double y;
void rect_to_polar(const rect * pxy,polar * pda);
void show_polar(const polar * pda);

int main()
 using namespace std;
 rect rplace;
 polar pplace;

 cout<<"enter the x and y values: ";
   cout<<"next two num(q to out): ";
    return 0;

//show st
void rect_to_polar(const rect * pxy,polar * pda)
 using namespace std;
 pda->angle=atan2(pxy->y,pxy->x);//atan2 根据 x y 值计算角度

void show_polar(const polar * pda)
 using namespace std;
 const rad_to_deg=57.29577951;

 cout<<"distance= "<<pda->distance;
 cout<<", angel="<<pda->angle*rad_to_deg;

posted @ 2007-02-05 01:41  Edward Xie  阅读(142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报