VC++2005编译错误fatal error C1902解决

fatal error C1902: Program database manager mismatch; please check your installation
首先MSDN找 :



创建程序数据库文件 (.pdb) 时所使用的 DBI.dll 版本比编译时发现的版本新。在系统上安装最新的 DBI.dll 版本。



重装VS……不行 群有人说是数据库提议重装sql…… 还是不行

想到是 .pdb文件出的错  就开始google这个后缀名,原来是记录调试信息的。


但问题始终没有解决  继续转悠 终于找到解决方法如下:

Here are steps how I got it and solve:
1. I like to compile some sources from the command prompt, so I added to the PATH environment variable - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\Bin". After that I had to copy some files from "C:Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE" to get cl.exe working (one of files was mspdb80.dll).
2. Some time later I tryed to compile a project from MSDev and got C1902 error.
3. With MSDN search I got to this place to see Jonathan Caves's helpful message about mspdbsrv.exe.
4. I just copied that EXE to VC\Bin and everithing becomes Ok.
5. Now I can compile anything .

posted @ 2007-03-25 01:54  Edward Xie  阅读(3323)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报