解开获取 aria2c 帮助信息的误区
本来想获取 aria2c 的 proxy 相关帮助信息
aria2c -h|grep proxy
aria2c -h#http|grep proxy
connection to HTTP/FTP/proxy server. After the --http-proxy=PROXY Use a proxy server for HTTP. To override a previously defined proxy, use "". See also the --all-proxy option. --https-proxy=PROXY Use a proxy server for HTTPS. To override a previously defined proxy, use "". See also the --all-proxy option. --all-proxy=PROXY Use a proxy server for all protocols. To override a previously defined proxy, use "". proxy server for a particular protocol using the --http-proxy, --https-proxy and --ftp-proxy --no-proxy=DOMAINS Specify comma separated hostnames, domains or proxy should not be used. --proxy-method=METHOD Set the method to use in proxy request. --http-proxy-user=USER Set user for --http-proxy. --http-proxy-passwd=PASSWD Set password for --http-proxy. --https-proxy-user=USER Set user for --https-proxy. --https-proxy-passwd=PASSWD Set password for --https-proxy. --all-proxy-user=USER Set user for --all-proxy. --all-proxy-passwd=PASSWD Set password for --all-proxy.
aria2c -h#help
Usage: aria2c [OPTIONS] [URI | MAGNET | TORRENT_FILE | METALINK_FILE]... Printing options tagged with '#help'. See 'aria2c -h#help' to know all available tags. Options: -h, --help[=TAG|KEYWORD] Print usage and exit. The help messages are classified with tags. A tag starts with "#". For example, type "--help=#http" to get the usage for the options tagged with "#http". If non-tag word is given, print the usage for the options whose name includes that word. Possible Values: #basic, #advanced, #http, #https, #ftp, #metalink, #bittorrent, #cookie, #hook, #file, #rpc, #checksum, #experimental, #deprecated, #help, #all Default: #basic Tags: #basic, #help Refer to man page for more information.