2.我们要知道某个顶点的度,其实就是这个顶点v i 在邻接矩阵中第i行(或第i列)的元素之和。比如顶点v 1 的度就是1+0+1+0=2
3.求顶点v i 的所有邻接点就是将矩阵中第i行元素扫描一遍,arc[i][j]为1就是邻接点。
有向图讲究入度与出度,顶点v 1 的入度为1,正好是第v 1 列各数之和。顶点v 1 的出度为2,即第v 1 行的各数之和。
与无向图同样的办法,判断顶点v i 到v j 是否存在弧,只需要查找矩阵中arc[i][j]是否为1即可。要求v i 的所有邻接点就是将矩阵第i行元素扫描一遍,查找arc[i][j]为1的顶点。
/* * 带权无向图的邻接矩阵 */ #define MAXVEX 100 #define INFINITY 65535 typedef char vtype; // 结点类型 typedef int etype; // 边权类型 typedef struct{ vtype vexs[MAXVEX]; // 顶点表 etype arc[MAXVEX][MAXVEX]; // 邻接矩阵,可看作边表 int vertexes, edges; // 图中当前的顶点数和边数 } Graph; void createGraph(Graph *graph){ int i, j, k, w; printf("输入结点数和边数:\n"); scanf("%d%d", &graph->vertexes, &graph->edges); /* 读入顶点信息,建立顶点表 */ printf("输入结点信息:\n"); for (i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) scanf(&graph->vexs[i]); /* 邻接矩阵初始化 */ for (i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++) for (j = 0; j <graph->vertexes; j++) graph->arc[i][j] = INFINITY; /* 读入edges条边,建立邻接矩阵 */ printf("输入边(vi,vj)上的下标i,下标j和权w:\n"); for (k = 0; k < graph->edges; k++){ scanf("%d%d%d", &i, &j, &w); graph->arc[i][j] = w; graph->arc[j][i] = w; // 因为是无向图,矩阵对称 } }
- 图中顶点用一个一维数组存储,对于顶点数组中,每个数据元素还需要存储指向第一个邻接点的指针,以便于查找该顶点的边信息。
- 图中每个顶点v i 的所有邻接点构成一个线性表,由于邻接点的个数不定,所以用单链表存储,无向图称为顶点v i 的边表,有向图则称为顶点v i 作为弧尾的出边表。
1. 从图中我们知道,顶点表的各个结点由data和firstedge两个域表示,data是数据域,存储顶点的信息,firstedge是指针域,指向边表的第一个结点,即此顶点的第一个邻接点。
2. 边表结点由adjvex和next两个域组成,adjvex是邻接点域,存储某顶点的邻接点在顶点表中的下标,next则存储指向边表中下一个结点的指针。
3. 这样的结构,对于我们要获得图的相关信息也是很方便的。比如我们要想知道某个顶点的度,就去查找这个顶点的边表中结点的个数。若要判断顶点Vi 到Vj 是否存在边,只需要测试顶点Vi 的边表中adjvex是否存在结点Vj 的下标j就行了,若求顶点的所有邻接点,其实就是对此顶点的边表进行遍历,得到的adjvex域对应的顶点就是邻接点。
若是有向图,邻接表结构是类似的,但要注意的是有向图由于有方向,我们是以顶点为弧尾来存储边表的,这样很容易就可以得到每个顶点的出度。但也有时为了便于确定顶点的入度或以顶点为弧头的弧,我们可以建立一个有向图的逆邻接表,即对每个顶点Vi 都建立一个链接为 Vi 为弧头的表。
/* * 无向图的邻接链表 */ #define MAXVEX 100 typedef char vtype; typedef int etype; /* 边表结点 */ typedef struct EdgeNode{ int adjvex; // 邻接点域,存储该顶点对应的下标 etype weight; // 用于存储权值,对于非带权图可以不需要 struct EdgeNode *next; // 链域,指向下一个邻接点 } EdgeNode; /* 顶点表结点 */ typedef struct VertexNode{ vtype data; // 顶点域,存储顶点信息 EdgeNode *firstedge; // 边表头指针 } VertexNode, AdjList[MAXVEX]; typedef struct{ AdjList adjList; int vertexes, edges; // 图中当前顶点数和边数 } GraphAdjList; /* 建立图的邻接表结构 */ void CreateALGraph(GraphAdjList *graph){ int i, j, k; EdgeNode *e; printf("输入顶点数和边数:\n"); scanf("%d,%d", &graph->vertexes, &graph->edges); /* 读入顶点信息,建立顶点表 */ for (i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){ scanf(&graph->adjList[i].data); // 读入顶点信息 graph->adjList[i].firstedge = NULL; // 将边表置为空表 } /* 建立边表 */ for (k = 0; k < graph->edges; k++){ printf("输入边(vi,vj)上的顶点序号:\n"); scanf("%d,%d", &i, &j); e = (EdgeNode *)malloc(sizeof(EdgeNode)); // 向内存申请空间,生成边表结点 e->adjvex = j; // 邻接序号为j e->next = graph->adjList[i].firstedge; // 将e指针指向当前顶点指向的结点 graph->adjList[i].firstedge = e; // 将当前顶点的指针指向e e = (EdgeNode *)malloc(sizeof(EdgeNode)); // 向内存申请空间,生成边表结点 e->adjvex = i; // 邻接序号为i e->next = graph->adjList[j].firstedge; // 将e指针指向当前顶点指向的结点 graph->adjList[j].firstedge = e; // 将当前顶点的指针指向e } }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20 typedef int Status; typedef int infoType; typedef char vertexType; typedef struct arcBox { int tailVex, headVex; struct arcBox *hLink, *tLink; infoType *info; } arcBox; //弧结点 typedef struct vexNode { vertexType data; arcBox *firstIn, *firstOut; } vexNode; //顶点节点 typedef struct { vexNode xList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; int vexNum, arcNum; } OLGraph; //十字链 int locateVertex(OLGraph &G, vexNode node) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < G.vexNum; i++) { if (node.data == G.xList[i].data) { index = i; break; } } return index; } void insertArcAction(OLGraph &G, int index1, int index2); Status insertArc(OLGraph &G, vexNode node1, vexNode node2); Status createDG(OLGraph &G, int vexNum, int arcNum) { G.vexNum = vexNum; G.arcNum = arcNum; for (int i = 0; i < G.vexNum; i++) { cin >> G.xList[i].data; G.xList[i].firstIn = NULL; G.xList[i].firstOut = NULL; }//初始化 for (int i = 0; i < G.arcNum; i++) { vexNode node1, node2; cout << "please input two nodes of " << i + 1 << "-th arc" << endl; cin >> node1.data >> node2.data; insertArc(G, node1, node2); } return 1; } Status printDG(OLGraph &G) { for (int i = 0; i < G.vexNum; i++) { arcBox *ptail = G.xList[i].firstOut; arcBox *phead = G.xList[i].firstIn; //打印以结点i为弧尾的链 cout << "以结点" << i << "为弧尾的链 " << G.xList[i].data; while (ptail) { cout << "-->" << "|" << ptail->tailVex << "|" << ptail->headVex; ptail = ptail-> tLink; } cout << "-->NULL" << endl; //打印以结点i为弧头的链 cout << "以结点" << i << "为弧头的链 " << G.xList[i].data; while (phead) { cout << "-->" << "|" << phead->tailVex << "|" << phead->headVex; phead = phead->hLink; } cout << "-->NULL" << endl; } return 1; } void insertArcAction(OLGraph &G, int index1, int index2) { arcBox* pArc = new arcBox[1]; pArc->tailVex = index1; pArc->headVex = index2; pArc->info = NULL; arcBox *ptail = G.xList[index1].firstOut; arcBox *phead = G.xList[index2].firstIn; if (!ptail) {pArc->tLink = NULL;} else {pArc->tLink = ptail;} if (!phead) {pArc->hLink = NULL;} else {pArc->hLink = phead;} G.xList[index1].firstOut = pArc;//链头部插入弧结点 G.xList[index2].firstIn = pArc; } Status insertArc(OLGraph &G, vexNode node1, vexNode node2) { int index1 = locateVertex(G, node1); int index2 = locateVertex(G, node2); insertArcAction(G, index1, index2); return 1; } Status insertNode(OLGraph &G, vexNode node) { G.xList[G.vexNum].data = node.data; G.xList[G.vexNum].firstIn = NULL; G.xList[G.vexNum].firstOut = NULL; G.vexNum = G.vexNum + 1; return 1; } Status deleteArc(OLGraph &G, vexNode node1, vexNode node2); Status deleteNode(OLGraph &G, vexNode node) { //删除结点后,该xList顶点数组中该结点后面的结点不前移,而只是将该被删除的结点的data设置成为一个较大的值 int index = locateVertex(G, node); for (int i = 0; i < G.vexNum; i++) { if (i == index) continue; else { deleteArc(G, G.xList[index], G.xList[i]);//删除以该结点为弧尾的弧 deleteArc(G, G.xList[i], G.xList[index]);//删除以该结点为弧头的弧 } } G.xList[index].data = '0';//置'0'表示该结点被删除 G.xList[index].firstIn = NULL; G.xList[index].firstOut = NULL; return 1; } void deleteOutArcAction(OLGraph &G, int index1, int index2) { arcBox *cur = G.xList[index1].firstOut; arcBox *pre = cur; int count = 0; if (!cur) return; else { while (cur) { count++; if (cur->headVex == index2) break; pre = cur; cur = cur->tLink; } } if (!cur) return;//该结点没有对应的弧 else if (count <= 1) G.xList[index1].firstOut = pre->tLink;//删除第一个弧结点 else pre->tLink = cur->tLink;//删除非第一个弧结点 } void deleteInArcAction(OLGraph &G, int index1, int index2) { arcBox *cur = G.xList[index2].firstIn; arcBox *pre = cur; int count = 0; if (!cur) return; else { while (cur) { count++; if (cur->tailVex == index1) break; pre = cur; cur = cur->hLink; } } if (!cur) return;//该结点没有对应的弧 else if (count <= 1) G.xList[index2].firstIn = pre->hLink; else pre->hLink = cur->hLink; } Status deleteArc(OLGraph &G, vexNode node1, vexNode node2) { //删除从结点1到结点2的弧(有方向) int index1 = locateVertex(G, node1); int index2 = locateVertex(G, node2); deleteOutArcAction(G, index1, index2);//删除两条链表里面的值 deleteInArcAction(G, index1, index2); return 1; } int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ int vexNum = 4; int arcNum = 7; OLGraph G; cout << "Try to create a Orthogonal List of a graph..." << endl; createDG(G, vexNum, arcNum); cout << "Try to print the Orthogonal List of the very graph..." << endl; printDG(G); cout << "Try to insert a node into the graph..." << endl; vexNode node; cout << " please input the data of the node to insert:" << endl; cin >> node.data; insertNode(G, node); printDG(G); cout << "Try to insert a arc into the graph..." << endl; vexNode node1, node2; cout << " please choose two node:" << endl; cin >> node1.data >> node2.data; insertArc(G, node1, node2); printDG(G); cout << "Try to delete the arc between two nodes..." << endl; vexNode node3, node4; cout << " please choose a arc with specifing two nodes:" << endl; cin >> node3.data >> node4.data; deleteArc(G, node3, node4); printDG(G); cout << "Try to delete a node of the graph..." << endl; vexNode node5; cout << " please choose a node:" << endl; cin >> node5.data; deleteNode(G, node5); printDG(G); system("pause"); return 0; }