
发送邮箱小工具,将它放在#/usr/bin/mail  chmod +x /usr/bin/mail


#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import sys

import smtplib

import email.mime.multipart

import email.mime.text


server = 'smtp.163.com'

port = '25'


def sendmail(server,port,user,pwd,msg):

    smtp = smtplib.SMTP()


    smtp.login(user, pwd)

    smtp.sendmail(msg['from'], msg['to'], msg.as_string())


    print('邮件发送成功email has send out !')



if __name__ == '__main__':

    msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart()

    msg['Subject'] = '监控'

    msg['From'] = 'python4_mail@163.com'

    msg['To'] = 'python4_recvmail@163.com'

    user = 'python4_mail'

    pwd = 'sbalex3714'


    content='%s\n%s' %('\n'.join(sys.argv[1:4]),' '.join(sys.argv[4:])) #格式处理,专门针对我们 的邮件格式


    txt = email.mime.text.MIMEText(content, _charset='utf-8')









cpu_limit=0    #定义cpu报警线

memory_limit=0 #定义内存报警线

disk='/dev/sda1' # 定义要监控的磁盘

disk_inode_limit=0 #定义磁盘inode报警线

disk_space_limit=0 #定义磁盘使用空间报警线

function bc_install()   #查看是否安装了bc软件包


    rpm -qa |grep '^bc.*$' >> /dev/null

    if [ $? -eq 0 ];then

        echo 'bc has been installed'


        yum install bc -y





function nettools_install()  #查看是否安装了nettools 软件包


    rpm -qa |grep net-tools >> /dev/null

    if [ $? -eq 0 ];then

        echo 'nettools has been installed'


        yum install net-tools -y



function monitor_cpu()


cpu_id_free= `vmstat 1 5 |awk 'NR>=3{ x = x + $15 } END {print x/5}'|awk -F. '{print $1}'`   


    cpu_used= $((100-cpu_id_free))    #提取CPU使用空间

    if [ $cpu_used -gt $cpu_limit ]then;  #cpu使用率报警线比较

        msg="TIME:$(date +%F_%T)


            IPADDR:$(ifconfig |awk 'NR==2{print $2}')

            MSG:cpu usage exceeds the limit ,current value is ${cpu_used}%"

        echo $msg

        /usr/bin/mail $msg




function monitor_mem()


    mem_total=`free |awk 'NR==2{print $2}'`     #提取内存总量

    mem_used=`free |awk 'NR==2{print $3}'`     #提取内存使用

    mem_percent=`echo "scale=2;$mem_used/$mem_total" |bc -l |cut -d. -f2`  #计算内存使用率

    if [ $mem_percent -gt $mem_limit ];then  #与内存使用率报警线比较

        msg="TIME:$(date +%F_%T)


--             IPADDR:$(ifconfig |awk 'NR==2{print $2}')

            MSG:mem usage exceeds the limit,current value is ${mem_percent}%"

        echo $msg

        /usr/bin/mail $msg  # 调用邮件




function monitor_disk_inode()


    disk_inode_used=`df -i $disk |awk 'NR==2{print $5}'|cut -d% -f1`  #提取磁盘Inode使用情况

    if [ $disk_inode_used -gt $disk_inode_limit ];then  #比较

        msg="TIME:$(date +%F_%T)


            IPADDR:$(ifconfig |awk 'NR==2{print $2}')

            MSG:disk_inode usage exceeds the limit,current vaule is ${disk_inode_used}%"

        echo $msg

        /usr/bin/mail $msg




function monitor_disk_space()


    disk_space_used=`df $disk |awk 'NR==2{print $5}'|cut -d% -f1`   #提取磁盘使用情况

    if [ $disk_space_used -gt $disk_space_limit ];then  #比较

        msg="TIME:$(date +%F_%T)


--PADDR:$(ifconfig |awk 'NR==2{print $2}')

            MSG:disk_space_used usage exceeds the limit,current vaule is ${disk_space_used}%"

        echo $msg

        /usr/bin/mail $msg








monitor_cpu &>> /tmp/monitor.log     

monitor_mem &>> /tmp/monitor.log

monitor_disk_inode &>> /tmp/monitor.log

monitor_disk_space &>> /tmp/monitor.log               

posted @ 2017-05-05 16:35  心动丶男孩  阅读(203)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报