在同一台计算机安装ArcGIS Desktop和ArcGIS Server后,会有一个AppLockMgr进程,会导致Desktop程序打开、显示和查询文件数据及其缓慢,上网查了一下,ESRI官方的说法是由于DCOM的权限设置的问题,解决办法如下:

Problem: Performance of ArcGIS Desktop or ArcReader is very slow when installed on the same machine as the ArcIMS ArcMap Server Extension

Solution or Workaround

The following steps are required only when ArcMap Server and ArcGIS Desktop, including ArcReader standalone, are installed on the same machine. If ArcGIS Desktop is installed on a computer that runs ArcMap Server, or if ArcMap Server is installed on a computer that already has ArcGIS Desktop, configure the computer according to the following Steps:

  1. On Windows, navigate to the Windows Services Panel.
  2. Stop ArcIMS Tasker, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Application Server in that order.
  3. Open Task Manager and confirm that AppLockMgr does not appear in the list. If it does, end the process.
  4. On Windows NT/2000: Click Start > Run and type: dcomcnfg.exe

    On Windows XP/2003: Click Start > Run and type: dcomcnfg.exe This starts the Component Services console.

    Select the appropriate computer in the component services node on the left.

    Expand the DCOM Config node
  5. Locate the AppLockMgr application in the list of DCOM enabled applications. It is listed as esriSystem.esriAppLockMgr.

     If ArcMap Services are not started in ArcIMS Administrator, the
    esriSystem.esriAppLockMgr program may not be listed.

  6. Select esriSystem.esriAppLockMgr and click the properties button.
  7. Click the Identity tab.
  8. Select the 'This User' option.
  9. Type a Windows username and password to run this service under.
    -If using a local account it should be specified as just: username
    -If using a Domain account it should be specified as: DOMAIN\username

     This could be a local or domain account that is created specifically to run services under, or if ArcGIS Server is installed, use the ArcGISContainer account. If the account already has a username and password, retype the same username and password.

  10. Click OK and close the DCOM configuration dialog box.
  11. Navigate to the windows services panel.
  12. Start the ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Monitor, and ArcIMS Tasker in that order.