
Public Type m_pObjArray
      iFeature As iFeature
      iLayerName As String
End Type
Public M_pFeatureArray() As m_pObjArray

Private Sub ArcSceneControl_OnMouseDown(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
              ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.IsNavigating = False
              Call Identify3DMap(X, Y)
end sub

'程序:tjh 2005.1.29
Private Sub Identify3DMap(X As Long, Y As Long)
        'QI for IBasicMap from IScene
      Dim pBasicMap As IBasicMap
      Set pBasicMap = ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.Scene
      'QI for IScreenDisplay from ISceneGraph
      Dim pScreenDisplay As IScreenDisplay
      Set pScreenDisplay = ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph
      'Translate screen coordinates into mulitple 3D objects
      Dim pHit3DSet As IHit3DSet
      ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.LocateMultiple ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.ActiveViewer, X, Y, esriScenePickGeography, False, pHit3DSet
      'Reduce the hit set to the top
      'most hits and one hit per layer
      pHit3DSet.Topmost 1.5
      pHit3DSet.Topmost 1.1
      'Get an array of hits
      Dim pArray As IArray
      Set pArray = pHit3DSet.Hits
      If pArray.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
      'Loop through each hit
      Dim i As Integer
      ReDim M_pFeatureArray(0)
      For i = 0 To pArray.Count - 1
        'Get the hit
        Dim pHit3D As IHit3D
        Set pHit3D = pArray.Element(i)
        'Get the hit location
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = pHit3D.Point
        If pPoint Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        'Get the layer that was hit
        If Not TypeOf pHit3D.Owner Is ILayer Then Exit Sub
        Dim pLayer As ILayer
        Set pLayer = pHit3D.Owner
        'Get the feature that was hit
        Dim pObject As IUnknown
        Set pObject = pHit3D.object
        'Add to identify dialog
        ReDim Preserve M_pFeatureArray(UBound(M_pFeatureArray) + 1)
        Dim pFeature As iFeature
        Set pFeature = pHit3D.object
        Set M_pFeatureArray(UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1).iFeature = pFeature
        M_pFeatureArray(UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1).iLayerName = CStr(pLayer.Name)
      Next i
     If frmIdentify.Visible = False Then
        frmIdentify.Show 0
     End If
     Call frmIdentify.InitTreeView
End Sub
Private m_hwndTV As Long
'程序:tjh 2005.1.29
Public Sub InitTreeView()
     Dim i As Long, j As Long
     Dim blCheck As Boolean
     On Error Resume Next
     For i = 0 To UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1
         blCheck = False
         For j = 0 To ComboLayer.ListCount
             If M_pFeatureArray(i).iLayerName = ComboLayer.List(j) Then
               blCheck = True
               Exit For
             End If
         Next j
         If blCheck = False Then
             ComboLayer.AddItem M_pFeatureArray(i).iLayerName
         End If
     Next i
    MSFlexGrid.cols = 2
    MSFlexGrid.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignLeftCenter
    MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "字段"
    MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(0) = 1600
    MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(1) = 2500
    MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "值"
    If UBound(M_pFeatureArray) = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Dim Node1 As Node
    Dim Node2 As Node
    ComboLayer.Text = ComboLayer.List(0)
    For i = 0 To ComboLayer.ListCount - 1
      Set Node1 = TreeView.Nodes.Add(, , , ComboLayer.List(i))
      For j = 0 To UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1
        If M_pFeatureArray(j).iLayerName = ComboLayer.List(i) Then
            Set Node2 = TreeView.Nodes.Add(Node1.Index, tvwChild, , CStr(M_pFeatureArray(j).iFeature.Value(0)))
        End If
      If i = 0 Then
         Node1.Expanded = True
      End If
    Next i
    MSFlexGrid.Rows = M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount + 10
    For i = 0 To M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount - 1
       MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i + 1, 0) = M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.Field(i).AliasName
       If M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.Field(i).Type = 7 Then
          MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i + 1, 1) = ReturnGeometryName(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Shape.GeometryType)
          MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i + 1, 1) = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Value(i)) + ""
       End If
    Next i
     Dim strXY As String
      strXY = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Extent.xMin) + " " + CStr(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Extent.yMin)
      TextCor.Text = "位置: (" + strXY + ")"
    Dim pobjGeometry As IGeometry
    Set pobjGeometry = M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Shape
    Dim pDisplay3D As IDisplay3D
    If m_CheckOperate = isQuery Then
       ' Call FlashFeature(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature, frmMapControl.arcMapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap)
        frmMapControl.arcMapControl.FlashShape pobjGeometry
    ElseIf m_CheckOperate = iscls3dQuery Then
        Set pDisplay3D = FrmMap3D.ArcSceneControl.Scene.SceneGraph
        pDisplay3D.AddFlashFeature pobjGeometry
    End If
    ' Show the nodes that are blChecked.
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
   ' Me.Move (frmMain.Width - Me.Width), frmMain.Top

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(cancel As Integer)
    ReDim M_pFeatureArray(0)
End Sub

'程序:tjh 2005.1.29
Private Sub TreeView_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim iLayerName As String
    Dim ObjName As String
    Dim pDisplay3D As IDisplay3D

    On Error Resume Next
    If Not Node.Parent Is Nothing Then
        iLayerName = Node.Parent.Text
        ObjName = Node.Text
        For i = 0 To UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1
            If iLayerName = M_pFeatureArray(i).iLayerName And ObjName = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Value(0)) Then
                MSFlexGrid.cols = 2
                MSFlexGrid.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignLeftCenter
                MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "字段"
                MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(0) = 1600
                MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(1) = 2500
                MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "值"
                MSFlexGrid.Rows = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount + 10
                For j = 0 To M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount - 1
                   MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(j + 1, 0) = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.Field(j).AliasName
                   If M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.Field(j).Type = 7 Then
                      MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(j + 1, 1) = ReturnGeometryName(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Shape.GeometryType)
                      MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(j + 1, 1) = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Value(j)
                   End If
                Next j
                Dim pobjGeometry As IGeometry
                Set pobjGeometry = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Shape
                If m_CheckOperate = isQuery Then
                    Call FlashFeature(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature, frmMapControl.arcMapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap)
                ElseIf m_CheckOperate = iscls3dQuery Then
                    Set pDisplay3D = FrmMap3D.ArcSceneControl.Scene.SceneGraph
                    pDisplay3D.AddFlashFeature M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Shape
                End If
                MSFlexGrid.TopRow = 1
                Dim strXY As String
                strXY = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Extent.xMin) + " " + CStr(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Extent.yMin)
                TextCor.Text = "位置: (" + strXY + ")"
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End If
End Sub