图1 Tomcat请求处理架构
- Acceptor:负责从ServerSocket中接收新的连接,并将Socket转交给SocketProcessor处理。Acceptor是AbstractEndpoint的内部类,其实现已在《TOMCAT源码分析——请求原理分析(上)》一文中介绍。Acceptor线程的默认大小为1,我们可以在server.xml的Connector配置中增加acceptorThreadCount的大小。
- SocketProcessor:负责对Acceptor转交的Socket进行处理,包括给Socket设置属性、读取请求行和请求头等,最终将处理交给Engine的Pipeline处理。
- ThreadPool:执行SocketProcessor的线程来自《TOMCAT源码分析——请求原理分析(上)》一文中介绍的线程池,此线程池默认的最小线程数minSpareThreads等于10,最大线程数maxThreads等于200,我们可以在server.xml的Connector配置中调整它们的大小。
- Pipeline:SocketProcessor线程最后会将请求进一步交给Engine容器的Pipeline,管道Pipeline包括一系列的valve,如:StandardEngineValve、AccessLogValve、ErrorReportValve、StandardHostValve、 StandardContextValve、 StandardWrapperValve,它们就像地下水管中的一个个阀门,每一个都会对请求数据做不同的处理。
- FilterChain:管道Pipeline的最后一个valve是StandardWrapperValve,它会负责生成Servlet和Filter实例,并将它们组织成对请求处理的链条,这里正是Tomcat与J2EE规范相结合的部分。
- 如果你部署在Tomcat上的Web服务主要用于计算,那么CPU的开销势必会很大,那么线程数不宜设置的过大,一般以CPU核数*2——CPU核数*3最佳。当然如果计算量非常大,就已经超出了Tomcat的使用范畴,我想此时,选择离线计算框架Hadoop或者实时计算框架Storm、Spark才是更好的选择。
- 如果部署在Tomcat上的Web服务主要是为了提供数据库访问,此时I/O的开销会很大,而CPU利用率反而低,此时应该将线程数设置的大一些,但是如果设置的过大,CPU为了给成百上千个线程分配时间片,造成CPU的精力都分散在线程切换上,反而造成性能下降。具体多大,需要对系统性能调优得出。
// ---------------------------------------------- Request processing methods /** * Process the given SocketWrapper with the given status. Used to trigger * processing as if the Poller (for those endpoints that have one) * selected the socket. * * @param socketWrapper The socket wrapper to process * @param event The socket event to be processed * @param dispatch Should the processing be performed on a new * container thread * * @return if processing was triggered successfully */ public boolean processSocket(SocketWrapperBase<S> socketWrapper, SocketEvent event, boolean dispatch) { try { if (socketWrapper == null) { return false; } SocketProcessorBase<S> sc = processorCache.pop(); if (sc == null) { sc = createSocketProcessor(socketWrapper, event); } else { sc.reset(socketWrapper, event); } Executor executor = getExecutor(); if (dispatch && executor != null) { executor.execute(sc); } else {; } } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) { getLog().warn(sm.getString("", socketWrapper) , ree); return false; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); // This means we got an OOM or similar creating a thread, or that // the pool and its queue are full getLog().error(sm.getString(""), t); return false; } return true; }
- 通过无界的LIFO同步队列获取SocketProcessorBase,如果没有则创建;
- 获取线程池对象并使用线程池(此线程池已在《TOMCAT源码分析——请求原理分析(上)》一文中启动PROTOCOLHANDLER一节介绍)执行。
@Override protected SocketProcessorBase<NioChannel> createSocketProcessor( SocketWrapperBase<NioChannel> socketWrapper, SocketEvent event) { return new SocketProcessor(socketWrapper, event); }
// ---------------------------------------------- SocketProcessor Inner Class /** * This class is the equivalent of the Worker, but will simply use in an * external Executor thread pool. */ protected class SocketProcessor extends SocketProcessorBase<NioChannel> { public SocketProcessor(SocketWrapperBase<NioChannel> socketWrapper, SocketEvent event) { super(socketWrapper, event); } @Override protected void doRun() { NioChannel socket = socketWrapper.getSocket(); SelectionKey key = socket.getIOChannel().keyFor(socket.getPoller().getSelector()); try { int handshake = -1; try { if (key != null) { if (socket.isHandshakeComplete()) { // No TLS handshaking required. Let the handler // process this socket / event combination. handshake = 0; } else if (event == SocketEvent.STOP || event == SocketEvent.DISCONNECT || event == SocketEvent.ERROR) { // Unable to complete the TLS handshake. Treat it as // if the handshake failed. handshake = -1; } else { handshake = socket.handshake(key.isReadable(), key.isWritable()); // The handshake process reads/writes from/to the // socket. status may therefore be OPEN_WRITE once // the handshake completes. However, the handshake // happens when the socket is opened so the status // must always be OPEN_READ after it completes. It // is OK to always set this as it is only used if // the handshake completes. event = SocketEvent.OPEN_READ; } } } catch (IOException x) { handshake = -1; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Error during SSL handshake",x); } catch (CancelledKeyException ckx) { handshake = -1; } if (handshake == 0) { SocketState state = SocketState.OPEN; // Process the request from this socket if (event == null) { state = getHandler().process(socketWrapper, SocketEvent.OPEN_READ); } else { state = getHandler().process(socketWrapper, event); } if (state == SocketState.CLOSED) { close(socket, key); } } else if (handshake == -1 ) { close(socket, key); } else if (handshake == SelectionKey.OP_READ){ socketWrapper.registerReadInterest(); } else if (handshake == SelectionKey.OP_WRITE){ socketWrapper.registerWriteInterest(); } } catch (CancelledKeyException cx) { socket.getPoller().cancelledKey(key); } catch (VirtualMachineError vme) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(vme); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("", t); socket.getPoller().cancelledKey(key); } finally { socketWrapper = null; event = null; //return to cache if (running && !paused) { processorCache.push(this); } } } }
- 调用handler的process方法处理请求。在《TOMCAT源码分析——请求原理分析(上)》一文中我们讲过当处理AbstractProtocol协议时,handler默认为AbstractProtocol的内部类ConnectionHandler;
- 请求处理完毕后,如果state等于SocketState.CLOSED,则关闭Socket;如果state等于SocketState.OPEN,则保持连接;如果state等于SocketState.LONG,则会作为长连接对待。
- 最后把process归还到processorCache(LIFO的同步栈SynchronizedStack)栈中
@Override public SocketState process(SocketWrapperBase<S> wrapper, SocketEvent status) { if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug(sm.getString("abstractConnectionHandler.process", wrapper.getSocket(), status)); } if (wrapper == null) { // Nothing to do. Socket has been closed. return SocketState.CLOSED; } S socket = wrapper.getSocket(); Processor processor = connections.get(socket); if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug(sm.getString("abstractConnectionHandler.connectionsGet", processor, socket)); } if (processor != null) { // Make sure an async timeout doesn't fire getProtocol().removeWaitingProcessor(processor); } else if (status == SocketEvent.DISCONNECT || status == SocketEvent.ERROR) { // Nothing to do. Endpoint requested a close and there is no // longer a processor associated with this socket. return SocketState.CLOSED; } ContainerThreadMarker.set(); try { if (processor == null) { String negotiatedProtocol = wrapper.getNegotiatedProtocol(); if (negotiatedProtocol != null) { UpgradeProtocol upgradeProtocol = getProtocol().getNegotiatedProtocol(negotiatedProtocol); if (upgradeProtocol != null) { processor = upgradeProtocol.getProcessor( wrapper, getProtocol().getAdapter()); } else if (negotiatedProtocol.equals("http/1.1")) { // Explicitly negotiated the default protocol. // Obtain a processor below. } else { // TODO: // OpenSSL 1.0.2's ALPN callback doesn't support // failing the handshake with an error if no // protocol can be negotiated. Therefore, we need to // fail the connection here. Once this is fixed, // replace the code below with the commented out // block. if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug(sm.getString( "", negotiatedProtocol)); } return SocketState.CLOSED; /* * To replace the code above once OpenSSL 1.1.0 is * used. // Failed to create processor. This is a bug. throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString( "", negotiatedProtocol)); */ } } } if (processor == null) { processor = recycledProcessors.pop(); if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug(sm.getString("abstractConnectionHandler.processorPop", processor)); } } if (processor == null) { processor = getProtocol().createProcessor(); register(processor); } processor.setSslSupport( wrapper.getSslSupport(getProtocol().getClientCertProvider())); // Associate the processor with the connection connections.put(socket, processor); SocketState state = SocketState.CLOSED; do {
//AbstractProcessorLight类的process方法 state = processor.process(wrapper, status); if (state == SocketState.UPGRADING) { // Get the HTTP upgrade handler UpgradeToken upgradeToken = processor.getUpgradeToken(); // Retrieve leftover input ByteBuffer leftOverInput = processor.getLeftoverInput(); if (upgradeToken == null) { // Assume direct HTTP/2 connection UpgradeProtocol upgradeProtocol = getProtocol().getUpgradeProtocol("h2c"); if (upgradeProtocol != null) { processor = upgradeProtocol.getProcessor( wrapper, getProtocol().getAdapter()); wrapper.unRead(leftOverInput); // Associate with the processor with the connection connections.put(socket, processor); } else { if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug(sm.getString( "", "h2c")); } return SocketState.CLOSED; } } else { HttpUpgradeHandler httpUpgradeHandler = upgradeToken.getHttpUpgradeHandler(); // Release the Http11 processor to be re-used release(processor); // Create the upgrade processor processor = getProtocol().createUpgradeProcessor(wrapper, upgradeToken); if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug(sm.getString("abstractConnectionHandler.upgradeCreate", processor, wrapper)); } wrapper.unRead(leftOverInput); // Mark the connection as upgraded wrapper.setUpgraded(true); // Associate with the processor with the connection connections.put(socket, processor); // Initialise the upgrade handler (which may trigger // some IO using the new protocol which is why the lines // above are necessary) // This cast should be safe. If it fails the error // handling for the surrounding try/catch will deal with // it. if (upgradeToken.getInstanceManager() == null) { httpUpgradeHandler.init((WebConnection) processor); } else { ClassLoader oldCL = upgradeToken.getContextBind().bind(false, null); try { httpUpgradeHandler.init((WebConnection) processor); } finally { upgradeToken.getContextBind().unbind(false, oldCL); } } } } } while ( state == SocketState.UPGRADING); if (state == SocketState.LONG) { // In the middle of processing a request/response. Keep the // socket associated with the processor. Exact requirements // depend on type of long poll longPoll(wrapper, processor); if (processor.isAsync()) { getProtocol().addWaitingProcessor(processor); } } else if (state == SocketState.OPEN) { // In keep-alive but between requests. OK to recycle // processor. Continue to poll for the next request. connections.remove(socket); release(processor); wrapper.registerReadInterest(); } else if (state == SocketState.SENDFILE) { // Sendfile in progress. If it fails, the socket will be // closed. If it works, the socket either be added to the // poller (or equivalent) to await more data or processed // if there are any pipe-lined requests remaining. } else if (state == SocketState.UPGRADED) { // Don't add sockets back to the poller if this was a // non-blocking write otherwise the poller may trigger // multiple read events which may lead to thread starvation // in the connector. The write() method will add this socket // to the poller if necessary. if (status != SocketEvent.OPEN_WRITE) { longPoll(wrapper, processor); } } else if (state == SocketState.SUSPENDED) { // Don't add sockets back to the poller. // The resumeProcessing() method will add this socket // to the poller. } else { // Connection closed. OK to recycle the processor. Upgrade // processors are not recycled. connections.remove(socket); if (processor.isUpgrade()) { UpgradeToken upgradeToken = processor.getUpgradeToken(); HttpUpgradeHandler httpUpgradeHandler = upgradeToken.getHttpUpgradeHandler(); InstanceManager instanceManager = upgradeToken.getInstanceManager(); if (instanceManager == null) { httpUpgradeHandler.destroy(); } else { ClassLoader oldCL = upgradeToken.getContextBind().bind(false, null); try { httpUpgradeHandler.destroy(); } finally { try { instanceManager.destroyInstance(httpUpgradeHandler); } catch (Throwable e) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(e); getLog().error(sm.getString("abstractConnectionHandler.error"), e); } upgradeToken.getContextBind().unbind(false, oldCL); } } } else { release(processor); } } return state; } catch( e) { // SocketExceptions are normal getLog().debug(sm.getString( "abstractConnectionHandler.socketexception.debug"), e); } catch ( e) { // IOExceptions are normal getLog().debug(sm.getString( "abstractConnectionHandler.ioexception.debug"), e); } catch (ProtocolException e) { // Protocol exceptions normally mean the client sent invalid or // incomplete data. getLog().debug(sm.getString( "abstractConnectionHandler.protocolexception.debug"), e); } // Future developers: if you discover any other // rare-but-nonfatal exceptions, catch them here, and log as // above. catch (Throwable e) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(e); // any other exception or error is odd. Here we log it // with "ERROR" level, so it will show up even on // less-than-verbose logs. getLog().error(sm.getString("abstractConnectionHandler.error"), e); } finally { ContainerThreadMarker.clear(); } // Make sure socket/processor is removed from the list of current // connections connections.remove(socket); release(processor); return SocketState.CLOSED; }
- 先从connections(同步的map)中获取processor,假如有,则删除等待的processor。
- 然后再通过getNegotiatedProtocol获取processor。
- 从可以循环使用的recycledProcessors(类型为ConcurrentLinkedQueue)中获取;如果recycledProcessors中也没有可以使用的processor,则调用createProcessor方法(见代码清单7)创建AbstractHttp11Protocol;
- 如果当前Connector配置了指定了SSLEnabled="true",那么还需要给AbstractHttp11Protocol设置SSL相关的属性;
- 如果Socket是异步的,则调用AbstractProcessorLight的asyncPostProcess方法,否则调用AbstractProcessorLight的service(socketWrapper)方法;
- 请求处理完毕,如果Socket是UPGRADING的,则将Socket和AbstractHttp11Protocol一起放入connections缓存,否则从connections缓存中移除Socket和AbstractHttp11Protocol。
@Override public SocketState process(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper, SocketEvent status) throws IOException { SocketState state = SocketState.CLOSED; Iterator<DispatchType> dispatches = null; do { if (dispatches != null) { DispatchType nextDispatch =; state = dispatch(nextDispatch.getSocketStatus()); } else if (status == SocketEvent.DISCONNECT) { // Do nothing here, just wait for it to get recycled } else if (isAsync() || isUpgrade() || state == SocketState.ASYNC_END) { state = dispatch(status); if (state == SocketState.OPEN) { // There may be pipe-lined data to read. If the data isn't // processed now, execution will exit this loop and call // release() which will recycle the processor (and input // buffer) deleting any pipe-lined data. To avoid this, // process it now.
//Http11Processor.service() state = service(socketWrapper); } } else if (status == SocketEvent.OPEN_WRITE) { // Extra write event likely after async, ignore state = SocketState.LONG; } else if (status == SocketEvent.OPEN_READ){
//Http11Processor.service() state = service(socketWrapper); } else { // Default to closing the socket if the SocketEvent passed in // is not consistent with the current state of the Processor state = SocketState.CLOSED; } if (state != SocketState.CLOSED && isAsync()) { state = asyncPostProcess(); } if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Socket: [" + socketWrapper + "], Status in: [" + status + "], State out: [" + state + "]"); } if (dispatches == null || !dispatches.hasNext()) { // Only returns non-null iterator if there are // dispatches to process. dispatches = getIteratorAndClearDispatches(); } } while (state == SocketState.ASYNC_END || dispatches != null && state != SocketState.CLOSED); return state; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------- Common code @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override protected Processor createProcessor() { Http11Processor processor = new Http11Processor(getMaxHttpHeaderSize(), getAllowHostHeaderMismatch(), getRejectIllegalHeaderName(), getEndpoint(), getMaxTrailerSize(), allowedTrailerHeaders, getMaxExtensionSize(), getMaxSwallowSize(), httpUpgradeProtocols, getSendReasonPhrase()); processor.setAdapter(getAdapter()); processor.setMaxKeepAliveRequests(getMaxKeepAliveRequests()); processor.setConnectionUploadTimeout(getConnectionUploadTimeout()); processor.setDisableUploadTimeout(getDisableUploadTimeout()); processor.setCompressionMinSize(getCompressionMinSize()); processor.setCompression(getCompression()); processor.setNoCompressionUserAgents(getNoCompressionUserAgents()); processor.setCompressibleMimeTypes(getCompressibleMimeTypes()); processor.setRestrictedUserAgents(getRestrictedUserAgents()); processor.setMaxSavePostSize(getMaxSavePostSize()); processor.setServer(getServer()); processor.setServerRemoveAppProvidedValues(getServerRemoveAppProvidedValues()); return processor; }
- InternalInputBuffer的parseRequestLine方法用于读取请求行;
- InternalInputBuffer的parseHeaders方法用于读取请求头;
- prepareRequest用于在正式处理请求之前,做一些准备工作,如根据请求头获取请求的版本号是HTTP/1.1还是HTTP/0.9、keepAlive是否为true等,还会设置一些输入过滤器用于标记请求、压缩等;
- 调用CoyoteAdapter的service方法处理请求。
@Override public SocketState service(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper) throws IOException { RequestInfo rp = request.getRequestProcessor(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PARSE); // Setting up the I/O setSocketWrapper(socketWrapper); inputBuffer.init(socketWrapper); outputBuffer.init(socketWrapper); // Flags keepAlive = true; openSocket = false; readComplete = true; boolean keptAlive = false; SendfileState sendfileState = SendfileState.DONE; while (!getErrorState().isError() && keepAlive && !isAsync() && upgradeToken == null && sendfileState == SendfileState.DONE && !endpoint.isPaused()) { // Parsing the request header try { if (!inputBuffer.parseRequestLine(keptAlive)) { if (inputBuffer.getParsingRequestLinePhase() == -1) { return SocketState.UPGRADING; } else if (handleIncompleteRequestLineRead()) { break; } } if (endpoint.isPaused()) { // 503 - Service unavailable response.setStatus(503); setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CLEAN, null); } else { keptAlive = true; // Set this every time in case limit has been changed via JMX request.getMimeHeaders().setLimit(endpoint.getMaxHeaderCount()); if (!inputBuffer.parseHeaders()) { // We've read part of the request, don't recycle it // instead associate it with the socket openSocket = true; readComplete = false; break; } if (!disableUploadTimeout) { socketWrapper.setReadTimeout(connectionUploadTimeout); } } } catch (IOException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("http11processor.header.parse"), e); } setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CONNECTION_NOW, e); break; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); UserDataHelper.Mode logMode = userDataHelper.getNextMode(); if (logMode != null) { String message = sm.getString("http11processor.header.parse"); switch (logMode) { case INFO_THEN_DEBUG: message += sm.getString("http11processor.fallToDebug"); //$FALL-THROUGH$ case INFO:, t); break; case DEBUG: log.debug(message, t); } } // 400 - Bad Request response.setStatus(400); setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CLEAN, t); getAdapter().log(request, response, 0); } // Has an upgrade been requested? Enumeration<String> connectionValues = request.getMimeHeaders().values("Connection"); boolean foundUpgrade = false; while (connectionValues.hasMoreElements() && !foundUpgrade) { foundUpgrade = connectionValues.nextElement().toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH).contains("upgrade"); } if (foundUpgrade) { // Check the protocol String requestedProtocol = request.getHeader("Upgrade"); UpgradeProtocol upgradeProtocol = httpUpgradeProtocols.get(requestedProtocol); if (upgradeProtocol != null) { if (upgradeProtocol.accept(request)) { // TODO Figure out how to handle request bodies at this // point. response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS); response.setHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); response.setHeader("Upgrade", requestedProtocol); action(ActionCode.CLOSE, null); getAdapter().log(request, response, 0); InternalHttpUpgradeHandler upgradeHandler = upgradeProtocol.getInternalUpgradeHandler( getAdapter(), cloneRequest(request)); UpgradeToken upgradeToken = new UpgradeToken(upgradeHandler, null, null); action(ActionCode.UPGRADE, upgradeToken); return SocketState.UPGRADING; } } } if (!getErrorState().isError()) { // Setting up filters, and parse some request headers rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PREPARE); try { prepareRequest(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("http11processor.request.prepare"), t); } // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CLEAN, t); getAdapter().log(request, response, 0); } } if (maxKeepAliveRequests == 1) { keepAlive = false; } else if (maxKeepAliveRequests > 0 && socketWrapper.decrementKeepAlive() <= 0) { keepAlive = false; } // Process the request in the adapter if (!getErrorState().isError()) { try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_SERVICE); getAdapter().service(request, response); // Handle when the response was committed before a serious // error occurred. Throwing a ServletException should both // set the status to 500 and set the errorException. // If we fail here, then the response is likely already // committed, so we can't try and set headers. if(keepAlive && !getErrorState().isError() && !isAsync() && statusDropsConnection(response.getStatus())) { setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CLEAN, null); } } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CONNECTION_NOW, e); } catch (HeadersTooLargeException e) { log.error(sm.getString("http11processor.request.process"), e); // The response should not have been committed but check it // anyway to be safe if (response.isCommitted()) { setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_NOW, e); } else { response.reset(); response.setStatus(500); setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CLEAN, e); response.setHeader("Connection", "close"); // TODO: Remove } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.error(sm.getString("http11processor.request.process"), t); // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CLEAN, t); getAdapter().log(request, response, 0); } } // Finish the handling of the request rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDINPUT); if (!isAsync()) { // If this is an async request then the request ends when it has // been completed. The AsyncContext is responsible for calling // endRequest() in that case. endRequest(); } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDOUTPUT); // If there was an error, make sure the request is counted as // and error, and update the statistics counter if (getErrorState().isError()) { response.setStatus(500); } if (!isAsync() || getErrorState().isError()) { request.updateCounters(); if (getErrorState().isIoAllowed()) { inputBuffer.nextRequest(); outputBuffer.nextRequest(); } } if (!disableUploadTimeout) { int soTimeout = endpoint.getConnectionTimeout(); if(soTimeout > 0) { socketWrapper.setReadTimeout(soTimeout); } else { socketWrapper.setReadTimeout(0); } } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_KEEPALIVE); sendfileState = processSendfile(socketWrapper); } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDED); if (getErrorState().isError() || endpoint.isPaused()) { return SocketState.CLOSED; } else if (isAsync()) { return SocketState.LONG; } else if (isUpgrade()) { return SocketState.UPGRADING; } else { if (sendfileState == SendfileState.PENDING) { return SocketState.SENDFILE; } else { if (openSocket) { if (readComplete) { return SocketState.OPEN; } else { return SocketState.LONG; } } else { return SocketState.CLOSED; } } } }
@Override public void service(org.apache.coyote.Request req, org.apache.coyote.Response res) throws Exception { Request request = (Request) req.getNote(ADAPTER_NOTES); Response response = (Response) res.getNote(ADAPTER_NOTES); if (request == null) { // Create objects request = connector.createRequest(); request.setCoyoteRequest(req); response = connector.createResponse(); response.setCoyoteResponse(res); // Link objects request.setResponse(response); response.setRequest(request); // Set as notes req.setNote(ADAPTER_NOTES, request); res.setNote(ADAPTER_NOTES, response); // Set query string encoding req.getParameters().setQueryStringCharset(connector.getURICharset()); } if (connector.getXpoweredBy()) { response.addHeader("X-Powered-By", POWERED_BY); } boolean async = false; boolean postParseSuccess = false; req.getRequestProcessor().setWorkerThreadName(THREAD_NAME.get()); try { // Parse and set Catalina and configuration specific // request parameters postParseSuccess = postParseRequest(req, request, res, response); if (postParseSuccess) { //check valves if we support async request.setAsyncSupported( connector.getService().getContainer().getPipeline().isAsyncSupported()); // Calling the container connector.getService().getContainer().getPipeline().getFirst().invoke( request, response); } if (request.isAsync()) { async = true; ReadListener readListener = req.getReadListener(); if (readListener != null && request.isFinished()) { // Possible the all data may have been read during service() // method so this needs to be checked here ClassLoader oldCL = null; try { oldCL = request.getContext().bind(false, null); if (req.sendAllDataReadEvent()) { req.getReadListener().onAllDataRead(); } } finally { request.getContext().unbind(false, oldCL); } } Throwable throwable = (Throwable) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION); // If an async request was started, is not going to end once // this container thread finishes and an error occurred, trigger // the async error process if (!request.isAsyncCompleting() && throwable != null) { request.getAsyncContextInternal().setErrorState(throwable, true); } } else { request.finishRequest(); response.finishResponse(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } finally { AtomicBoolean error = new AtomicBoolean(false); res.action(ActionCode.IS_ERROR, error); if (request.isAsyncCompleting() && error.get()) { // Connection will be forcibly closed which will prevent // completion happening at the usual point. Need to trigger // call to onComplete() here. res.action(ActionCode.ASYNC_POST_PROCESS, null); async = false; } // Access log if (!async && postParseSuccess) { // Log only if processing was invoked. // If postParseRequest() failed, it has already logged it. Context context = request.getContext(); // If the context is null, it is likely that the endpoint was // shutdown, this connection closed and the request recycled in // a different thread. That thread will have updated the access // log so it is OK not to update the access log here in that // case. if (context != null) { context.logAccess(request, response, System.currentTimeMillis() - req.getStartTime(), false); } } req.getRequestProcessor().setWorkerThreadName(null); // Recycle the wrapper request and response if (!async) { request.recycle(); response.recycle(); } } }
- 创建Request与Response对象并且关联起来;
- 调用postParseRequest方法(见代码清单10)对请求进行解析;
将真正的请求处理交给Engine的Pipeline去处理,代码:connector.getService().getContainer().getPipeline().getFirst().invoke(request, response);
protected boolean postParseRequest(org.apache.coyote.Request req, Request request, org.apache.coyote.Response res, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { // If the processor has set the scheme (AJP does this, HTTP does this if // SSL is enabled) use this to set the secure flag as well. If the // processor hasn't set it, use the settings from the connector if (req.scheme().isNull()) { // Use connector scheme and secure configuration, (defaults to // "http" and false respectively) req.scheme().setString(connector.getScheme()); request.setSecure(connector.getSecure()); } else { // Use processor specified scheme to determine secure state request.setSecure(req.scheme().equals("https")); } // At this point the Host header has been processed. // Override if the proxyPort/proxyHost are set String proxyName = connector.getProxyName(); int proxyPort = connector.getProxyPort(); if (proxyPort != 0) { req.setServerPort(proxyPort); } else if (req.getServerPort() == -1) { // Not explicitly set. Use default ports based on the scheme if (req.scheme().equals("https")) { req.setServerPort(443); } else { req.setServerPort(80); } } if (proxyName != null) { req.serverName().setString(proxyName); } MessageBytes undecodedURI = req.requestURI(); // Check for ping OPTIONS * request if (undecodedURI.equals("*")) { if (req.method().equalsIgnoreCase("OPTIONS")) { StringBuilder allow = new StringBuilder(); allow.append("GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE"); // Trace if allowed if (connector.getAllowTrace()) { allow.append(", TRACE"); } // Always allow options allow.append(", OPTIONS"); res.setHeader("Allow", allow.toString()); } else { res.setStatus(404); res.setMessage("Not found"); } connector.getService().getContainer().logAccess( request, response, 0, true); return false; } MessageBytes decodedURI = req.decodedURI(); if (undecodedURI.getType() == MessageBytes.T_BYTES) { // Copy the raw URI to the decodedURI decodedURI.duplicate(undecodedURI); // Parse the path parameters. This will: // - strip out the path parameters // - convert the decodedURI to bytes parsePathParameters(req, request); // URI decoding // %xx decoding of the URL try { req.getURLDecoder().convert(decodedURI, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { res.setStatus(400); res.setMessage("Invalid URI: " + ioe.getMessage()); connector.getService().getContainer().logAccess( request, response, 0, true); return false; } // Normalization if (!normalize(req.decodedURI())) { res.setStatus(400); res.setMessage("Invalid URI"); connector.getService().getContainer().logAccess( request, response, 0, true); return false; } // Character decoding convertURI(decodedURI, request); // Check that the URI is still normalized if (!checkNormalize(req.decodedURI())) { res.setStatus(400); res.setMessage("Invalid URI character encoding"); connector.getService().getContainer().logAccess( request, response, 0, true); return false; } } else { /* The URI is chars or String, and has been sent using an in-memory * protocol handler. The following assumptions are made: * - req.requestURI() has been set to the 'original' non-decoded, * non-normalized URI * - req.decodedURI() has been set to the decoded, normalized form * of req.requestURI() */ decodedURI.toChars(); // Remove all path parameters; any needed path parameter should be set // using the request object rather than passing it in the URL CharChunk uriCC = decodedURI.getCharChunk(); int semicolon = uriCC.indexOf(';'); if (semicolon > 0) { decodedURI.setChars (uriCC.getBuffer(), uriCC.getStart(), semicolon); } } // Request mapping. MessageBytes serverName; if (connector.getUseIPVHosts()) { serverName = req.localName(); if (serverName.isNull()) { // well, they did ask for it res.action(ActionCode.REQ_LOCAL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, null); } } else { serverName = req.serverName(); } // Version for the second mapping loop and // Context that we expect to get for that version String version = null; Context versionContext = null; boolean mapRequired = true; while (mapRequired) { // This will map the the latest version by default connector.getService().getMapper().map(serverName, decodedURI, version, request.getMappingData()); // If there is no context at this point, it is likely no ROOT context // has been deployed if (request.getContext() == null) { res.setStatus(404); res.setMessage("Not found"); // No context, so use host Host host = request.getHost(); // Make sure there is a host (might not be during shutdown) if (host != null) { host.logAccess(request, response, 0, true); } return false; } // Now we have the context, we can parse the session ID from the URL // (if any). Need to do this before we redirect in case we need to // include the session id in the redirect String sessionID; if (request.getServletContext().getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes() .contains(SessionTrackingMode.URL)) { // Get the session ID if there was one sessionID = request.getPathParameter( SessionConfig.getSessionUriParamName( request.getContext())); if (sessionID != null) { request.setRequestedSessionId(sessionID); request.setRequestedSessionURL(true); } } // Look for session ID in cookies and SSL session parseSessionCookiesId(request); parseSessionSslId(request); sessionID = request.getRequestedSessionId(); mapRequired = false; if (version != null && request.getContext() == versionContext) { // We got the version that we asked for. That is it. } else { version = null; versionContext = null; Context[] contexts = request.getMappingData().contexts; // Single contextVersion means no need to remap // No session ID means no possibility of remap if (contexts != null && sessionID != null) { // Find the context associated with the session for (int i = (contexts.length); i > 0; i--) { Context ctxt = contexts[i - 1]; if (ctxt.getManager().findSession(sessionID) != null) { // We found a context. Is it the one that has // already been mapped? if (!ctxt.equals(request.getMappingData().context)) { // Set version so second time through mapping // the correct context is found version = ctxt.getWebappVersion(); versionContext = ctxt; // Reset mapping request.getMappingData().recycle(); mapRequired = true; // Recycle cookies and session info in case the // correct context is configured with different // settings request.recycleSessionInfo(); request.recycleCookieInfo(true); } break; } } } } if (!mapRequired && request.getContext().getPaused()) { // Found a matching context but it is paused. Mapping data will // be wrong since some Wrappers may not be registered at this // point. try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Should never happen } // Reset mapping request.getMappingData().recycle(); mapRequired = true; } } // Possible redirect MessageBytes redirectPathMB = request.getMappingData().redirectPath; if (!redirectPathMB.isNull()) { String redirectPath = URLEncoder.DEFAULT.encode( redirectPathMB.toString(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String query = request.getQueryString(); if (request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) { // This is not optimal, but as this is not very common, it // shouldn't matter redirectPath = redirectPath + ";" + SessionConfig.getSessionUriParamName( request.getContext()) + "=" + request.getRequestedSessionId(); } if (query != null) { // This is not optimal, but as this is not very common, it // shouldn't matter redirectPath = redirectPath + "?" + query; } response.sendRedirect(redirectPath); request.getContext().logAccess(request, response, 0, true); return false; } // Filter trace method if (!connector.getAllowTrace() && req.method().equalsIgnoreCase("TRACE")) { Wrapper wrapper = request.getWrapper(); String header = null; if (wrapper != null) { String[] methods = wrapper.getServletMethods(); if (methods != null) { for (int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) { if ("TRACE".equals(methods[i])) { continue; } if (header == null) { header = methods[i]; } else { header += ", " + methods[i]; } } } } res.setStatus(405); res.addHeader("Allow", header); res.setMessage("TRACE method is not allowed"); request.getContext().logAccess(request, response, 0, true); return false; } doConnectorAuthenticationAuthorization(req, request); return true; }
- 解析请求url中的参数;
- URI decoding的转换;
- 调用normalize方法判断请求路径中是否存在"\", "//", "/./"和"/../",如果存在则处理结束;
- 调用convertURI方法将字节转换为字符;
- 调用checkNormalize方法判断uri是否存在"\", "//", "/./"和"/../",如果存在则处理结束;
- 调用Connector的getMapper方法获取Mapper(已在《TOMCAT源码分析——请求原理分析(上)》一文中介绍),然后调用Mapper的map方法(见代码清单11)对host和context进行匹配(比如http://localhost:8080/manager/status会匹配host:localhost,context:/manager),其实质是调用internalMap方法;
- 使用ApplicationSessionCookieConfig.getSessionUriParamName获取sessionid的key,然后获取sessionid;
- 调用parseSessionCookiesId和parseSessionSslId方法查找cookie或者SSL中的sessionid。
/** * Map the specified host name and URI, mutating the given mapping data. * * @param host Virtual host name * @param uri URI * @param version The version, if any, included in the request to be mapped * @param mappingData This structure will contain the result of the mapping * operation * @throws IOException if the buffers are too small to hold the results of * the mapping. */ public void map(MessageBytes host, MessageBytes uri, String version, MappingData mappingData) throws IOException { if (host.isNull()) { host.getCharChunk().append(defaultHostName); } host.toChars(); uri.toChars(); internalMap(host.getCharChunk(), uri.getCharChunk(), version, mappingData); }
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