
os.id 业主编号,os.name 业主名称,ot.name 业主类型名称
from t_owners os,t_ownertype ot
where os.ownertypeid=ot.id
select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ad.name 地址,ot.name 业主类型
from t_owners ow,t_ownertype ot,t_address ad
where ow.addressid = ad.id and ow.ownertypeid = ot.id
select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ad.name 地址,ar.name 所属区域,ot.name 业主类型
from t_owners ow,t_ownertype ot,t_address ad,t_area ar
where ow.addressid = ad.id and ow.ownertypeid = ot.id and ad.areaid = ar.id
select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ad.name 地址,ar.name 所属区域,op.name 收费员,ot.name 业主类型
from t_owners ow,t_ownertype ot,t_address ad,t_area ar,t_operator op
where ow.addressid = ad.id and ow.ownertypeid = ot.id and ad.areaid = ar.id and ad.operatorid = op.id

select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ac.year 年,ac.month 月,ac.money 金额
from t_owners ow left join t_account ac
on ac.owneruuid = ow.id 
select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ac.year 年,ac.month 月,ac.money 金额
from t_owners ow,t_account ac
where ow.id=ac.owneruuid(+)
select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ac.year 年,ac.month 月,ac.money 金额
from t_owners ow right join t_account ac
on ac.owneruuid = ow.id
select ow.id 业主编号,ow.name 业主名称,ac.year 年,ac.month 月,ac.money 金额
from t_owners ow,t_account ac
where ow.id(+)=ac.owneruuid


posted @ 2018-11-19 22:39  学亮编程手记  阅读(187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报