SELECT "TB1".driver_id, "TB1".driver_name, "TB1".mobile, "TB1".alliance_name, "TB1".register_city, "TB1".driver_type, SUM("TB1".pushOrderNum) AS "pushOrderNum" , SUM("TB1".effectiveSlogan) AS "effectiveSlogan", SUM("TB1".grab_sus_order) AS "grab_sus_order", SUM("TB1".cancel_order_num) AS "cancel_order_num", SUM("TB1".cancel_passenger_num) AS "cancel_passenger_num", SUM("TB1".cancel_driver_num) AS "cancel_driver_num", SUM("TB1".cancel_service_num) AS "cancel_service_num", SUM("TB1".destination_reached_num) AS "destination_reached_num", SUM("TB1".pay_num) AS "pay_num", SUM("TB1".order_cumulative_num) AS "order_cumulative_num", SUM("TB1".order_pay_cumulative_num) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" from (SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(to_number("pushOrderNum")) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_crontab_reservation" WHERE CASE WHEN "pushOrderTime" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("pushOrderTime",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("pushOrderTime",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(to_number("effectiveSlogan")) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_crontab_reservation" WHERE CASE WHEN "_effective_glab_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("_effective_glab_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("_effective_glab_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(to_number("grab_sus_order")) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_crontab_reservation" WHERE CASE WHEN "grab_sus_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("grab_sus_time" , 'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time} , 'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("grab_sus_time" , 'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time} , 'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(to_number("cancel_order_num")) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(to_number("cancel_passenger_num")) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(to_number("cancel_driver_num")) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(to_number("cancel_service_num")) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_crontab_reservation" WHERE CASE WHEN "cancel_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("cancel_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("cancel_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(to_number("destination_reached_num")) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_crontab_reservation" WHERE CASE WHEN "close_gps_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("close_gps_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("close_gps_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(to_number("pay_num")) AS "pay_num" , sum(to_number("order_cumulative_num")) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(to_number("order_pay_cumulative_num")) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_crontab_reservation" WHERE CASE WHEN "pay_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("pay_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("pay_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" ) AS "TB1" GROUP BY "TB1".driver_id , "TB1".driver_name , "TB1".mobile , "TB1".alliance_name , "TB1".register_city , "TB1".driver_type
select a1 , a2 , sum(a3) , sum(a4) ..... from( select * from table where 条件(推送订单) union all select * from table where 条件(有效抢单) union all select * from table where 条件(抢单成功) union all select * from table where 条件(取消订单) union all select * from table where 条件(到达目的地) union all select * from table where 条件(支付) ) group by a1 , a2
并且每个时间字段格式是:yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss
//基表 val _reservation = session .read .format(GlobalConfigUtils.customHbasePath) .options( Map( GlobalConfigUtils.sparksql_table_schema -> GlobalConfigUtils._spark_reservation, GlobalConfigUtils.hbase_table_name -> "_crontab_reservation", GlobalConfigUtils.hbase_table_schema -> GlobalConfigUtils._hbase_reservation )).load() _reservation.createOrReplaceTempView("reservation") //缓存表 session.sqlContext.cacheTable("reservation")
//1):推送订单表 val _push_order_tb: DataFrame = session.sql(Optimization_resevation._push_order_tb) //2):有效订单表 val _effective_tb: DataFrame = session.sql(Optimization_resevation._effective_tb) //3):抢单成功表 val _success_glab_order: DataFrame = session.sql(Optimization_resevation._success_glab_order) //4):取消订单表 val _cancel_order:DataFrame = session.sql(Optimization_resevation._cancel_order) //5):到达目的地表 val _destination_reached_order:DataFrame = session.sql(Optimization_resevation._destination_reached_order) //6):支付订单表 val _pay_order:DataFrame = session.sql(Optimization_resevation._pay_order)
sql语句就是对每个时间对应的表做时间瘦表,把yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss变成yyyy-mm-dd
lazy val _push_order_tb = """ |select |tb.driver_id , |tb.driver_name , |tb.mobile , |tb.alliance_name , |tb.driver_management_id , |tb.register_city , |tb.driver_type , |cast(tb.close_gps_time as string) as close_gps_time, |cast(tb.pushOrderTime as string) as pushOrderTime , |cast(tb._effective_glab_time as string) as _effective_glab_time , |cast(tb.pay_time as string) as pay_time, |cast(tb.cancel_time as string) as cancel_time, |cast(tb.grab_sus_time as string) as grab_sus_time , |sum(tb.pushOrderNum) as pushOrderNum , |sum(0) AS effectiveSlogan , |sum(0) AS grab_sus_order , |sum(0) AS cancel_order_num, |sum(0) AS cancel_passenger_num, |sum(0) AS cancel_driver_num, |sum(0) AS cancel_service_num , |sum(0) AS destination_reached_num , |sum(0) AS pay_num , |sum(0) AS order_cumulative_num, |sum(0) AS order_pay_cumulative_num |from |( |select |driver_id , |driver_name , |mobile , |alliance_name , |driver_management_id , |register_city , |driver_type , |0 as close_gps_time , |date_format(pushOrderTime,'yyyy-MM-dd') as pushOrderTime , |0 as _effective_glab_time , |0 as pay_time , |0 as cancel_time , |0 as grab_sus_time , |pushOrderNum , |0 AS effectiveSlogan , |0 AS grab_sus_order , |0 AS cancel_order_num, |0 AS cancel_passenger_num, |0 AS cancel_driver_num, |0 AS cancel_service_num , |0 AS destination_reached_num , |0 AS pay_num , |0 AS order_cumulative_num, |0 AS order_pay_cumulative_num |from |reservation |where |pushOrderTime != '0' |and |cast(date_format(pushOrderTime , 'yyyyMMdd') as bigint) < cast(date_format(now() , 'yyyyMMdd') as bigint) |) tb |GROUP BY |tb.driver_id , |tb.driver_name , |tb.mobile , |tb.alliance_name , |tb.driver_management_id , |tb.register_city , |tb.driver_type , |tb.close_gps_time , |tb.pushOrderTime , |tb._effective_glab_time , |tb.pay_time , |tb.cancel_time , |tb.grab_sus_time """.stripMargin
dF.write .mode(SaveMode.Append) .options(Map(HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog -> catalog , HBaseTableCatalog.newTable -> "8")) .format("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase") .save()
代码其实就是将一个表拆成6张表(对应每个不同的时间维度),然后将时间yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss中的数据按照司机ID和yyyy-mm-dd做分组求和。这样落到hbase就是6张小表了。
SELECT "TB1".driver_id, "TB1".driver_name, "TB1".mobile, "TB1".alliance_name, "TB1".register_city, "TB1".driver_type, SUM("TB1".pushOrderNum) AS "pushOrderNum" , SUM("TB1".effectiveSlogan) AS "effectiveSlogan", SUM("TB1".grab_sus_order) AS "grab_sus_order", SUM("TB1".cancel_order_num) AS "cancel_order_num", SUM("TB1".cancel_passenger_num) AS "cancel_passenger_num", SUM("TB1".cancel_driver_num) AS "cancel_driver_num", SUM("TB1".cancel_service_num) AS "cancel_service_num", SUM("TB1".destination_reached_num) AS "destination_reached_num", SUM("TB1".pay_num) AS "pay_num", SUM("TB1".order_cumulative_num) AS "order_cumulative_num", SUM("TB1".order_pay_cumulative_num) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" from (SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(to_number("pushOrderNum")) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_push_order_tb" WHERE CASE WHEN "pushOrderTime" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("pushOrderTime",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("pushOrderTime",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(to_number("effectiveSlogan")) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_effective_tb" WHERE CASE WHEN "_effective_glab_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("_effective_glab_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("_effective_glab_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(to_number("grab_sus_order")) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_success_glab_order_tb" WHERE CASE WHEN "grab_sus_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("grab_sus_time" , 'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time} , 'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("grab_sus_time" , 'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time} , 'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(to_number("cancel_order_num")) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(to_number("cancel_passenger_num")) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(to_number("cancel_driver_num")) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(to_number("cancel_service_num")) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_cancel_order_tb" WHERE CASE WHEN "cancel_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("cancel_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("cancel_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(to_number("destination_reached_num")) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(0) AS "pay_num" , sum(0) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(0) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_destination_reached_order_tb" WHERE CASE WHEN "close_gps_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("close_gps_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("close_gps_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" union all SELECT "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" , sum(0) AS "pushOrderNum" , sum(0) AS "effectiveSlogan" , sum(0) AS "grab_sus_order" , sum(0) AS "cancel_order_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_passenger_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_driver_num", sum(0) AS "cancel_service_num" , sum(0) AS "destination_reached_num" , sum(to_number("pay_num")) AS "pay_num" , sum(to_number("order_cumulative_num")) AS "order_cumulative_num", sum(to_number("order_pay_cumulative_num")) AS "order_pay_cumulative_num" FROM "_pay_order_tb" WHERE CASE WHEN "pay_time" != '0' THEN TO_DATE("pay_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') >= TO_DATE(#{start_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') AND TO_DATE("pay_time",'yyyy-MM-dd') <= TO_DATE(#{end_time},'yyyy-MM-dd') ELSE 1=1 END <if test="driver_id != null and driver_id !=''"> and "driver_id"= #{driver_id} </if> <if test="driver_name != null and driver_name !=''"> and "driver_name" = #{driver_name} </if> <if test="mobile != null and mobile !=''"> and "mobile" = #{mobile} </if> <if test="alliance_name != null and alliance_name !=''"> and "driver_management_id" = #{alliance_name} </if> <if test="register_city != null and register_city !=''"> and substr("register_city" , 0 , 4) = substr(#{register_city} , 0 , 4) </if> <if test="driver_type != null and driver_type !=''"> and "driver_type" = #{driver_type} </if> GROUP BY "driver_id" , "driver_name" , "mobile" , "alliance_name" , "register_city" , "driver_type" ) AS "TB1" GROUP BY "TB1".driver_id , "TB1".driver_name , "TB1".mobile , "TB1".alliance_name , "TB1".register_city , "TB1".driver_type