[Reading] Smart Girls Marry Money

wallet['wɔlit] n. 皮夹,钱包
provocative [prə'vɔkətiv]  adj. 气人的,挑拨的,刺激的   n. 刺激物,挑拨物,兴奋剂
satirical [sə'tirik(ə)l] adj. 讽刺的,爱挖苦的
mission['miʃən]  n. 任务,代表团,使命
come into being   vi. 出现(存在,产生,形成,成立)
preschool  a. 未满学龄的,就学前的    n. 育幼院,幼稚园
aspire [əs'paiə] v. 热望,立志
starry-eyed adj. 幻想的, 过分乐观的

Over at our fellow WSJ blog, the Wallet, there's a provocative Q & A with the authors of a new book called "Smart Girls Marry Money", a satirical self-help book which has a serious mission: to get women and men to talk more about marriage and finances.
在<华尔街日报>网上博客"The Wallet"中, 新书<聪明女孩嫁给钱>(Smart Girls Marry Money)的两位作者与读者之间进行了颇有争议的问答. 这是一本讽刺性自助书籍. 它的一个重大使命就是: 让女人和男人多谈谈婚姻和财务状况.
The book came into being when the two working-mom authors, Elizabeth Ford and Daniela Drake, M.D., met while picking up their young children from preschool. They noticed that the moms who were able to spend the most time with their kids were the "mom who hadn't necessarily taken their careers seriously and married someone with mony, " said Dr.Drake in the interview. " It became a joke that if we were smart, we would have married for money.
这本书的两位作者Elizabeth Ford 和 Daniela Drake, M.D.都是上班族妈妈, 她们在从幼儿园接孩子的时候遇见了, 这本书就这样诞生了. Drake在接受采访时说, 她们注意到, 能花最多时间和孩子在一起的妈妈们并不一定是在事业上兢兢业业的人, 而是嫁给了有钱人的女人. 她说, 聪明的花就嫁有钱人这个说法曾一度成了笑话.

The authors aren't saying that every woman should aspire to marry a rich guy. But they argue that marriage shouldn't just be about love----it should also be an economic partnership(as marriage traditionally was for centuries.) Woman and men should be more upfront about marriage and money, instead of entering marriage starry-eyed without considering the financial future.
两位作者的意思并不是说, 每个女性都应该立志嫁给有钱人, 不过她们说, 婚姻并不是光有爱情就够了, 还应该是经济上的伙伴关系(就像几百年来婚姻的传统模式一样). 女性和男性应该在婚姻和金钱的问题上更加坦率, 而不是在没有考虑财务未来的情况下就满脑子幻想地步入婚姻的殿堂.

本文来自: 恒星英语学习网(http://www.hxen.com/)

posted @ 2009-09-14 17:11  牛小花  阅读(188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报