PostgreSQL configure: error: readline library not found


安装 PostgreSQL 时报错,以下

configure: error: readline library not found
If you have readline already installed, see config.log for details on the
failure.  It is possible the compiler isn't looking in the proper directory.
Use --without-readline to disable readline support.


检查系统是否安装 readline

rpm -qa | grep readline

安装 readline-devel

yum -y install -y readline-devel

再次执行 configure 成功

关于 readline 的解释,来自官网

Prevents use of the Readline library (and libedit as well). Thisoption disables command-line
editing and history in psql, so it is notrecommended.

说明:执行 configure 时报错提示,可以加上 "--without-readline" 从而避开这个 ERROR,但 Postgresql 官方不推荐这么做

posted @ 2021-12-16 16:34  牛奔  阅读(856)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报