Finance Theory

Finance Theory


Ses 1 - Introduction

Challenges of Finance:

  1. valuation of assets
  2. management of assets

The framework of Financial Analysis:

  1. Accounting: the language of finance

    1. stock
    2. flow(derivative)
  2. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Perspectives

    1. Balance Sheet(资产负债表): snapshot of financial status quo(stock): Financial status

    2. Income statement: snapshot of change of the status quo(flow): Financial decisions

  3. Corporate financial decisions - cash flow in corporation

  4. Personal Financial Decisions - cash flow in person

Time and Risk
comes up with modern economics

Six Fundamental Principles of Finance

  1. There is no such thing as a free lunch
  2. Other things equal, individuals:
    1. prefer more money than less(non-satiation)
    2. prefer money now to later(impatience)
    3. prefer to avoid risk (risk aversion)
  3. All agents act to further their own self-interest.
  4. Financial Market Prices Shift to Equalize Supply and Demand
  5. Financial Markets Are Highly Adaptive and Competitive
  6. Risk-Sharing and Frictions Are Central to Financial Innovation

We should pull the knowledge from other into ourself.(that means you should know what are you eager for)

Ses 2 - Present Value Relations

CashFlows and Asset

An interesting sentence make me shocked:

An Asset is a Sequence of current and future Cashflows.

Asset_t = {CF_t, CF_t+1, CF_t+2, ...}

Value of Asset:
Always draw a timeline to visualize the timing of cashflows.

posted @ 2024-09-12 19:19  nipper  阅读(2)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报